必修一课文单句语法填空Welcome Unit
1.Im notoutgoing so Im alittleanxiety rightnow.
2.1want tomake agood firstimpress.
1.1justhave myfirst mathsclass at senior high school!
4.The classwasdifficulty,but theteacher waskind andfriend.
5.I foundmost ofmy classmates and teachersfriendly andhelp.
6.This afternoon,we hadourchemical classin thescience lab.
7.I couldntconcentrationon theexperiment.
8.I reallywanted totell himto pleasebe quietand leavemelone.
9.I wasworrythat noone wouldtalk tome.
10.I didntfeel awkwardorfright at all.
11.There9sa lot exploreatsenior high.
1.11feel muchmoreconfidence thanI feltthis morning.
13.Tmcuriosity abouteverything.
14.dance andskateare myhobbies,and I also liketo readshort stories.
15.If Imnot inclass,Im in the libraryor in the computerlab.
16.At theweekends,I playcomputer gamesif Tmnot busystudy.
17.My dreamisstart myown ITcompany!Unit5Languages aroundthe world
1.China iswide knownfor itsancient civilizewhich hascontinued all the waythrough intomoderntimes,the manyups anddowns inits history.
2.There aremany reasonsthis has been possible,but oneof themain factorhasbeentheChinese writing system.
3.At thebeginning,write Chinesewas apicture-based language.
4.It datesback severalthousand yearsto theuse oflonggu animalbones and shells which一symbolscarve byancient Chinese people.
5.By theShang Dynastyaround1600-1046BCE,these symbolshad become awell-developedwrite system.
6.Over theyears,the systemdeveloped differentforms,as it was atime people weredividedgeographical,leading tomany varietiesof dialects and characters.
7.Emperor Qinshihuangunited theseven majorstates intoone unifiedcountry the Chinesewriting systembegan todevelop inone direction.That writingsystem wasof greatimportantinuniting the Chinesepeopleand culture.
8.Written Chinesehas alsobecome animportant meanby whichChinas presentis connecteditspast.
9.The highregard for theChinesewritingsystemcan beseen in the developmentofChinesecharacter asan artform,know asChinese calligraphy,which hasbecome animportantpart ofChinese culture.
10.As Chinaplays agreater rolein globalaffairs,an increasenumber ofinternational studentsarebeginning toappreciate Chinasculture andhistory throughthis amazelanguage.
11.i used to gethigh marksin English,but nowIm havingalotof troublemylistening.
12.When Ilisten tonative Englishspeakerstalk ina video,I cancatch onlya fewwords.
13.listen toEnglish radioprogrammes helpsme get used tohow fastnativespeakers talk.
14.Ialsorepeat Ihear tohelp myselfto experiencethe feelingof thelanguage.
15.Sometimes Ieven recordmy voicesoIcan listento myselfand comparemy pronouncewiththe radiohosfs!
16.My biggestheadache ishowbe politein English.
17.I cantkeep allthe newvocabulary straightin myhead,and Icertain cantremember howtouse themall properly.HELP!Unit1Teenage Life
1.go fromjunior highschool toseniorhighschool is a reallybig challenge.
2.The firstweek was a littleconfuse.
3.I had to thinkverycareful aboutwhich coursesI wanted to take.
4.The schooladvise helpedme choosethe suitableones:maths,English,chemistry,world history,and Chinese.
5.I knowthat Chineseisavery difficultlanguage,but Ihope tobe fluentwhen Igraduate.
6.My adviserrecommended that I shouldsign upfor advanceliterature becauseIlike Englishand Imgood atit.
7.Obvious,I wasunhappy,but Iwont quit.
8.PH finda wayimproveon myown sothatIcan makethe teamnext year.
9.Every Wednesday,we workatasoup kitchenand handout foodtohome peoplein the community.
10.I knowFil haveto studyharder asa seniorhighschoolstudent andgetusedto beresponsiblefor alot more.
11.Im abit worriedaboutkeep upwith theother studentsin myadvanced course.
12.will bequite difficultto getusedtoallthehomework.
13.Studying hardisnt alwaysfun,but Illbe wellprepare foruniversity orwhateverelse comesin thefuture.
14.I understandquite wellthat youare anxiousand feelterribly.
15.I recommendthat youtalk toyour friendabout hisbehave.
16.It isnot unusualfor teenagersof yourgeneration attractto computergames andtheonline world.
17.But spendingtoo muchtime onlineishealth andmakes itvery difficultfocuson otherthings inlife.
18.Some studentseven becomeaddictto theInternet andcannot concentrateonschool andfamily life.
19.I thinkyou shouldencouragementyour friendto trynew hobbies.Unit2Travelling Around
1.PERU isa countryon thePacific coastof SouthAmerica withthree mainareas:narrow,dry,flat landrun along the coast,the Andes Mountains,and theAmazon rainforest.
2.In the1400sand1500s,Peru wasthe centreof thepower ancientInca Empire.
3.Spain tookcontrol Peruin the16th centuryand ruleduntil
4.It isfor thisreason Spanishis themain officiallanguage ofPeru.
5.A shortfly fromCusco takesyou from the Andesinto theAmazon rainforest.
6.From there,youll spendone daytravel byboat toyour accommodateinthemiddle of theforest.
7.You canthen spendthree daysexploring therainforest witha localguide andenjoying theplantsand animalsunique therainforest.
8.This four-day walkingtour willtake youonamaze pathsthrough theAndesMountainson thewayto the city ofMachu Picchu.
9.After reachingyour destination,you willhave aday exploreand beamazed bythis ancientcity.
10.especial amazingis theIncas5dry stonemethod ofbuilding.
11.Inca builderscut stonesto exactsizes sothat nothingneedto holdwalls togetherother thantheperfect fitof thestones.
