1.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打“J”或打x二Mr Jones and Mr Brown workedin the same office.One dayMr Jonessaid to MrBrown,“we are going to have asmall partyat ourhouse nextWednesday evening.Wouldyou and your wifelike tojoin us”Mr Brown said,“Thank youvery much.We arefree that evening,I think.ButI willtelephone mywife and ask her.Maybe shewill gosomewhere elsethatevening.So Mr Brown went to the other roomand telephoned.When hecame back,he lookedverysorry.uWhat is the matter”Asked Mr Jones.Did youspeak to your wife”“No,Answered Mr Brown,“She wasnt there.My littleson answeredthetelephone.I said to him,Is yourmother there,David’and heanswered,No,she,s not in the house,Where isshe then’I asked.She issomewhere outside.’What isshe doing’She is looking forme.’
1.A smallparty will be held举彳亍at Mr Brown s house.
2.MrJonesasked Mrand Mrs Brown to the party.
3.The telephonewasin the same office.
4.Mr Brownspoke to MrsBrownon thephone.
5.Why为什么was MrsBrown lookingfor DavidBecause shethought想David wasplaying somewhereoutside.
2.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打“J”或打X二It sthe firstday ofschool.Tom wants to goback to school.Hewants to see his friends.He wants to meet his newteacher.
17.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”Today isSunday.Some studentsare playingbasketball in the playground.They arehavinga match.Wang Bing,Liu Tao,Ben,Kate and Su Haiare in the TigerTeam.David,Gao Shan,Jack,Su Yangand Nancy are in the LionTeam.The scoreis tenthe TigerTeamto eightthe LionTeamnow.Look,Liu Taois overthere in the cornerwith theball.Gao Shanand Jackare next to him.Now,Liu Taois passingthe ball to Su Hai,but Jack stops it.Oh,Jack isshooting.The ballis flyingto thegoal.He s gota goal.
1.The studentsare havinga footballmatch now.
2.Wang Bing,Liu Tao,Kate and Su Yang are in the sameteam.
3.Liu Taopasses theballtoSu Hai,Su Haisgot the ballandshoots it to thegoal.
4.Jacksgot agoal for the LionTeam.
5.At last最后the scoreis still仍旧ten toeight.
18.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”Aunt Janes birthdayis coming.She willbe40years old.She is my Dads sister.Dadand Mumare going to takeme toher house.We are going there by subway.We areleavingon Fridayevening.And we are comingback on Sunday afternoon.The birthdayparty willbeon Saturday.I am going to give hera card.I ammaking itnow.
1、Aunt Janeis39now.
2、We are going thereby bus.
3、We are going to take a trip this weekend.
4、Aunt Janedoes tlive withus.
5、I am going to buy acard to my aunt.
19.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打“J或打XMom:What areyou going to doJohn:This morningI m going to do myhomework.Then I mgoing to read amagazine this afternoon.This evening.I,mgoing to the cinema.After that,I mgoing tosleep well.Tomorrow I mgoing totake atrip with Mike.Mom:OK.That s good.But youregoing to have a math exam nextweek.RememberJohn:Yes,I know,Mom.I mready forthat.
1.John is going to do his homework thismorning.
2.John is going to readamagazine this evening.
3.John is going totake atripwithMike thisweekend.
4.John is going to have a mathexamnext week.
20.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”There aremany jobs for us,some jobs are good,and somejobsarebad.If youworkhard,I thinkyou cando themwell.Mr.Wang is an engineer.He works in atoy factory.He designsmany toysfor children.He livesin Shanghai.He alwaysgoes to work by subway.Mrs.Smith is a writer.She writesbooks forchildren.She oftengoes to the library,and readsstorybooks.She worksin Beijing.She goes to work by car.She workshard,and manychildren like toreadher books.What areyou going to be
1.There aremany differentjobsforus.
2.Mrs.Smith worksin Shanghai.
3.Mrs.Smith is a writerand Mr.Wang is an engineer.4・Mr.Wang goes to work bysubway.
5.Mrs.Smith goes to workby car.
1.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打“或打“义”Dear Henry,How iseverything Weall missyou.Last week,I want to Hawaiiwith DadandMom.It isreally awonderful place.We walkedon thebeach,swam in the sea,ate a lotof seafood andwatched a very beautifuldance.It wasso hotin Hawaii,but wehad agood time there.Here is a photo for you,Hope youlike it.Please writeme soon.Yours,Tom
1、Henry went to Hawaiiwith Dadand Mom.2Hawaii isreally awonderful place.
3、Henry and his parentswatched avery beautifuldance.4It wasso hotin Hawaii.
5、Tom and his familyhad a goodtimein Hawaii.
2.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打“或打“X”Bill s birthday presentsBill sbirthdaycame on a sunnyday inJune.He got a lot of presentsfrom his familyand friends.All of the presentswere innice boxes.His fatherand mothergave him a yellowbox with a bookin it.His mothersaid,Its ourpresent for you.There area lot of interestingstories in it.It sgood foryouto domore reading.”Tim,one ofBill sbest friends,gave him a longbox.An umbrellawas in it.Bill ssister gavehima round box.It was a largecake,he guessed,but iswasa football.Bill likesplaying footballvery much,so he was glad to haveit.Bill sbrother gaveBill abig redbox.Bill openedit and there was another boxinit.The boxwas green.He opened the smallbox andsaw athird box.This onewas blue.There wasa littlewhite envelope信封init.He sawa piece of paperin the envelope.The papersaid,“Go toyour bedroom.You cansee threeboxes there,a blackone,a greyoneand awhite one.Your birthdaypresent is in oneof them.Bill ranto his bedroomand foundthe boxeson thebed.The blackone is bigger than比・・•大the greyone,and thewhite one is the smallest最小的.Perhaps thepresent was in the grey box.He openedthegreybox,but foundnothing init.Then heopenedthe biggestone.Hewas very glad to see askateboard init.
1.Some ofBill sbirthday presentswere notin boxes.
2.Bill ssister gavehimafootball.
3.Bills mother didn t givehim anypresent.
4.Bill foundnothing in theenvelopein theblue box.
5.His brothers present,the skateboard,was in the blackbox.
3.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”It wasSunday.I never从不get up early on Sunday.Sometimes有时I stay in beduntil直至!!lunch time.Last Sunday,I gotup verylate.I lookedout of the window.It wasdark outside.’What aday!’I thought.‘It sraining again.,Just then,the telephonerang.It smy aunt Lucy.‘I’vejust arrived by train,she said.‘I mcoming to see you.But Fm stillhavingbreakfast,I said.What areyou doing’She asked.T m having breakfast,I repeatedMM.Dear me,she said.’Do you always getup solate It s1:00!’
