年湖南省常德市中考英语试卷2022第I卷第一部分阅读技能共20题;每题2分,满分40分.阅读下面的材料,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子Youre invitedto a party atJack andSues new home!We movedinto ournewhomein December.Its locatedat36River Road.Come toa dinnerparty onJanuary12and celebratewith us.Drinks andsnacks will be availablefrom6P.M.to7P.M.Dinner will begin at7P.M.Please letus knowby January5whether youllcome.Were lookingforward to seeing you!Jack andSue HarrisTEL02-33221100Emailjns@email com.tw
1.Who justmovedA.Jacks friends.B.Jack andSue.C.Jacks parents.
2.According to the invitation,is therea partyduring theday timeA.Yes,there is.B.No,there isnt.C.Not mentioned.
3.When shouldthe guestsreply tothe invitationA.In December.B.On January
12.C.By January
4.Where canwe mostprobably seethe invitationA.In thetext book.B.In Wechatmessages.C.In adiary book.I haveloved dancingever sinceI canremember.It was apartof mylife whenI wasgrowingup and it isstill importantto menow.A What can bebetter thandancing toyourfavorite songs1love going to clubsand discos.I candance allnight long.I neverget tiredofit.When I was small,I usedto go to schooldiscos,Id alsodance atthe partiesmy parents,friends andneighborshad.I dontthink Illever stopdancing.I alsolove lookingat dancing.Ballet isbeautiful.Dances from all overthe worldare beautiful.I thinkthe lifeof aprofessionaldancing.I thinkdancing mustbe in their blood.
5.Which canbest replace“△»in thepassageA.It hasto be the bestway toexercise.B.What funit is to singmy favoritesong!C.Dancing is as goodas singingwhen exercise.
6.What maybe discosA.A musichall.B.A dancehall.C.A sportshall.
7.What doesthe writerthink ofballetA.Relaxing.B.Terrible.C.Beautiful.
8.In thewriters opinion,do childrenlove dancingA.Yes,they do.B.No,they dont.C.Not mentioned.dancer mustbe agood one.One thingthat alwaysamazes meis howmuch childrenloveOne dayKavya andI wereplaying with the racketand ball and theball wentinto aTakkus house.Though wewere scared,we went to hishouse and asked himif hecould giveus ourball.He saidNo”.We felthelpless.Suddenly,I hadan idea.There wasa water tank behindthe Takkushouse.I lookedat it and toldKavya,Kavya,look atthis.We canclimb the water tank and jump over thegate.”Kavya agreed,but wewere both wearing skirts.We couldntclimb withthat.“It doesntmatter,we cansee tomorrow.Dont forgetto wearpants,“said Kavya.“Bye JI saidand wentback home.The nextday I went toKavyas houseearly.We werebothwearingpants.“Best ofluck,“said Kavyasbrother Vijay.He kneweverything.He said,Shout loudlyif youneed me.”We went tothe watertank.Who willclimb first”asked Kavya.“You JI said.She agreed.She climbeddown intothe Takkushouse.I followedher andthen wewere lookingunder abedfor theball whenwe hearda noise.It wasVijay.Mother iscalling youJ hewhispered.We hurriedand tookout thelost ball.But alongwiththeball wasa...gold bar!We quicklytookboth theballandthe goldbar andclimbed upthe watertank again.When wereached Kavyashouse,theTV wason.It wasNews time.I couldntbelieve myears whenit saidthat20gold barswere stolenfroma gold shop.They showeda pictureof the gold barsanditwas exactlylike theone wehad found.We allknewit becausethere wasa lookof surpriseon everyonesface.We quicklytold the story toKavyas motherand shecalled thepolice.
9.How didthey feelwhen theball wasin aTakkus houseA.Excited.B.Angry.C.Scared.
10.Why couldntthey climbthewatertankandjumpoverthe gateat firstA.They felthelpless.B.They werewearing skirts.C.The watertank wasdangerous.
11.What canwe tellfrom theend ofthe storyA.The policecame at once andcaught theTakku.B.The policefound therest ofthe goldbars inanother family.C.Kavya andthe authoreach gota giftscience bookfrom thepolice.
12.Which canbethe best titleA.The LostGold BarB.The LostBallC.The HelpfulMotherThe grizzlyis thestar of our littletown in the mountains.Many peoplevisit herefor thiskind ofstronglarge brownbear.When agrizzly growsup,it maybecome asheavy as680kg.But neverthinkthis giganticanimal movesslowly.In fact,the grizzlycan runas fastas55km anhour.Though grizzlieslook quitebig anddangerous,they eatnot onlymeat,but alsoflowers andgrasses.On summernights,they enjoycatching fishin therivers.That iswhy peopleusually comewatchinggrizzlies inthis season.Now thenumber ofgrizzlies isgetting smallerbecause theyhave beenkilled bypeople whosellgrizzly bodyparts asmedicine.Many peopleofourtown areworried aboutthis andhave askedforhelp tosave ourbig friends.
