1.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FOne dayMrs.White shopping.When herhusband came home in the evening,she beganto tell himabout a cotton棉花dress.I sawit in a shopthis morning,“Shesaid.”And I・・・”“And youwant to buy it,“said herhusband.“How muchdoes itcost”“Fifteen pounds.”“Fifteen poundsfor acotton dressThat,s toomuch!”But everyevening,when Mr.White came back fromwork,his wifecontinued tospeakonly about the dress,and atlast,after a week,he said,“Oh,dear,buy thedress!Here is the money!”She was very happy.But thenext evening,when Mr.White camehome and asked,“Have yougot the dress”She said“No.”“Why not”he asked.Well,it wasstill in the windowof theshop after a week,so Ithought,Nobody elsewants thisdress,so I don,t wantit either.
1.Mrs.White wanted tobuy acottondress.
2.Her husbandcamehomein themorning.
3.Her husbanddidn,t giveher themoney at first.
4.The cottondress wasstill in the windowof theshop afteraweek.
5.At lastMrs.White got thedress.
2.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FAn oldman thoughthis wifewas alittle deaf聋,and hedecided totry herout.He walkedback tenmetres andasked his wife frombehind,“Can“No,I don,t want to clean it today.If Iclean ittoday,it will be dirtyagain tomorrow.Toms motherthought for a moment and said:uOK.Don,t clean it!”In the evening,Tom wasback fromschool.He was very hungry.So he said tohis mother:Give mesomething to eat,Mum.”“You hadyour breakfastin themorning and you hadlunchat school.said his mother.But Imhungry again.”cried theboy.Hurry!But ifIgive you something to eat,you willbe hungryagain.”()
76.Tom cleanedhis dirtycoatcarefully.()
77.Tom didntthink his coat wasdirty.()
78.Tom atehis lunchat school.()
79.Tom felthungry thatevening.()
80.Toms father was toldto giveTom nothingtoeatfor supper.
16.阅读短文,判断正⑴误(F)At midnighton New Year s Eve(除夕),people inRome,Italy,throw outall thethings they don,t want any longer.The streets are filledwith oldchairs,beds,clothesand plates.In Madrid,Spain,the New Year comesin morequietly.People gettogether inthecenter of the city.Each holdsa bagof grapes.As theclock strikes(敲)twelve,thepeople eatgrapes一one foreach strike.In Tokyo,Japan,people eatnoodles onNew Years Eve.This foodis said to bringlonglife.Early thenext morningsome Japanesefamilies climbMount Fuji.There theywatchthe firstsunrise of the new year.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)(10分)
1.New Years EveRome must be verynoisy.
2.In thecenter ofMadrid,a Spaniard(西班牙人)brings more than fifteengrapesand waitsfor theNewYear.
3.Many happypeople are in the street inMadrid onNewYear,sEve.
4.People in both Madridand Tokyobring in the newyear byeating aspecial food.
5.The Japaneseprefer towelcome thenewyearby going to bedearly andrising early.
17.阅读短文,判断正⑴误(F)George andhiswifehave a small bar(酒口El).The baroften keepsopen untilaftermidnight,because peoplecome todrink therewhile theyare waitingfor the trains.At twoo clockone morning,one is still sitting at a table in the smallbar.He drinkstoomuch andis asleep.George swife wants to go to bed.She goesinto thebar severaltimes,and eachtime the man isstill there.At lastshe saysto herhusband,You vewoken(叫醒)that mansix timesnow,George,but he isn tdrinking anything.Why don t yousendhim awayIt s very late.“Oh,no,I don t want to sendhim away,“answers herhusband with a smile,“yousee,whenever Iwake him up,he asksfor his bill(账单),When Ibring itto him,he paysit.Then hegoes to sleep again.”
1.The Georgesbar isoften closedafter7o clockp.m.
2.A personisstillsittingatatableat twoin the afternoon.
3.He istired andis asleep.
4.George swife wantsto go to bed.
5.The manis wokensix timesand paidhisbillsix times.Dear Tom,I have a dayoff today.Now letme tellyousomethingabout Beijing.In our countrypeople drivecars on the leftside of the road,but herein Beijing,on the right side.Many people of Londongo to work bycar,while mostpeopleof Beijing go to workby bike.The weatherofBeijingis better than ours.Its finefor longhere,but wehave somanycloudy daysin London.Students herework hardat theirlessons anda lotof people canspeak English.Its apity thatstudents inourcountrydont work hard andfew peopleknowChinese.That,s allfor today.Please writeto mesoon.Your ever,Peter
51.This letteris froman Englishboy tohis friendTom.
52.Peter is a farmer,not a student.