1.I getup earlyonSunday.
2.Aunt Lucyarrivedbytrain.
3.I,m havinglunch whenaunt Lucycalled me.
4.I’mhavingbreakfast whenauntLucycalled me.
5.Aunt Lucywas verysurprised吃原.
24.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”What AmIHello,boys andgirls!My name is Mike.I mtall andfat.I have a longnose andtwo big ears.My mouthis nittoo big.My teethare verylong.My bodylooks likea wall.I havefour stronglegs and a shorttail,too.Do youknow meWhat amI
1.Mike is an animal.
2.Mike isstrong.
3.He hastwo smallears.
4.He hasno tail.
5.Mike,s bodylooks likea wall.
25.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打“或打“X”A RiddleHello!I ma word.I havethree letters.My firstletter is in“soon”butnot in“room”,my secondis in“rose”and alsoin“rise”,my thirdis notin“pencil“but in“paper,my wholeis aplace wherethere is a lot of water.I amthe twinsister of the word“see”.Who amI
1.The wordis akind ofanimal.
2.The firstletter ism”.
3.The secondletter ise”.
4.The thirdletter is
26.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”An OldWoman anda BoyAnold woman wants to go toNew Yorkto seeher son.She gets up earlyand getsto the stationat nineo”clock in the morning.When doesthetrain comeand leaveShe is very worried.She stopsa boyand asks him.The boylooks at the woman and says,tu:tu:tu:.The old woman sitsin achairand thinks and thinks.Then she says,“Oh,I see.”
1.The woman is young.
2.The boydoes nottell herthe time.
3.The womangets up early.
4.The traincomes inthr afternoon.
5.The womanknows thetime at last.
27.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”A doghas large piece of meat in his mouth.When he is walkingonasmall bridge,he looksdown and sees himselfin the water.He thinksit isanother dog.That doghasalso alargepieceof meatin his mouth.He says to himself,“I want to gethis meat.Then I can havetwo piecesof meat.He openshismouthto barkthe dogin the water,and hismeat fallsinto water.
1.The doghas asmall pieceof meat.
2.He wants to gettwo piecesofmeat.
3.He findsanother dogin the water.
4.The dogis standingon thegrass.
5.He hasno meat at last.
28.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”How many lettersFather:How manyletters are there in the English AlphabetSon:I don t know.Father:You don t knowYou are in the school forone yearandyoudon t know howmanyletters there are in the AlphabetSon:No.But letme ask youaquestion,Dad.You oftengo to thepost office,please tell me howmanylettersthereare in the post office
1.There aretwenty-six lettersin theEnglishAlphabet.
2.The sondoesn,t studyEnglish well.
3.The soncan,t answerhis fathers question.
4.The fatherworksin the post office.
5.There aretwenty-six lettersin the post office.
29.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“义”The Foxand theGrapesA foxislookingfor food.He is very hungry.Now he is stoppingup.He seesa lotoffine grapes at the top of the wall.“How nicethey are!I wantto eat them.The foxjumps andjumps,but the wallis toohigh.He can t get the grapes.The foxdoes awayand says,I don t likethosegrapes.They are not good to eat.”快速判断
1.The foxis playingnear thewall.
2.There aremany nicegrapesat thetopof thewall.
3.The foxdoesn,t likethose grapes.
4.The foxgoes awaybecause thegrapes arenot goodto eat.
30.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”I CanSee YouJohn has aparrot.It isa nicebird.Everyday John says toit,“Hello!I canseeyou!”Soon the bird can say“Hello!I cansee you!”One dayJohn isat school.A thiefcomes intoJohnsroom.He wants to stealsomething.A voicecomes,“Hello!I cansee you!”The thiefputs thethings on the floorand runsaway.
1.John isa policeman.
2.Johnhassome birds.
3.The thiefwants totake somethings away from the room.
4.The birdcansaysome Chinese.
5.The thiefsees Johnand goesaway.
31.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“义”A NewSonOld man:May Isit hereYoung man:No,you can t.The seatis formy sister.Old man:Where isyour sisterYoungman:Eh**-yes.She is my sister.Old man:Really ThenI amgladto see you,my newson.Youngman:What do you meanOldman:She ismy daughter.
1.The youngmanisthe old man s son.
2.The beautifulgirl isthe youngman ssister.
3.The girlisthe oldman s daughter.
4.The youngman wants to help theoldman.
32.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”Two goatsstarts at the samemoment fromopposite endsto crossa rudebridge thatwasno wideenough for them tocross ata time.Meeting at the middle of thebridge,neither wou1d give the way to theother.Theylocked horns,and foughtfortheright ofway,until bothfell into the torrentbelowand weredrowned.
1.Three goatswants tocross thebridge.
2.The bridgewas verywide.
3.The goatsdidn t give thewayto theother.
4.They weredrowned at last.
33.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”Many peopleare waitingforthe train.Some arereading the newspaper and some aresayinggoodbye to their friends.Mr.Wang,Mr.Li andMr Chen are talkingso happilythat theydontknow thetrainis going to leave.The guardsays to them,“Hurry up!The trainis going to leave.The threemen hearthe guard.Two of them jump onto thetrain quicklybefore itmoves.Mr.Wang isleft behind.He looksvery sad.The guardsays to him,Don tfeel bad.The nexttrain will come inten minutes.”“I know,Mr.Wang says,“It ismy train.My friendsonly come to saygoodbye tome.”
1.Mr.Wang,Mr.Li andMr.Chenaretalking at the station.
2.There are only threemen atthe station.
3.Mr.Wang jumpsonto thetrain.
4.Mr.Chen andMr.Li are Mr.Wang s friends.
5.Mr.Chen andMr.Li reallywanttojumponto thetrain.
34.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”Three familieslive in a building.Each familyhas onlyone child.One of the threechildrenisagirl.Her nameis XiaoHui.The othertwo are boys.They areXiao Pengand Xiao Ming.The childrens fathersareMr.Wang,Mr.Zhang andMr.Chen.The childrensmothers areLiu Ying,Li Pingand Hao Fang.Now we know:Mr.Wang s son andLi Pingssonareon the boys basketballteam.Xiao Mingisn tMr.Zhang sson.Mr.Chenisn tHaoFang,s husband.Now,can youtellmethe familynumbers ofeach family
1.Mr.Chen is Xiao Peng,s father.