12.Stay ina localhotel,visit themuseums,admire thearchitect,enjoy theexcellent localfood,and goshopping atthe localmarkets.
13.Enjoy thebeautiful countrysideas youspend aday drivingalongthenew highwayconnectCusco toLake Titicaca.
14.Both theisland and the Uroshomes aremade waterplants fromthe lake.
15.So comeand experiencePeru hasto offer:everything fromthe ancientIncaculture andcenturies-old Spanishvillages todeep rainforests,high mountains,and abeautifulcoastline.
16.Come andsee theTerracotta Army:more than8,000statues weremade inthe thirdcenturyBCEguard thetomb of theChineseEmperor Qinshihuang!
17.Each statuehas adifferent face,lead researchersto believethat eachone isa copyof arealsoldier.
18.The statuesfill onlyone partof theemperors hugetomb,still hasnot beencompletelyunearthed.Unit3Sports andFitness
1.They mustbe athletewho aremasters intheir sportsand alsoset goodexamples forothers.
2.As aplayer,Lang Pingbroughthonorable andglory toher country.
3.As acoach,she ledthe Chinawomens volleyballteam tomedals atworld championand theOlympics.
4.As aperson,Lang Pingis lovedby fansat homeand.
5.When theChinese teamwas preparingfor the2015World Cup,her determinewas tested.
6.The teamthat LangPing hadbuilt wasfalling.
7.One ofthe bestplayers had been injured,and theteam captainhadtoleave becauseheartproblems.
8.lose twoimportant playerswasabig challenge,but LangPing didnot loseheart.
9.She hadfaceddifficult before,andsheknew thather youngplayers couldwin ifthey workedtogethera team.
10.When MichaelJordans feetleft the ground,time seemedstandstill.
11.The playerwho becameknown as“Air Jordan^^changed basketballwith hisgrace movesandjumps.
12.Jordans skillswereimpress,but thementalstrong thathe showedmade himunique.
13.Jordan saysthat thesecret hissuccess islearning fromhis failures.
14.Losing gamestaught himpractiseharder andnever giveup.
15.In life,Jordan haslearned toshare hissucceedwith others.
16.The Boysand GirlsClub hestarted inChicago hasbeen helpingyoung peoplesince
17.I alwayswantedtolook likethe slimgirls onTV eventhough Iknew thatitwaspossible.
18.I worriedabout myweighand triedevery newdiet Iread aboutonline.
19.I hadno ideaa lettercould makesuch adifferent!
20.Once Istarted thinkingabout fitrather thanweight,things beganto change.
21.Rather thancut outthe foodsI enjoyed,I addedhealthy foodsto mymeals.
22.Finally,I stoppedcomparemyself withactresses andmodels andlooking forthings thatwerewrong withmy faceor body.
23.being positiveabout myselfand mybody,I becameboth happierand healthier.Unit4Natural Disasters
1.Strange thingswerehappen inthe countrysideof northeasternHebei.
2.There weredeep cracksappeared inthe wellwalls.
3.At leastone wellhad somesmelly gascomeout ofit.
4.Chickens andeven pigswere toonervousnessto eat,and dogsrefused togo insidebuildings.
5.Mice ranout ofthe fieldslookfor placesto hide,and fishjumped outofthewater.
6.At about300a.m.,on28July1976,bright lightsseeinthesky outsidethe cityof Tangshanandloud noiseswere heard.
7.But the citys onemillion peopleweresleep asusual thatnight.
8.It seemedas ifthe worldbecoming toan end!
9.Eleven kilometresdirectly belowthecity,one ofdeadlyearthquakes ofthe20th centuryhadbegun,a quakeeven causeddamage more than150kilometres awayinBeijing.
10.In lessthan oneminute,a largecity layinruin.
11.The number of peoplewho werekilled orbadly injuredinthequakebe morethan400,
12.Bricks coveredthegroundlike redautumn leave,but nowind couldblow them.
13.Most bridgeshad fallenor werenot safecross.
14.The railwaytracks werenowuse piecesof metal.
15.People wereshock-and then,later thatafternoon,another bigquake shookTangshanagain.
16.Water,food,andelectrical werehard toget.
17.Soon afterthe quakes,the armysent150,000soldiers toTangshan todig outthose whotrapand tobury thedead.
18.Workers builtshelters forsurvivors homeshadbeendestroyed.
19.Slowly,thecitybeganbreath again.
1..strong supportfromthegovernment and the tirelessefforts ofthe cityspeople,a newTangshanwas builtupon theearthquake ruins.
21.The newcity hasbecomeahome tomorethanseven millionpeople,with greatimprovementsintransport,industry,and environment.
22.Tangshan cityhas provedto Chinaandtherest ofthe worldthat intimes ofdisaster,peoplemustunification andshow thewisdom tostay positiveand rebuildfor abrighter future.
23.power earthquakeinthepast40years causeda tsunamithat crashedintocoastlines acrossAsia yesterday,kill morethan6,500people inIndonesia,India,Thailand,Malaysia,and atleast fourother countries.
24.Fishermen,tourists,hotels,homes,and carswere sweptaway byhuge wavescaused thestrongearthquake reacheda magnitudeof
25.In SriLanka,some1,600kilometres westofthequake centre,the numberof deathsstood at2,498,and onemillion moreaffectby thetsunami,government officialssaid.
26.Another254were founddiein Thailandand54in threeother countries.
27.In southernThailand,1,900peoplewerehurt andmany moreweremiss,local officialssaid.
28.Thousands ofpeople arestill missing,andthenumberofdeathsexpect togrow evenhigherover thenext fewdays.
29.Foreign aidorganizeforthetsunami-hit countries.
30.However,dangerous conditionsand damagedroads willmake difficultto deliverfood andsupplies.。