53.Tom maybe amiddle schoolstudent inLondon.
54.In Englandcars goalong the road on the rightside.
55.Peter thinksthe Chinesestudents workharder thanEnglish students.
19.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FNew York,London andother big cities areexciting placesto live in.There aremanythings to see andto do.You cango todifferent kinds of museums,plays andfilms.Butthere areproblems in big cities,too.The thingsare expensiveand there are too many people.They aremoving tobig citiesbecause it is easierto findjobs,to studyat goodschoolsand tofind gooddoctors there.But sometimes,some peoplecannot geta goodjob ora niceplace to livein,and sometimesit shard tokeep big cities safe and cleanbecause thereare toomanypeople.So,before youmove tobigcities,you shouldthink aboutthe problemsofliving there.
26.The life inbigcities isusually exciting.
27.There arenot anyproblems foreveryone tolivein abig city.
28.If youwant to go to a niceschool,you dbetter go toa big city.
29.Big citiesare alwayssafeand clean.
30.The writertells usaboutthelifeinbigcities.
20.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FOne rainyday a woman witha dog got on the bus.It was a bigdog and its feet werevery dirty.The woman sat downand the dog stoodnear her.When the conductor cameup toher,she said,“Oh,conductor,I payfor mydog,can hehave aseat likethe other passengers乘客?”The conductorlooked at the dogand itsdirty feetand thenhe said,“Of course,madam.He can have aseat like all the other passengers,but like all theotherpassengers,hemust notput hisfeet onit.”
1.One dayawomanwith herdoggoton abus.
2.It wasnta small dogand itsfeetwerevery dirty.
3.The womanwanted tobuyaticket for thedogto sitaway from her.
4.The womanmust puther feeton theseat.
5.The dogcan sitlikeall theotherpassengers.
21.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FMany peoplelike animals:children likeanimals best.Usually wecan onlysee dogs,cats,ducks,or chickens.We can,t seeother animalssuch aselephants,tigers,pandas,and monkeys.On Sunday,parents oftentake theirchildren to the zoo.How happythe childrenare!They runfrom oneplacetoanother.They giveanimals allkindsofgood foodtoeat.They staythere onehour afteranother.They dont want to go home.Children alwayshavea good time there.
1.Parents likeanimals best.
2.Usually wecan onlysee dogs.
3.Children arehappy to goto the zoo.
4.Children oftenstay longhours in the zoo.
5.The childrendont want togohomebecause theywant to get backtheir foodfromthe animals.
22.阅读短文,判断正⑴误(F)Mr Cooperworked ata school.He wasthe headmasterof aschool forboys.I thoughthe was akind manbecause hetold mefunny stories.But Iwas sure the boyswere afraidofhim.At school,when hewalked intoa roomfull ofnoise,it wasquiet at once.If aboybought himpoor homework,Mr Cooperwould pickup theboy sbook andthrow it back athim,shouting,“Do it again,and bringitbacktomorrow morning!”If theboy waslate orforgotto bringthe work,he hadto doitagain,and again and yetagain.Mr Coopernever forgot.
1.This storyis abouta lazyboy sstory.
2.The headmasterwas notfriendly tohis students.
3.Mr Coopernever forgot to tellhis studentsto dohomework well.
4.The boys headmasterwas akind man.
5.The writerliked Mr Cooper becauseMrCooperwas oftenlate forclass.
23.阅读短文,判断正⑴误(F)I have always heardthat walking under a ladder bringsbad luck,but I ve never thoughtso.I havewalked underladders manytimes,but I have nevermet anythingbad before.Its the same withblack cats.People sayif ablack catcrosses before you,it meansbad luck.I haveneverthought that untilthis afternoon.But eversince Iheard mystudent Samsstory,Ivebegun thinking about whetherit wastrue.This afternoon,Sam was walking down the streetthinkingaboutsomething,so he wasnt payingattention to注意至U wherehewasgoing.He walkedright undera ladderstandingagainst倚着a building.A blackcat ranout of a doorjust atthat moment,and Samfellover it.His headhit theladder.A manwashing the window was at thetop ofthat ladderand the dirtywater wentdown throughthe air.Poor Sam!He gotwet allover.
1.At first,the writerbelieved thatwalkingunderaladderwould bringbad luck.
2.A blackcat crossingwill bringyou goodluck when you arewalking.
3.That afternoon,the writersson Samwaswalkingdownthestreetthinking aboutsomething.
4.There was a manwashing the window nearthe door.
5.Sam hadbadluckthat afternoon.