2.Li PingisXiaoHui smother.
3.They havetwo sonsand onedaughter.
4.Xiao Mingis LiuYing,sson.
5.Xiao PengandXiaoMing liketo playbasketball.
35.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“义”Tomson:Jack,I have a riddle.Can youguessJack:OK.What sitTomson:Please tellme whoheis:He is not mybrother,and notismysister,but heisa childof myparents.Jack:I dontknow.Tomson:Ha—ha,it svery easy.It sme.
1.Tomson has a riddle.Tom getsup earlyin themorning.He washesand eatshis breskfast.Then herideshis biketo school.He seeshis friendson theplayground.He playshide-and seek捉迷藏with them.In theclassroom,Tom meetshis newmaths teacher.Her nameis Miss Green.Tom likesMiss Green.She can speak Englishvery well.He thinksshe isa niceteacher.
1.It sthe firstday of thenewyear.
2.Tom doesn t wantto goback to school.
3.Tom goesto school on foot.
4.MissGreenis Tom s Englishteacher.
5.Tom smaths teachercanspeakEnglish.
3.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打“J”或打X二Zhang Mingisa student.He usuallygoesto school on foot.This morningHe wentto school by bus because he gotup late.Li Dongis Zhang Ming s classmate and he didnt go to school.He wentswimming yesterdayand had a cold.The doctorasked him to stayin bed and take somemedicine.So,after class,Zhang Mingandhis classmates are goingto visithim.
1.Zhang Minggoesto school on foot every day.
2.The doctorasked Zhang Ming tostay inbed,because hehad acold.
3.Li Donghadacold because he wentswimming lastweekend.
4.ZhangMingis going to visit Li Dongwith his classmates.
5.ZhangMingdidn t go to school this afternoon.Because heis goingto visitLiDong.
4.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打V或打义We havesummer,fall.,winter,and springin ayear.People canplant
2.Jack understand the difficult.
3.This riddleis verydifficult.
4.Jack can,t answerTomson,s question.
36.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”Nick andhis fatherarein a train.Nick likes to standand putshis head out ofthe window.His fathersays,“Sit down!Don tput yourhead outof thewindow!”But nickgoes onputting hishead outofthewindow.Uis fathertacks Nick,s cap quickly andsays,“You see,your caphas f1own.Sit down!Perhaps,your capwillcomeback.Nick isafraid and he sitson chairquickly.Nick fatherputs the cap onNick shead.Oh!It iswonderful!Nick is happy.He takeshis fathers capquicklyand throwsitout ofthewindow.Now yourturn,Dad!”Nick sayshappily.
1.The windblows Nick,scapdown.
37.If thefather whistlesthecapwill flyback.
38.Nick sfather wants to preventNick fromputting hisheadoutofthewindow.
37.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”A manis going to see his friend.He takessome sandwicheswith himbecause his friends home is veryfar.On hisway,hesays to himself,“My friendisgoing to give mea verygood lunch.Then hethrows themaway.He goeson and comes to a river.Theresno boaton theriver.He can t crossit.He startto go home.He ishungry now.Andhe trysto find his sandwiches.Oh,my god.A doghas them.He quicklygoes up,butthe dogruns away.He isstill hungryand he goes back home.
1.The man,sfriend,shomeis notfar.
2.He takessome sandwicheson hisway.
3.He can t finda boaton theriver.
4.The mancatches the dog at last.
5.The mandoes notmeethisfriend.
38.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”Mr Black likes fishvery much.He oftenbuys somefish in the shopand takesthemhome forsupper.His wife,Mrs Black often asksher friendsto theirhome tohave lunchandeat fish.One day,when Mr Black comeshome in the evening,he cannot findhisfish.And MrsBlacksays theircat haseaten thefish.Mr Blackis veryangry.HE takesthe cattothe shopnear theirhouse toweigh thecat.HE says,“You see,my fishis one kilo,and thiscat is onekilo,too.My fishis here.Then whereismycat”
1.Mr Blacklikesto eat catvery much.
2.Mrs Black often eatsfish with her friend.
3.The catis onekilo.
4.The catate thefish.
39.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”Miss Wang:Boys andgirls,we11have anopen-book exam.You can bring anything.Billy:Great!Miss Wang:Why areyou sohappy Billy:Because Icanbringmy father.
1.The studentwill have an exam.
2.Billy isa goodstudent.
3.Billy wantsto bringhis father.
4.The teacher does notlet herstudents bringtheir books.
40.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打“J”或打“X”Sam isa littleboy,andheis onlyeight years old.One day hegoesto thecinema.Itis thefirst timefor himtodothat.He buys a ticketand thengoes in.But aftertwoor three minutes hecomes out,buys asecond ticketand goesin again.After a few minuteshecomes outagain andbuysathird ticket.Two orthreeminuteslater heasks for anotherticket.Then the girl in the ticketoffice asks him,“Why doyou buyso manyticketsHow manyfriends doyou meet”Sam answers,No,I naveno friendhere.But abig boyalwaysstops meatthe door andtears mytickets inpiece.”
1.Sam buys the ticketsforhimself.
41.Sam doesn tgo to thecinema.
42.Sam is too youngto makefriends.
43.Sam hasno friendin thecinema.
41.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”Len wasthirty yearsold,andhehad verylong hair.He livedin abig city.Becauseof his long hair,he did notfind any work.One dayhe metan oldfriend,and thisman saidto him,“People inthis citydont likelong hair.Why dont you go to a barberHe cancut a lotofit off,and thenyou can getsome work”At thebarber sLen saidto thebarber,“Please cutmost ofmy hairoff.”The barberbegan.He cutand cutfor a long timeand thenhe saidto Len,“Were youin the armya fewyears ago”“Yes,I was,“Len answered,“Why didyou askthat”“Because Ifound acap inyour hair.”
1.Len wasold,so hedidnotfindanywork.
2.Len oftenwash his long hair.
3.Len shair wasshort.
4.Len barberfound acap inLen shair.
5.Len wasin thearmy now.