13.Whafs thegrizzlyA.Its astar in the sky.B・Its afamous person.C.If sa brownbear.
14.Can thegrizzly movefastA.Yes,it can.B.No,it cant.C.Not mentioned.
15.Which canbest replacein thepassageA.Fish is their favoritefood.B.They like to gofishing insummer.C.They enjoyspending timewith visitors.
16.What dowe knowabout thegrizzly nowA.The sizeof itgets smaller.B.Theyve beenkilled fortravelling.C.People aretrying tosave thegrizzly.Bike toWork DayBike-to-Work Dayis heldevery yearacross NorthAmerica on the thirdFriday ofMay.It was(促进)started by the Leagueof AmericanBicyclists in
1956.Its aimistopromote the bicycle asaserious choiceof gettingto andfrom work.In todaysworld whereglobal warmingis aserious issue,(碳)the bicycleis aperfect wayof reducingour carbonfootprint.(选择)Cycling to work isa healthyalternative todriving ortaking publictransport.A healthier(压力)society meansthere isnot somuch pressureonthecountrys healthsystem.Of course,itdepends onhow faryou livefrom yourplace ofwork.Another benefitof cyclingis feelingmorecreative andfull of energy onceyou gettowork,which willimprove yourperformance.Bicycles arethe most common form of transportin the world.There areabout onebillionworldwide.This makesit the most popularinvention ever.When wethink ofsome countries,likeChina,we imaginehundreds ofpeople cyclingeverywhere.Even inhigh-tech Japan,it isimpossiblenot to see businessmen,farmers,mothers orworkers inthe streetson theirbikes.Bicycles wereinvented inthe19th centuryand haventchanged muchsince.Bicycles nowhavegears,better brakesand suspension,but theshape isthe sameas before.We usebicycles todayforrecreation,fitness,policing,Olympic competition,mail deliveryand lotsmore.Without thebicycle,much oftheworldmight stopworking!
17.The mayin hasthe samemeaning asthe underlinedone inthe firstparagraph.A.Welcome,sir.May Ihelp youB.May1st isa LaborDay Holidayworldwide.C.May this year bea happyand healthyone foryou andyour families!
18.Which canbest replace“inthepassageA.Cycling isalso muchkinder onyour pocket.B.After all,bike towork ismuch healthier.C.Cycling makesyou full ofenergy.
19.Why doesthe authormention ChinaA.People inJapan alsolike bicycles.B.To tellus thebicycle wasinvented inChina.C.To showthebicycleisthemostcommonformoftransport.
20.Whatcanwe knowfrom thelast paragraphA.Bicycles arefull ofuse.B.We cantwork withoutbicycles.C Bicycleshave changeda lotsince invented.第二部分知识运用共两节,满分15分.第一节完形填空共15题;每题1分,满分15分.阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项o(病菌)The Coronavirus,or COVID-19,isagerm thatmakes peoplesick.It causesa cough,fever,and otheryucky symptoms.I dontliketobe
21.But I can stayhealthy bywashing my hands oftenwith soap22water.I canalsostay homeand awayfrom others.23I goout towalk orplay outside,I shouldstaytwo tothree bubblespaces awayfrom peoplewho donot live in myhome.Although itis goodmanners toshake24or givehigh fives,right nowI needto keepmyhandstomyself sothat everyonestays safeand healthy.I feel25not tobe able toseemy friendsor hugmy teachers.I wishI could
26.But itis closedright now27the coronavirus isintheair.When Ifeel sador nervous,I can28those wholivein my housefor ahug.I can29squeeze mystuffedbear orlove onmy pet.I cango30to playinmyyard orgo for a walk.Icaneven31a book.I dontlike beingstuck athome somuch.But I know itis32,so weall stayhealthy.I dolike beingabletoseemy familymore.My siblingsare alsoout ofschool andmy parentsare working33home.Iknow thisis hardright now,but itwontfriends thatI miss.Then I willbeso happyagain.
21.A.upset B.sick C.worried
22.A.and B.but C.or
23.A.When B.Whether C.Though
24.A.heads B.hands C.bodies
25.A.happy B.lucky C.sad
26.A.have awalk B.do sportsC.go toschool34forever.One day,Iwillbe ableto goback toschool and35my
27.A.if B.while C.so
28.A.ask B.look C.reach
29.A.only B.also C.even
30.A.around B.inside C.outside
31.A.read B.buy C.borrow
32.A.easy B.hard C.important
33.A.on B.from C.to
34.A.come B.work C.lastC.call
35.A.see B.visit第II卷第二部分知识运用共两节,满分15分.第二节语法填空共15小题每小题1分,满分15分.阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入适当内容1个单词.或括号内单词的正确形式1个或几个单词.,使句子通顺正确
36.One day,Shen Nongwas boilingdrinking waterover openfire.
