(二)续写素材admirationOne day,when I was afreshman in high school,I sawa kidfrom myclass walkinghome fromschool.His namewas Kyle.Itlooked likehe wascarrying allof his books.I thoughtto myself,nWhy wouldanyone bringhome all his bookson aFriday Hemust(书呆子[])really be a nerdn3d.I hadquite aweekend planned,so Ishrugged myshoulders andwent on.As I was walking,I sawa bunchof kidsrunning towardshim.They ranat him,knocking allhisbooksout ofhis armsandtripping him.His glasseswent flying,and I saw themland in the grassabout tenfeet fromhim.He lookedup and I sawthis terriblesadnessin his eyes.So,I joggedover tohim and as hecrawled aroundlooking forhis glasses,I sawa tearin hiseyes.(混蛋[])As Ihanded himhis glasses,I said,Those guysare jerksdj3:k.They reallyshould goto hell.He looked at meand said,Hey,thanks!n There was a big smileon hisface.It wasone of those smilesthat showedreal gratitude.I helpedhim pickuphis books,and asked him wherehe lived.It turnedout thathe livednear me,so I askedhimwhy Ihad neverseen himbefore.He saidhe had goneto aprivate schoolbefore comingto thisschool.I wouldhave neverhung outwith aprivate schoolkid before.Wetalked all the wayhome.I askedhim ifhe wantedto playfootball onSaturday withme and my friends.He saidyes.(毕业生),Over thenext fouryears,Kyle and I becamebest friends.When wewere seniorshe hadthe highestmarks in theclass and was chosen to givea speechat the graduation clemony.I teasedhim allthe time about beinga nerd.Kyle wasvaledictorian[]vaeli dik tori^n ofour class,so hehad toprepare thespeech forgraduation,and I was soglad it wasnt mehaving to get(up thereand speak.On graduationday,I sawKyle.I said,“Hey,big guy,youll begreat!*He lookedat mewith oneofthoselooks,the reallygratefulone,and said,Thanks,smiling.As hestarted his speech,he clearedhis throat,and began.Graduation is a timeto thankthose whohelped youmake itthroughthose toughyears.Your parents,your teachers,your siblings,maybe acoach...,but mostlyyour friends.I amhere to tell youthatbeing afriend tosomeone isthe bestgift you can givehim orhere.Tm going totellyou astory.*Possible Version1Paragraph1:I justlookedatmy friendwith disbeliefas hetold thestory of the firstday wemet.Kyle hadplanned tokill(彻底清理)(寄存柜)himself overthe weekend.He talked of howhehadcleaned outhis lockerso hisMom wouldnthave to doit laterandwascaiTying hisstuff home.Meanwhile,I foundhe lookedhard at me andgave mea littlesmile.Thankfully,I was(难以说出口的)saved.My friendsaved mefrom doingthe unspeakableI heardthe gaspgo throughthe crowdas thisboy toldusall abouthis weakestmoment Whenhiseyescaught mine,I was able tosee tears闪烁「shimmered JI mor]in hissmiling eyes.Paraqraph2:1smiled backin tears.Kyle finishedhisspeechand walkedtowards me.Mth nomore words,he gavemeafirmhug,a hugthat alsoseemed to express hisgratitude tome.Not untilthat momentdid I realize whata bigdifference onesmall gesturehadmade tomy friendKyle.I evensaw hisMom andDad lookingat meand smilingthat samegrateful smile.Not untilthat momentdidIrealizeits depth.It dawnedon methat nevershould weunderestimate thepower ofour randomact of kindness.With onesmallgesture,we canchange apersons life.For betteror forworse.No actofkindness,however small,will evergo wasted.对接文本阅读理解刻意练习
1.What doesthe underlinedword valedictorianin thesecond paragraphmeanA.A graduatewho deliversa farewellspeech in a class.B.A graduatewho isthe youngest in a class.C.A studentwho isthe mostpopular in aclass.D.A studentwho cannot graduateon timeinaclass.