42.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”One daya citymouse neta countymouse in the field.The countrymouse waseatingnuts.“Hello,friend!Why areyou eatingsuch bad food Comewith meandsee.You canfindthe deliciousfood easilyin the city.”the citymouse said.“Is thatso”the countrymouse wassurprised andwanted togo with hisfriend.They walkedand walked.At lastthey came to thecity.There wasalotof foodin thehouse.The countrymouse was veryglad.“Come on!Let shave dinner.The citymouse said.They startedto eat.At thismomentthey heardthe soundof people,s voices.“Run!Run away!”thecitymouse shouted.Two miceran andcried in fear.“Oh,my heartwasin my mouth,“the countrymouse said,“I amgoing backtothe filedto eat the badwithout fear.”
1.The citymouse livedinfear.
2.The countrymouse didn t liketo eatgood food.
3.The citymouse didnt liketo eatbadfood.
4.The countrymouse washappy in the field.
43.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”Ben andJim aretwin brothers.They arenine.They arepupils.They studyin YuxinPrimary School.They arein the same class.Everyday theygo to school andcome backtogether.Their teacher,Mrs Green,saysto the pupils,“please writea compositionMyMother,”Jim isa goodboy.He writesthe compositionat home.But Benplays football withhis friends.The nextday MrsGreen saysto theclass,”I readyour compositionstoday.But twoof yoursare justthe same.”Ben standsup andsays,“Jim and I are twins.We have the samemotheer.”
1.They aretwins,so they havethe same mother.
2.They arebrothers so theyhavethe sameparents.
3.They aretwins,so they are goodpupils.
4.They havethe samemother,so theircompositions arethesame.
44.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”Mummy:Which appledoyouwant,DickDick:The biggestone,Mummy.Mummy:What Youshould bepolite andpick thelittle one.Dick:Should Itell a lie justto bepolite,Munny
1.Mummy havetwo pears.
2.Dick wantstoeatthe big one.
3.Mummy wantsDick toeatthe bigone.
4.Dick eatsthe bigone,because hedoesn,t wantto tellalie.
45.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”Jim isa primaryschool student,hesin GradeTwo now.He has aroundface andwearsglasses.He likesfootball andswimming.But todayhesnot atschool.He sill.He sinbed.He hada badcold.He muststayinbed fora week.But thatsagood newsforhim,becausehedoesn t like school.
1.Jim waresglasses.
2.Jim doesn,t likefootball.
3.Jim isn tatschool.He sill.
4.Jim isill,so heis verysad.
5.Jim has a badcold,he can tgo to school.
6.Jim likes school.
46.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”A rich manwantsto givehis mothera birthdaypresent,but whatwillbethe bestoneOne dayhe findsa amazingbird in the market,it can talk intwelve languagesandsing tenfamous operas.Imnediately hebuysthebird andsends itto his mother.It costshim$50,
000.The nextdayhephones tohis mother:What doyou thinkofthebird,mother“Oh,it svery delicious.His motheranswers.
1.The rich man sendshismothera birdfor birthday.
2.The birdis veryclever.
3.The birdcan sing and dance.
4.The birdis veryexpensive.
5.The richman smother eatsthebird.
47.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打“或打“X”Gary goesto themarket to sell his donkey.When hefeels third,he getson it.After awhile,a friendcomes andaskshim:Where areyou going”“I mgoingto sellmy donkey.Answers Gary.Oh,my god!”he cries,“Where smydoney’What”His friendlaughs andsays,Aren tyou ridinga donkey’
1.Gary wantstosellhis donkey.
2.Gary rideshis donkeytothemarket.
3.gary loseshisdonkey.
4.Gary,sfriendrides thedonkey.
48.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”A crowis thirsty.He findsa bottlewith a little init.But theneck ofthe bottleis too long,the crow can t getthe water.The crowthinks andthinks,and thenhe hasagood idea.He putssome pebblesin the bottle,the waterrises up.Now hecan drinkthe water.What aclever crow!
1.The crowwantstodrinks water.
2.There isnt anywater in the bottle.
3.the bottles neckistoo long,so the crow cant getthe water.
4.The crowdrinks wateratlast.
5.The crowis veryclever.
49.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打“或打“X”A monkeylikes mimingman saction.One daya manwantsto play ajoke on themonkey.First hegives the monkey abanana.So whenhe peelsthe banana,the monkeypeels,too.He eats,the monkeyeats,the monkeyeats.He smiles,the monkeysmiles.He pretendsangry,themonkeyshows anangry face.At last,the manpicks upa stoneandpretends tohit hishead byhimself,but themonkey makesa faceto himand doanaction.That isto say“How stupidyou are!”
1.The monkeycan mimemansaction.
2.The monkeycanteatthebanana.
3.The manhits himselfwith astick.
4.The monkeyis veryclever.
50.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打“或打“X”Hello!I mMrBlack.I likefishing very much.I oftengo fishinginthe sea.Every time I getmany fishhome.My neighboursare verysurprised.They oftenask me:How can you getso manyfish”I alwaystell them:“I havemagic words.When I am fishing,I willclose myeyes andmurmur,Fish,fish,send mea fish.Then thefish comes.Do youbelieve meHavea try!
1.Mr.Blacklikesfishing verymuch.
2.Mr.Blackoftengoes fishingin theriver.
3.Mr.Black naverfishes onefish.
4.Mr.Blackoftenfishes manybecausehehas magicwords.
51.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,spoke toEnglish people in English.Son:Mum:English Youlearn onlya littleEnglish,canyouunderstand Itdoesn,themSon:t matter!But they cantunderstand me!
1.The boys Englishis verygood.
2.He spoketo ChinesepeopleinEnglish.
3.The people cantunderstand him.
4.The soncantunderstand them.
52.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”A CleverCrowA crowis thirsty.He findsa bottlewith alittle water init.But theneck ofthebottle istoolong,thecrowcan,t getthewater.The crowthinksandthinks,andthen hehasagood idea.He putssome pebblesin thebottle,thewaterrises up.Nowhe candrink thewater.What aclever crow!
1.The crowwantstodrink water.
2.There isnt anywaterin thebottle.
3.The bottles neckistoolong,sothecrowcantgetthewater.
4.The crowdrinks wateratlast.
5.The crowis veryclever.
53.阅读理解判断正误,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示Wang Bingisa Chinese boy.He stwelve.He isa studentin No.2Primary School.Hehas twogood friends.Their namesare Jill and Bob.The twoboys aretwins.They arefrom England.And nowthey arein No.2Primary School,too.Jill and Bob arethe sameage,but Jill is tenminutes youngerthan Bob.Bob istaller thanJill,but Jill isstronger than Bob.That svery interesting.They speakEnglish and they canspeak alittle Chinese.
1.Wang BingisinChina.
2.Wang Bingand thetwins arein thesame school.