37.It isnot onlyone ofthemostfamous places,but alsoone ofitgreatest mysteries.
38.I amgoingtothe party.一If youdo,youhave agreat time.一
39.In thestory ofChange,Pang Mengwanted stealthe medicine.
40.Even thebottom wasfullofrubbish,and therewere nomore fishforfisherman tocatch.
41.We alsolook forways toreview whatwelearn sincethree years ago.
42.What willthe futurebe like一—Cities willbebeautiful.And therewillbemore trees.
43.a differencea daymakes!My familydecided tostay atthe hotel.
44.he hasnot playedwith histoys fora longtime,he stillwould liketo keepthem.
45.—Where wereyou atten oclocklast Sunday—I feltlike hangingout withyou,but Istudyforatest atthat time.
46.The InternetinventbytheUS governmentinthe1960s forthe armyto use.
47.Is Lisathere一—No,she isnt.Shedo somereading atthe library.
48.April ishotmonth ofthe yearin ChiangMai.
49.Excuse me,could youplease tell me theband beginsplaying thisafternoon一—At threeoclock.
50.Pupils wereabletosee anew movieon TVcalled MonkeyKing November,
1.Honesty isthebestpolicy.Have youever heardabout thesaying,perhaps themost popularinEnglish languageIt wasperhaps thefavorite mottoof Americasfirst president.The wisdomis atleast2,500years old.It firstappeared asthe moralof Aesops fable,a storyabout twowoodcutters—one honest,the otherdishonest.The fablewasafavorite withboth Greekand Romanchildren.Anychild caneasily graspits timelessmoral.Here isthestory.One daya poorman wascutting abig pieceof woodnear ariver.Suddenly hisold axefell into.唯一的斧头丢了,他很忧伤thewater.2Then allatoncea beautifulfairy cameout andasked themanwhat wasthe matter..我砍柴时弄掉到水里了”“I havelost myaxe Jhe said,“3The fairyshowed him agoldaxe andasked,“Is thisyours”“No,said theman.
4.The fairythen showed himasilvei axe andaskedagain.Is thisyours”No Jagainanswered theman.Then sheshowedhimthe oldaxe.
5.“Yes、that ismine;called outthe happyman.“Iknowthat wellenough Jsaid thefairy.I onlywanted tosee ifyou wouldtellmethe truth,andnow Illgive youthegoldaxeandthe silveraxe besidesyour ownone.”Vocabulary
⑤fairy神仙第二节回答问题共5题;每题2分,满分10分.阅读下面材料,然后根据材料内容简要回答下列问题Lingling:Where areyou going on holiday,TonyTony:To Los Angeles.Betty:Oh,really You41love it.I wentthere twoyears agoand enjoyedit alot.Tony:How longdid ittake toget thereDid youflyBetty:Yes,we did,and thattook aboutnine hours.Then ourfriends metus anddrove usto theirhome.Lingling:Who waswith youBetty:My parents.Tony:So whatdid youdoBetty:Well,first we wenttoDisneyland,and guesswhat Imet Snow White and Mickey Mouse!I wasso excited!Tony:Wow!How longdid youstay thereBetty:We stayedthere fortwo days.And thenwe wentto Hollywood.Lingling:Did yousee anymovie starsBetty:No,but weswam inthe PacificOcean at Santa Monica.It wasgreat!Lingling:Where areyou goingon holidaythis year,BettyBetty:Hong Kong.
51.Are Tonyand Betty goingon holiday
52.When didBettygoto LosAngeles
53.Did BettygotoLosAngeleswith herparents orfriends
54.Where didBetty meetSnowWhite andMickey Mouse
55.What didBetty doatSanta Monica第三节基础写作共1小题,满分15分.
56.Lingling:Where areyou goingon holiday,TonyTony:To LosAngeles.Betty:Oh,really Youlllove it.Iwentthere twoyearsagoand enjoyeditalot.Tony:How longdid ittake toget thereDid youflyBetty:Yes,we did,and thattook aboutnine hours.Then ourfriends metus anddrove usto theirhome.Lingling:Who waswith youBetty:My parents.Tony:So whatdid youdoBetty:Well,first wewenttoDisneyland,and guesswhat Imet SnowWhiteandMickeyMouse!Iwasso excited!Tony:Wow!How longdid youstay thereBetty:We stayedthere fortwo days.And thenwewentto Hollywood.Lingling:Did yousee anymovie starsBetty:No,but weswam inthe PacificOcean atSantaMonica.It wasgreat!Lingling:Where areyou goingonholidaythisyear,BettyBetty:Hong Kong.假设你是材料中的请写一篇词以上的英文短文,介绍自己两年前的度假Betty,80经历,以便在英语课上分享注意.要点包括度假的时间、地点、人物、经历和感受等;.不得出现自己的姓名12和校名等真实信息;.请按照以下格式在答题卡相应位置作答3Hello,everyone!Thats all.Thank you!。