2.It canbe concludedfrom thetext that the author.A.was goodat playingfootball inhigh schoolB.had notliked tomake friendswith thestudents fromprivate schoolsbeforeC.seldom helpedothersD.did notstudy hardinhighschoo
3.Not untilthegraduationday didthe authorknow.A.the realreason whyKyle carriedallhisbooks homethe firstday theymetB.Kyle washis bestfriendC.Kyle enjoyedmaking speechesin front of theclassD.Kyles manyweaknesses
4.What doesthe authormainly wanttoexpressby tellingthis storyA.A friendin needis afriend indeed.B.Helping othersisaVirtue.C.Y actionis powerful:with onesmall gestureyoucanchange apersons life.DUTD.We shouldhave apity on the weak.1-4ABAC追踪题源-素材分享阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事(年月湖丽衢模拟卷读后202011续写)The firstweek ofmy summervacation wasexciting,andmy sense of freedom wasso intensethat it felt like I hadtopack everythinginto thatsingle week.The nextweek was a littlecalmer,But by the thirdweek mytwo best friendshad leftfor summercarrp andmy activitieswound downinto boredom.Getting uplater eachmorning,I wasspendingmore and more time with mycellphone and in frontof the TV Thatis whenMom reacted,declaring myphone and theTV offlimits between6:00in themorning and6:00at night,It wasshocking justto hearher sayit.In thatfirst hourI feltPd lostmy sensesof sightand hearing.The silencewas numbing.I circledthe house,goingfrom room to room looking for something todo,asking myselfwhat Ican doWhat canI doWhat canI doWhen IencounteredMom in the kitchen,I askedher,too,What canI doThats up to you,she saidwithout lookingin mydirection.Through the day Iposed my question to her severalmore times,getting muchthe sameresult.Then latein theafternoon,while she was workingat hercomputer.I daredtoask again.Instantly sheswung aroundto look atme,andIcould seethat myquestion hada definiteeffect onherexpression.She lookedas thoughshe hadbeen shocked.Her jawsclenched,like she was holdingher wordsbetween herteeth as they struggled to get out.She lookedme straight in theeye,then smiledand said,“Well,are youup for achallengeSure what”Ybur challengeis tofollow the same antfor tenminutes,”What isso toughabout thatHShe smiled again.,rYbu mightbe surprised.11(计时器)Sometime laterMom stoodbeside me,timer inhando“Fil setthe timerfor tenminutes whenyou findyour winning ant.”Para1:Some of the antsI sawseemed tobe eatingsomething.Para2:I heardMoms timerring and then You win,sweetie,*she said原文出处:(强耍!的[工])The firstweek ofmy summervacation wasexciting,mysenseoffreedomso intensen tensitfeltlikeIhad(把...塞进[])to cramkraem everythinginto thatsingle week.The nextweek wasa littlecalmer.But bythe thirdweek mytwo(逐步减少)bestfriendshad leftfor summercamp andmy activitieswound downwind downinto boredom.Getting uplater eachmorning,Iwasspending moreandmore timewith my iPhoneandinfrontof theTVThafs whenMom reacted,declaring myiPhone(禁止使用的)andtheTV offlimits between6:00in themorning and6:00at night.It wasshocking justto hearher sayit.(令人麻木的[])In thatfirst hourI feltId lostmy sensesof sightand hearing.The silencewas numbingnA mlg.I circledthehouse,going fromroomtoroomlookingfor somethingtodo,asking myself,What Ican doWhat canI doWhat canI doWhenI encountered(遇见[]n kaunto(r)])Mom in the kitchen,I askedher,too,What canI don(提问[])“Thatsuptoyou,“She saidwithout lookingin mydirection.Through theday Iposedpou zmyquestiontoherseveralmoretimes,getting muchthesameresult.Then latein theafternoon,while shewas workingat hercomputer,I daredto askagain.(转过身来[]的过去式)Instantly sheswung aroundSWA gswing tolookatme,andIcould seethat myquestion hada definite(被难住)(生气、effect onher expression.She lookedas thoughshe*s beenstruck byit forthe firsttime.Her jawsclenched不安时咬紧牙齿关,咬牙切齿),like shewas holdingher wordsbetween herteethastheystruggledtogetout.She lookedme(...为...