3.Jillisolder thanBob.
4.Bill is as tall as Jill.
5.The twinscant speak Chinese.
54.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”This isBilly andhis brothersbedroom.It,snotvery big,but itis tidy.Thereare twobeds in theroom.There isa deskbetween thebeds.There aresome books on thedesk.Some areEnglish books.Some areChinese books.There isa phoneon the desk,too.There aretwo chairsbeside thedesk.One isfor Billy,and theother isfor his brother.There isa mapof Americaon thewall.There isa mapoftheworld on thewall,too.Billy andhis brotherlike theirbedroom verymuch.
1.The bedroomis small,and it s clean.
2.There aretwo desksinthe bedroom.
3.There aresome Chinesebooksonthedesk.
4.There aretwo mapsonthewall..There isntaphone inthebedroom.
6.The chairsare forBilly andhisbrother.
55.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“义”Mike andLiu Haiare good friends.They areinNo.8Middle School.Mike isan Englishboy.He isin ClassThree,Grade One.He is Number Twoin RowFour.His Chinese teacheris MrWand.Liu Haiisa Chinese boy.He istwelve.He isin ClassTwo,Grade One.Heis Number5in Row
2.His Englishteacher isMrs Read.
1.Mike andLiu Haiareboys.
2.Liu Haiisan English boy.
3.Mike isin ClassTwo,Grade One.
4.Liu HaiisNumberFive inRow Two.
5.Mrs ReadisaChineseteacher.
56.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打“或打“X”trees andgo hikinginspring.It swarm.In summer,people oftenswim inthe seaor lake.They liketo workin cool place地方・When it s fall,the leavesfall down.We canpick apples.It usuallysnowsinthe north inChina.Children likewinter.They canroll滚动a snowball,makea snowman,ski andskate.They feelhappy in winter.
1.We havefour seasonsin ayear.
2.People likego swimmingin spring.
3.People liketo workincoolplace insummer.
4.It usuallyrains alot inthenorthin winter.
5.Children likewinter verymuch.
5.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打”「或打”X二N二Nancy M=MaryNancy andMary areat JinlingPrimary School,they aregood friends,and they areabout thesame age.As因为Nancy livesin ahouse next toMary s,they oftengohometogether afterschool.One day,they talkedabout theirbirthdays.N:“When isyour birthday,MaryvM:“Halloween ismy birthday.What aboutyou”N:“My birthdayisonthe8th ofAugust.”M:“Did youget anybirthday presentslast year”N:“Of course.I gota newdress from my mother,an interestingbook frommy father,andanice bikefrommygrandparents.”M:“You like reading,I think.”N:“Yes,I likereading books.Do youlikereadingbooks”M:“Me,too.And I like collectingstamps.I havemany beautifulstamps.Would youliketohave alook atthem”N:uGreat!Let sgo.
1.Nancy andMary areinthesame school.
2.Nancy s house is far awayfrom Marys.
3.Mary gota newdress fromher motherlast year.
4.Nancy andMary havethesamehobby.Mr Brownlooks outofthewindow.There isa boyinthestreet.He iseating asandwich.There isa doginthestreet,too.The boysays,“Come here,good dog.I amgoing togiveyou somesandwiches.The dogcomes up.The boykicks thedog.The dogruns away.Mr Browncomes outofthehouse andsaystothe boy,“Come here,I mgoing to giveyou somemoney.The boyis happyand goestoMr Brown.But Mr Brown doesn,t givehimany money.He kicksthe boy.The boyscries andsays,“Why areyou kickmeIdont askyou for money.”“Thedog doesn taskyouforany sandwich.Mr Brownsays,“bur youkick it.v
1.The boyis havingsome breadinthestreet.
2.The boydoesn,tgivethedogany sandwich.
3.The boylikes thedog.
4.MrBrown wantsto givethe boy somemoney.
5.MrBrown isgoing togivethe boya lesson.
57.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”Wang BingisaChinese boy.He stwelve.He isa studentin No.2Primary School.Hehas twogood friends.Their namesare JillandBob.The twoboys aretwins.They arefrom England.And nowthey arein No.2PrimarySchool,too.JillandBob arethe sameage,but Jillis tenminutes youngerthanBob.Bob istaller thanJill,but Jillis strongerthanBob.That svery interesting.They speakEnglish and theycanspeak alittleChinese.
1.Wang BingisinChina.
2.Wang Bingand thetwins areinthesame school.
3.Jillisolder thanBob.
4.Bill isas tallas Jill.
5.The twinscan,tspeakChinese.
58.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”Who putsink墨水on mychairTom isseven.He goestoschoolevery day.The schoolis near his home.So hegoesthere onfoot andcomes backhome ontime.But todayheislate.His motheraskshim,“Why areyou latetoday”“I wasintheteacher soffice.”“Why didyougo totheteachers office“Because myteacher asksus aquestion inclass,and nobodycould answerit,butI can.““It sgoodto answer thequestions.”“but thequestionswas Whoput inkon mychair’
1.Tom livesnearhisschool.
2.He goestoschoolandcomesbackhome by bikeevery day.Today Tomwas latefor school.
3.Tom put some inkontheteacher,s chair.
5.The boyisverynaughty调皮.
59.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”In Amy sclass,every studenthasapen pal.Miss Whitehelps them to send lettersonce aweek.Amy knowsher pen pal goestoschool by bus,and herpen pal smother isa teacher.Her pen pal sfather isa doctor.Her pen pal hasa happyfamily.
1.In Amysclass,every studentdoesnthave apenpal.
2.Mr.Black helpsthemtosendletters.
3.Amyspenpalgoestoschool by car.
4.Her penpalsmother isa teacherand father isa doctor.
5.Her penpal hasa happyfamily.
60.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”My nameis Tim.Tomorrow isthe weekend.We haveno classes.My parentsaren tgoingto work,but we are going to bevery busytomorrow.My motherisgoingtobuy somethingfor nextweek.My fatherisgoingtovisitmy auntand uncle.I mgoingtoplay computergames with mycousin.Tomorrow eveningweare goingtohaveabig dinner.After thatwearegoingtothecinema.I thinkwearegoingtohaveanice weekend.
1.Tomorrow isSaturday.
2.Tim smotherisgoingtobuysomethingfor nextweek.
3.Tim sfatherisgoingtovisit his grandparents.
4.Tim isgoingtoplay computergameswithhis sister.
5.Tomorrow eveningthey aregoingtothecinema.