24.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FWhen David was playingin front ofa big house,a manarrived.The manasked David,“Are yourparents at home I havealetter for them.”David answered,“Yes・My fatheriswatching TVand mymother istaking careof mylittle sister.”The manrang the doorbellbut no one answeredthe door.Are theysleeping”the mansaid to himself.The mantriedagain,but stillno oneanswered.Then the man turnedaround and said toDavid,“You badboy.You lied说谎to me!Your parentsaren tathome.”“I neverlie,“said David.This is not my house!”
1.Davidwasplaying behinda big house.
2.David s fatherwassleeping andhismotherwas watching TV.
3.The manrang thedoorbell butnobody opened thedoorfor him.
4.David liedto the man.
5.David didn t livein thatbighouse.
25.阅读短文,判断正⑴误(F)If youreally wantto havea healthyand quietholiday,you shuldgo andstay ona farmforsome time.There aremany animals on the farm.If youlike,you can take careof theyounganimals.The pigs,ducks goatsand turkeys.1think it is veryinteresting.But wedoit notfor makingany money,just forfun.The farmersmust workhard on the farmto makemoneyfor theirliving.I liketravel,especially travel onthe farm in the countryside.If I have timenext weekend,I11travelona farmagain.
11.It isquiet onthe farm.
12.There aren,t manyanimalsonthe farm.
13.The farmersworkhardonthefarm.
14.The farmerswork onthefarmonly forfun.
15.The travellersgoto thefarmto makemoney.
26.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FIn England,people oftentalk aboutthe weatherbecause you can experience感受fourseasons inone day.In themorning the weather iswarm justlike inspring.An hourlaterblack cloudscome,and thenis rainshard.The weathergets alittle colder.In theafternoonthe skywillbeclear,the sunwill beginto shine,it willbe summerat thisof year.In England,you can also havesummer in winter,or havewinter insummer.So inwinteryou canswim sometimes,and insummer sometimesyou shouldtake warmclothes.When yougoto England,you willsee thatsome Englishpeople usuallytake anumbrella ora raincoatwith them in the sunnymorning,but youshould notlaugh atthem.If you dontdo likethat,maybe you will regret后悔later in the day.
1.People not very oftentalk aboutthe weather in England.
2.In Englandpeoplecanhave differentseasons in a day.
3.Sometimes you canhavea swiminwinterin England.
4.You neverneed towear warmclothes insummer inEngland.
5.Some Englandpeople usuallytake anumbrella ora raincoatwiththembecause itoftenrains inEngland.
27.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FMark Twainis travelingto Dijon第戎by train.He wantstosleepvery much,so heasksthe conductor月艮务员to wakehim upwhen thetrain getsto Dijon.Then hegoesto sleep.Later,when wakesup,it isearly thenext morning and thetrain hasgot toParis.He knowsatonce立艮|3that the conductor doesn t wakehim upat Dijon.He isvery angry.He runsup to the conductorand says,“Why didnt youwake meup andput meoff thetrainat DijonI am very angryabout it!”The conductorsmiles andlooks athim,“Another Americanis angrierthan you.But youcant seehim now.I puthim offthetrain at Dijonlast night.”
1.Mark Twainaskstheconductorto wakehimupin Paris.
2.The traingot toDijon atnight.
3.Mark Twainwas veryangry withtheconductor.
4.The conductormade a mistake错误.He putanother Americanoff thetrainat Dijon.
5.Mark Twaincant see thatAmerican because the Americandoesntlikehim.Dear Carolyn,Idlove to see younext week,but I mverybusy,I mstressed out!Ihave to studyfor myEnglishtest onMonday night.I m going to the dentiston Tuesday,and you have tosee thedentiston Wednesday.My mothers havinga partyon Friday,so Ihavetohelp herwith that.What areyoudoing onThursday Im notbusy that day.Are youworking in theafternoonCan wetalkon thephone orlisten to CDs Callme!Your friend,David
1.David cantseeCarolyn onMonday night.
2.David hastosee the doctoron Wednesday.
3.Dave smother isfree onFriday.
4.Dave isfree onThursday.
5.David wantsto listentoCDswith Carolyn.
29.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FThis ismy home.There is a smallgarden infront ofmy house.There aremany beautifulflowersin thegarden.Behind myhouse,there isabigtree.Near thetree,youcan see agarage.Myfathers beautifulred caris in it now.On the first floor,there isa largeliving room,a diningroom,a kitchenandabathroom.I likewatchingTVin the living room.On thesecond floor,theres a small studyand twobedrooms.I loveplaying withthe computerin mystudy.
1.There sasmallgarden infront ofmyhouse.
2.The bigtree is in thefrontof the house.
3.The bathroomis onthe firstfloor.