做好准备)?straightinthe eyes,then smiledandsaid,“Well,are youup fora challengebe upfor“Sure!What”nYbur challengeis tofollow thesame antfor tenminutes.tWhats sotough(艰难的[tA f])about that”Shesmiledagain.YDU mightbe surprised/OK IfI do,is therea prize,1nWe canarrange that.1Tike what”And justat thoughshe hadit allplanned outahead oftime she said,Well,we caneach listfive thingswe*d liketo winon slips(张)sheets ofpaper,andthendraw one.Ybur choiceshave tobe valuedat twenty-five dollarsor less,though.Why areyou makinga list,1nIf youdon*t win,then Iget to draw aprize instead.1(低于限量)For overan hourI struggledwithmylist.It washard tostay belowthe twenty-five dollarlimit whenvisions ofa new(四下弹跳[])bike orthe latestvideo gamekept bouncingaround bauns in my mind.In theend myselections were:lights for([]脚踏)my bikewheels,a newbasketball,a solarrobot,andastomp stDmp rocketThen Ilisted thetwenty-five dollarsin cashasmy lastchoice,hoping todraw itand beable tospend itat will.While Momread myitems,I readhers,and theyw^eabit startling:washing clothestwice,weed thenorth flowQ*bed,vacuum青扫[])vaekju mforaweek,clean the basement,and clearout the garage.Can Iwin atthis Iwondered,my mindhopping(跃[])EK hDp fromdoubt tomy fivechoices.But ignoringthe whispersintheback ofmy mind,I clearlyanswered,OK,Imready.*Lets meetback herein anhour forthe contest.nHOK!”To thispoint Ihad focusedonly onmy prize.Now I became conca*ned abouthow Iwas goingto treatedbythe ant.I squatted(蹲下[])down skwDtinour backyardand lookedfor oneinthe grass.They wereeverywhere,going inall directions.I noticedthatsome stoppedto greeteach otherin passing,which Irealized couldcause meto lose my antinaswap.I raninside andgrabbed(放大镜「])my magnifyingglass maegnifai Ig.Sometime laterMom stoodbeside me,timer inhand.Ill setthe timerfor tenminutes whenyou findyourwinningant.”Can westartattheend ofthe driveway”Wherever youwant,*1she replied.Some ofthe antsI sawseemed tobe eatinqsomething.“Theyd chewawhile andthen turnto anotherant asif tosay,These veggiesarereally good.And someeven passedthings backand forthto eachother.What Ireally neededwasalong-distance ant-a runnerAnd nosooner hadI thoughtit thanmy eyeslocked onabigant thatwascarrying along stalk(柄,梗[stk])of grass.There hegoes,Mom.n Theclocks ticking,Jason/she replied.(水泥地「])(门廊[])For thefirst minutethe antran alongon the concrete kDgkri ttoward theporch po.Perfect,Ithought.Then hecame toa widecrack andturned offthe driveway,disappearing into thegrass.My heartsank asI sawmyselfcleaning thebasement.(尽力[])(叶片[Even withmy magnifyingglass Istrained streintofollow himwhile hestruggled upand aroundblades blei])dofgrass,allthewhile carryinghis stalk.Then,somehow knowinghewasbeyond the crack,he turnedand climbedback ontotheconcrete.nHow many minutes leftIasked.Three minutes/Mom whisperedinmyear.She waswatching theant,too.(挠,抓[])At thenext crack,he chosenot togo aroundas before.Dropping his stalk,he pawedpo theair,reaching towardtheother side.My heartbeat athump,as itlooked likehewas goingtogive upand disappearinto thegrass again.But tomy surprise,he grabbedthe stalkand placedit acrossthecrack,then walkedacross it to theother side,like abridge.Wow!Thats likeme using([]小溪).my backpackasabridge tocross acreek kri:k Howmanyminutesare leftOne togo,“Mom said.We weregetting closeto theporch,and lookingaround,I noticeda lotof antactivity atthe bottomofthestep.nThis isit,Mom.How muchmoretimedo Ihaven“Fifteen seconds.nWhen myant reachedthe bottomstep,Iwassure hedhave toturn andgo around.Isawno wayhe couldgo under,but ifhe did,hedbe out of sight—and Idlosemyprize.Then1heaid Momstimer rinR.Youwin,sweetie,“shesaid.But curiositykept myeyes ontheant.Setting thestalk down,he ranalongthebaseofthepore hasthough lookingforsomething.And soonhe foundit.Therewasa smallhole undertheconcretestep.(查看)He peekedinside.Then heran backtogethisstalkand carriedittothe holehed found.We watchedhim setit down,goinside,then reachout anddrag thestalk in and outof sight.Guess Ipicked apretty smartant,huhn Iprompted(提示道[prD mpt]).“Well,maybe.”But inmy heartT knewit hadall beena matterof luck.I justhappened toselect anant thatwasgoingtotheporch,and onethat knewwalkingontheconcrete wasthe easiestway togo.Its timetodraw,1Mom said.And whenI selectedand unfoldedmy paper,it readtwenty-five dollarsin cash!(近距离的)Of course,It wasgreat towin myprize.But mostlyIwasimpressed bymy up-close andpersonal experiencewith anantthat actuallycreated itsown bridge.Although myiPhone wasoff-limits duringtheday,I learneditwaseasy tofind otherthings todo.I builta bluebirdhouse and([])(栅栏柱).mounted maunt iton ourfence postAnd withintwo weeksa pairof bluebirdswere flyinginandout,buildingtheir nest.I plantedsunflowers alongthe fenceto harvestinthefall forbirdseed.And Ichecked booksoutofthe libraryto readwhile(吊床「])inthehammock haemak.Thats whenI cameto knowthe namesofthebirds thatspent thesummer inour backyard.It wasa greatsummer,after all.But weekslater,after closinganother challengeto Momand cleaningthegarage,Ibecamemorecautious inaccepting herchallenges.。