61.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”Tom isalittleboy.He isfive.Today his father takeshimtoseehis grandparents.His homeisfar awayfrom his grandparents.So theyaregoingtherebybus.There areonlynine peopleon it.They allhave seatsTom isvery happy.He isrunning aboutonthe bus.His fathersays,dontrun!Sit down,please.”“I missmy grandfatherandgrandmother verymuch.I wantthis bustogofaster.Tom says.
41.Tom goestoseehisgrandparentswithhismother.
42.Tom goestoseehisgrandparentshomebybus.
43.Tom andhisfatherare runningonthe bus.
45.The drivertells Tomto sitdown.
62.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打“或打“X”Z:Excuse me,sir.Is therea bookstorenear hereP:No,there isnt.But thereis onenext tothe hospital.Z:Where isthe postoffice,pleaseP:It swest ofthe hospital.Z:Is itfar fromhere P:Yes.Z:How canI getthereP:First,turn leftand takethe No.16bus atthe busstop.Next,get off at thehospital.Then,cross thestreet.You11be infront ofthe postoffice.Z:Thank you.P:You rewelcome.1There isa bookstorenear the school.2The postoffice isnext tothe bookstore.3The postoffice iswest ofthe hospital.4Zhang Pengwalks tothe bookstore.5Zhang Pengasks a policeman for help.
63.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”It snowedhard thatday.Mike andhis friendswent to skate onthe lake.May couldnotskate.Mike taughther.Jim wanted to skateinthemiddle ofthe lake,Jane stoppedhim.But hedidntlisten toher.After afew minutesthey heardhim callingfor help.Help!Help!”Then theyfound hefell into the coldwater.They ranto himand May,the youngestof them,shouted loudlythere.A farmerworked near the lakeand heardher.He tookoff hiscoat andjumped into thewaterand helpedthe boy go out.Their clotheswereall wet.He tookthe boyto ahospital.Jims parents thanked him verymuch.
99.It waswarm andsunny.Mike andhis friendswent toswim inthe lake.
100.May couldskate verywell,but Janecould not.
101.Mike fell intothewant andcalled forhelp.
102.A policemanheard andcame to help the boy go out.
103.They tookthe boyto ahospital andhe wassaved.
64.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打“或打“义”Dear Mr.Zhang,Happy Teachers Day!I mstudying in a primaryschool inWashington华盛顿.F mnotgood at English.My friendJim isfromEngland.He often helps mewith myEnglish.And Iteach himChinese.The studentsinmyclass arevery interesting.Bill isEnglish.David isAustralian.He sfrom Sydney.Nancy is American.She sfrom NewYork.My teacher,Mrs.Smith isCanadian.She sfrom Ottawa渥太华.My good friends,Zhang Lingand WuQing areChinese,too.They refrom Taiwan.We,refrom manydifferent countries,but weare friends.YoursLiu Tao
1.Liu TaoisAmerican.
2.Liu Taooften teachesJim withhis Chinese.
3.Bill andNancyarefrom thesame country.
4.Mrs SmithisntChinese,she sJapanese.
5.Now LiuTao andhisclassmatesareinWashington.
65.阅读短文,判断正误,用“T”或表示My nameis ZhangHonghua.I amaChinesegirl.My hairislong.I havetwo bigeyesand asmall mouth.Rose ismy goodfriend.She comesfromEngland.She iseleven.I ameleven,too.She s152cm tall,and Im153cm tall.She hastwo bigeyes anda bigmouth.Her hairislong,too.I likeblue,but Rose likes red.I likestorybooks andshelikes dolls.I go toschoollater thanRose,but weoften playand studytogether.We arevery happy.
1.Rose ismy goodfriend.
2.Her eyesarenotbig.
3.I likered.
4.I amas tallas Rose.
6.My mouthisbiggerthan hers.
7.I likereading story.
8.We oftengo toschool together.
9.We arethesameage.
10.Rose isan Englishboy.
66.阅读短文,判断正误,用或表示Fangfang sfamily isvery happy.She isa student.She iseleven.Her fatheris atallman withblack hair.He sadoctor.Her motherteaches English.Her brotherandFangfang areinthesame class.They getup early.So doI.We go toschooltogether.We oftenhelp eachother,too.
1.There arefour peoplein Fangfangsfamily.
2.Fangfang isagoodgirl withblack hair.
3.Her fatheris good atEnglish.
4.Her brotherand Fangfangaretwins.
5.Fangfang getsup asearly as me.
6.We aregoodfriends.
67.阅读短文,判断正误,用或表示It snowedhard thatday.Mike andhis friendswenttoskate onthe lake.May couldnotskate.Mike taughther.Jim wanted toskateinthemiddleofthe lake,Jane stoppedhim.But hedidntlisten toher.After afew minutesthey heardhim callingforhelp.Help!Help!”Then theyfound hefellintothe coldwater.They ranto himand May,the youngestof them,shouted loudlythere.A farmerworked nearthelakeand heardher.He tookoff hiscoat andjumped intothewaterand helpedthe boygoout.Their clotheswereall wet.He tooktheboyto ahospital.Jim sparentsthankedhimverymuch.
1.It waswarm andsunny.Mike andhisfriendswenttoswim inthelake.
2.May couldskate verywell,but Janecould not.
3.Mike fellintothewant andcalled forhelp.
4.A policemanheard andcametohelptheboygoout.
5.They tooktheboytoahospital andhewassaved.
68.阅读短文,判断正误,用或F表示MrBrownis walkinginthepark.He isvery tired.He wantstohavea rest.Hesees ared Chairunder atree overthere.So hewalks tothe Chair.There isanotherman infront ofhim.He iswalking tothe chair,too.He hasa board inhis hand.MrBrown isvery worried担,C.He beginsto runquickly.The mansees him.He beginstorun,too.But MrBrownisfaster.He getstothe chair beforethe man.He isveryhappy.When theman comes.MrBrownis sittingonthe chair.He saysnothing butgivesMr Brownthe board.The boardsays,Wet Paint油漆未干
1.MrBrownwantstosit onthe Chairunder the tree.
2.The manwithaboardinhishandwantstosit onthechair,too.
3.MrBrowndoesntknow theman.
5.There iswet painttoMrBrownscoat andtrousers now.
69.阅读短文,判断正误,用T或表示Our countryisvery big.The weatherinthenorth is different from the south.Theweather inthe eastisdifferentfromthe west.In Heilongjiang,itsvery cold inwinter.In Hainan,itswarm inwinter.We havemany rainydays inthe eastof ourcountry.But,it seldom少的rains inthe west of ourcountry.If youwanttotake atrip youmust payattention to注意the weather report.
1.The weatherinthenorth andthe southarethesame.
2.It scoldinHeilongjiang inwinter.
3.In winter,Hainan isvery cold,too.
4.It oftenrains inthewest of ourcountry,and seldomrains inthe eastof ourcountry.
5.We dont needto payattention toweatherreportwhen wetake atrip.
70.阅读短文,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示There isanEnglishboy underthe tree.He sinayellow shirtand brownpants.His nameis Bob.He isthirteen.He isa student.He sin No.14Middle School.Aliceis his sister.She sa student,too.She isin Bobsschool.They aregood students.They likeChinese verymuch.They go toschoolon theirbikes.
1.There isan Americanboy underthetree.
2.Bob isin blackpants.
3.They studyatthe No.14Middle School.
4.They likeEnglish.They dont likeChinese.
5.They go toschoolbycar.
71.阅读短文,判断正误,用或F表示It isSunday morning.Su HaiandSu Yang areat home.They aredoing housework.Su Yangusually getsup atsix oclock,10minutes earlier than Su Hai.Su Haiis tallerthan Su Yang,so usuallySu Haicleans thewindows andSu Yangcleans thedesks.SuHai cleans faster and cleaner thanSu Yang,so sheoftenhelpsSu Yang.They likecleaning thehousefor theirfamily.
1.It sMonday today.
2.Su HaiandSu Yangaredoing homework.
3.SuYanggetsupearlierthanSu Hai.
4.SuHaiisas tallasSuYang.
72.阅读短文,判断正误,用或表示Hello,ImJack.P mastudentin ShanxiRoad PrimarySchool.At schoolI haveagoodfriend.His nameis Mike.He isAmerican.He cansingalotofEnglish songs.Im150cm.Mike isastallasme.We aregoodatswimming andrunning.I swimfasterthan him.But heruns fasterthan me.Now wearegoingtoschool.There sa basketballmatchthisafternoon.Our schoolis fourkilometers千米away.We oftengo toschoolby bus.There areonly twostops停靠站.Sometimes wego toschoolbybike.)
1.Mike andJack arentinthesameschool.)
2.Mike isabout150cm.)
3.Jack runsslower thanMike.)
4.Now theyaregoingtothefootball field(场地).)
5.They oftengotoschoolonfoot.It sa shortwalk.
73.阅读短文,判断正误,用或F表示One dayMr.and Mrs.White wentshopping bycar.They stoppedtheir carnear ashop.They bought(买)alotof thingsandtheywanted to put thethings intothe car.ButMr.White couldnt openthedoorofthe car,so theyasked apoliceman tohelp them.The policeman wasveryfriendly.He startedto openthe carfor them.Just thena mancameup andshouted(喊),“What areyou doingwith mycar”Mr.and Mrs.White hadalook atthecars numberandtheywere frozen(惊呆了)there.Itwasn ttheir car.()
1.Mr.and Mrs.White drovefor shopping.()
2.They stoppedtheir caratthegate ofa snackbar.()
3.They wantedtogivetheir thingstoapoliceman.()
4.The policemanwould liketohelpMr.White.()
5.From thepassage(短文),weknowMr.and Mrs.White madeamistake(搞错了).
74.阅读短文,判断正误,用或F表示There isan old woman inEnglish.She doesntlikechildren atall.But shelovescats.She hasblack cats and whitecats.She hasmother catsand babycats.So the childrenlike tocome toher house.They cometoplaywith the cats.More andmore catscome totheoldwomans house.Soon thereare toomany catsandtheoldwoman cant feed(饲养)them atall.Then shehas anidea.The childrenlove mycats,“she thinks.Soshe giveseach childa cat.Then sheishappy,the childrenare happy,andthecats arehappy,too,because Theyeach(每一只)haveahome.
5.Nancy istwo months月older thanMary.
6.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打“或打“X”1haveapenpal.Her nameis Mary.She is
23.She livesin Beijing.She isa teacherandshe teachesP.E.,she walks to work.Her hobbyis diving,she wantsto attendOlympicgames oneday.1Mary ismy penpal.2Mary isamathteacher.3Mary goesto workbybus.4Mary likesdiving.5Mary is23yearsold.
7.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打“J”或打X二Today isSaturday.Its fine.My parentsandI gotothe zoo.First,we cometosee the monkeys.Look atthose monkeys!Some areplaying witheachother,some areswinging onthe trees,some aremaking faces,andsomeare eatingbananas.Then wegotosee thepeacocks孑L雀.How beautifultheyare!They havelong tailsandsmall mouths.They areall wearingcolorful clothes.They look like prettyprincesses公主・They aredancing togetherhappily.At last,we cometosee averybig animal.It hasa longnose andtwo bigears.Its earslookliketwo bigfans.What isit Ha-ha,its anelephant.Its veryfriendly.My fathertakes aphotoforit.Today,Iamvery happybecause Ihave seenmany lovelyanimals.I hopepeoplecangetalong well与友好相处with theanimals forever.
1.I gotothezoo withmy dadand mum.
2.Themonkeys areplaying,swinging anddancing.
3.Thepeacocks arebeautiful.
4.Theelephant hasalongnose andtwobigeyes.
1.The oldwomen likescatsandchildren verymuch.
2.The childrencometothe womanshousebecause theywantto helpherdosome housework.
3.The oldwomancantfeedthecatsbecause shedoesn,t likethemany more.
4.The oldwoman giveseach childa cat.
5.Every cathasahome atlast.
75.阅读短文,判断正误,用或F”表示Zhang Pengis askingtoapoliceman neartheschool.Z:Excuse me,sir.Is therea bookstorenear hereP:No,there isnt.But thereis onenext tothepostoffice.Z:Where isthepostoffice,pleaseP:Itstothewestofthe hospital.Z:Is itfar fromhereP:Yes.Z:How canI getthereP:First,turn leftandtaketheNo.16bus atthebusstop.Next,get offatthe hospital.You11see thepostoffice.Z:Thank you.P:You rewelcome.
1.There isa bookstoreneartheschool.
2.The postoffice isnexttothe bookstore.
3.The postoffice istothewestofthehospital.
4.Zhang Pengwalkstothe bookstore.
5.Zhang Pengasks apoliceman forhelp.
5.We shouldlove animals.
8.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打“或打“X”MikeWhat areyou goingto be,JohnJohnI likemath,so Imgoingto be an accountant.MikeWhat aboutyou,Zhang PengZhang Peng I like helpingpeople,Icanwork forthe police.So Imgoingtobe apoliceman.What aboutyou,SarahSarahI likesinging,so Imgoingtobe a singer.And youWu YifanWu YifanImhere.I like cleaningthe streets,so Imgoingtobe a cleaner.
1.John isgoingtobe an accountant.
2.ZhangPenglikes math.
3.Sarah wantstobe asinger.
4.Wu Yifandoesntlikecleaningthestreets.
5.Mike isgoingtobeapoliceman.
9.阅读下面的对话,判断对话后面句子的正⑴误F并在图中标出各人的座位This isa classroom.You cansee someboys andgirls init.Do youknow theboy inablack andwhite T-shirt HisnameisJim.He sitsbeside thewindow.The boybehindJim isLiu Lin.He isaChineseboy.He likesstamps.He hasmany Chinesestamps.Thegirl nextto himis Lucy.She isEnglish.Her twinsister isLily.They areinthesamerow buttheyarein differentgroups组・Look atthegirlin reddress.She isLi Ying.She sits between Jim and Helen.She isHelen,sgoodfriend.
1.Jim sitsbeside thewindow.
2.Liu Linsits behindJim.
3.Lily sitsnexttoLiu Lin.
4.Lucy andLily areinthesame row.
5.Li YingsitsbetweenJimandHelen./修白a
10.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打“J”或打“X”Dear David,please cometomyhome forsupper atsix thisevening.Here isa maptohelp youfind myhouse.Take busNo.22and get offatGuangming Road.Walk alongtheroad andturn rightatthefirst crossing.Now youreon XiangyangRoad.Walk aboutfive minutes,youcansee fourhouses onyour left.The thirdoneismine.You cantmiss it.Li Lei
1.Li Leiasks Davidtohavebreakfast athis homethisevening.
2.David shouldtake busNo.
3.David shouldgetoffat XiangyangRoad.
4.From thecrossing toLi LeishouseDavid shouldwalk aboutfiveminutes.
5.The fourthhouse isLi Leis.
11.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打XTim wasseven yearsold,andhissister wasfive.One day,their motherwantedtogoshopping,so sheasked their aunt tolook afterthem.The twochildren playedforalong time.At fouro clockin theafternoon,theirauntgave Timan apple andaknife.She saidtohim,“Nowhere saknife,Tim.Cut thisapple into two pieces.And thenplease giveone piece toyoursister,but remember(记住)todo it likea gentleman.”“Like a gentleman”Tim asked.How doesa gentlemandoit”“He alwaysgivesthe bigpiecetoanother person.their auntanswers.“Oh,I see.Then hegave hissister the appleandsaidtoher,“Please cutitintotwopieces likeagentleman,Joan.”
31.Tim wastwo yearsolder thanhissister.
32.Joan wasTim slittle sister.
33.Tim,s mumwantedtogo swimmingwithherfriends.
34.At fouro clockintheafternoon,thechildren,s auntgave themtwo applesanda knife.
35.Tim wantedthe bigpieceoftheapple.
12.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”Long longago,there wasa poor(穷)man・He hadan orangetree.On thetree,there weremany fineoranges.One ofthem wasverybig.It wasas bigasaball.Nobodysaw sobig anorange.The poorman wasvery happy.He gaveittothe King(国王).TheKing wasso gladthat hegave themanalotofmoney forit.When arichmanheard ofit,he saidto himself,it wasonly anorange.Why didthe King giveso muchmoney forit I would takemy gold(金的)cup tothe King.He wouldgivememore money.The nextday whentheKinggotthegold cup,he saidtotherichman,“Whata beautifulcup!Iwouldshow yousomething wonderful.This bigorange wasforyou.”()
1.The richman hadan appletree.()
2.One ofthe orangeswas roundand bigasaball.()
3.The richman wantedthebigorange.()
4.The Kingthought(认为)thebigorange waswonderful.
5.The richmanwasnot happyatlast最后.
13.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”Do youknow howto planta peachtree Letme tellyou.First,putsomesoil inapot.Then,put a peach seedinthesoil.Water theseed.Put itinthe sun.When itsdry again,water it.You canseethesprout inafewweeks.Don t forget toput itinthe sun every day.Wait.You cansee abig plantin severalmonths.When canit growpeachesWait.It willtakealong time.Tell howto plantapeachtree:
1.First,put apeach seedinthesoil.
2.Then,water theseed andput itinthesun.
3.When thesoil isdry again,water it.
4.Don,tforgettoputthe potinthesunevery day.
5.Wait forthe peachtree togrow.
14.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”Today isThursday.Weekend iscoming.The weatherforecast saysthe weatherwillbe niceon weekend.So myfamily isgoingtogo onan outingthis Saturday.We likeclimbingvery much.Its goodfor ourhealth.On Sunday,we willsee apuppet showat twothirtyin theafternoon.Then wearegoingto KFCfor oursupper.Ilikechips andhamburgers.What awonderful weekend!
1.It willbe windythisweekend.
2.Climbing isa healthysport.
3.We willseeapuppet showonSunday.
4.Before thepuppet show,we willgotoKFC.
15.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打或打“X”Mr.Green:Good morning,Mr Wu!How doyou usuallygoto workMr.Wu:I usuallygotoworkbybike.But sometimesIgoonfoot.Ilikewalking.Mr.Green:Walking isgood.Look atthesun.Its afine dayfor walkingtoday.Mr.Wu:That sright.And theair todayis niceand clean.What aboutyou Doyouoften gotoworkby bikeMr.Green:Yes,but nottoday.Mr.Wu:Why notMr.Green:My bike is broken.
1.Sometimes Mr.Wu goestoworkonfoot.
2.Mr.Wu likesriding.
3.Mr.Green oftengotoworkbybike.
4.The weatheris niceandcleantoday.
5.Mr.Wu sbikeisbrokerio
16.阅读理解,根据短文内容判断句子正误,打“或打“X”Bob isan engineer.He worksinasmall company.Jenny isanaccountant.She likesworking withnumbers.Ben isapoliceman.Andrew isa salesperson.He sellscomputers.Ann isacleaner.She getsupearlyeveryday,but shelikes herjob.
1.Bob worksinasmall company.
2.Ben likesworking withnumbers.
3.Jenny isanaccountant.
4.Andrew isa salesperson.
5.Ann getsupearlyeveryday.。