4..The TVisin thelivingroom.
5.The studyis onthefirstfloor.
30.阅读短文,判断正⑴误(F)There wasice onthe road,and the doctor s car hita treeand turnedover three times.To hissurrise,hewasnt hurt.He gotout of the carand walkedtothenearest house,he wanted to telephonethe garageforhelp.AA woman,one of his patients,openedthedoor.n Oh,doctor,v she said,“Ihaveonly justtelephonedyou.You must havea very fastcar.You haegot herevery quickly,there wasa verybad accidentontheroadoutside.I sawit throughthe window.Imsurethedriver willneed yourhelp.”
1.The doctorwas drivingtthegarage beforethe accident.
2.A treefell acrosste road,so the traffic accidenthappened.
3.The doctorknew one of hispatients livedin thenearest house.
4.The patientphoned thedoctor becauseshe thoughtsomeone neededhelp.
5.The womanwanted thedoctor,but was surprised thathe cameso quickly.
31.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FMr.Smith livesinasmall village,but heworks inabig city.He goes toworkby trainevery morning andcomes homein the same way.This morningwhen hewas readinghis newspaperin thetrain,a manbehind himsaid uHello!”to him and began to talk to him.Your lifeis notinteresting,is itYou take thesametrainat thesame timeeverymorning,andyoualways sitin thesame seatand readthesamenewspaperv“How doyou knowall thatabout me”Mr Smith was veryangry,“Because Ialways sitinthe sameseat behindyou.”The mananswered.
71.Mr.Smith worksinacity farfrom hishouse.
72.On thetrain helikes lookingoutside.
73.Mr.Smith oftensits behinda man.
74.Mr.Smithwasvery happywhen a man talkedto him.
75.The mans lifeis notinteresting likeMr.Smith.you hear me”He heardno answerfrom hiswife,so hewalked forwardand stoodsix metresawayfrom her,“Can youhear me”he askedagain.But hestill heardno answer.Thenhe walkedup twometres andasked loudly,“Now,my dear,can youhearme”“Yes,of course,she answered.And thisis thethird timeIhavetold you—YES,OF COURSE!”
1.Try out”inthepassage meansin Chinese“拿出来”.
2.the manasked hiswife thesame questionfor onlythreetimes.
3.The wifecould not answer herhusband from10metres away.
4.The manwas reallymuch deaferthan hiswife.
5.From thepassage wecansee the manand thewomansages.
3.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FToday isSaturday.Peter doesnt goto schoolon Saturday afternoon.He splaying aballnear hishouse.His fathercomes tohimandbegins totalk abouthis schoolwith him.“Who is the beststudent inyour class”“I am,Dad.answers Peter.“Why”uOnly I can answermy teacher,s questionsin class.”uWhat questionsvThey oftenask usWho dont understandme’,and only1put upmyhand.”“And whoistheworst inyour class”“Our teachersare.”“Why”“They cant answereven the easiest questions,“says Peter,“They alwaysaskus toanswer.”
1.Peter doesn,t goto schoolon Saturdayafternoon.
2.Peter isthe beststudent in his class.
3.Peter oftendoesn,t understandhis teachers.
4.Peter thinksheisbetterthanhis teachers.
5.Peter,s teacherscan,tanswertheeasiestquestions.
32.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FThe“big day”has arrivedfor Agnes.She isfinally leavingthe hospitalaftera long illness.Her husband,Clark,is pushingherina wheelchair.They saygood-bye tothe nursesas theypassby ontheir waytothehospital.Agnes was ill formorethansix weeks.The doctorswere notsure abouther illness.At firsttheythoughtthatshe neededan operation手术.Finally,after manytests,the doctorsgaveher some new medicine.Now,she isnearly well.
1.The storytook placeinthehospital.
2.Agnes wasill forover sixweeks.
3.At firstthe doctorsthought theyshould operateon her.
4.After anoperation,the doctorsgave hersomenewmedicine.
5.Agnes isOK now.
33.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FJim,with his father,goestosee hisgrandfather.In thetrain Jimoften putshis headout of thewindow.His father says,Jim!Don tput yourhead out of thewindow!”But Jimgoeson puttinghis headout of thewindow.Now his father takesJim s cap quietly,hides藏it behind his backand says,“You seeyourcap isgone不见了Jim isafraid.His fathersays,“Well,whistle吹口哨once.Perhaps yourcap willcome back.Jimwhistles.His fatherquickly putsthe capon Jim s head.“Oh!It iswonderful!”Jim laughs.He quicklytakes hisfatherscap and throws it outof thewindow.“Now it is yourturn轮到你啦to whistle,Dad!”he sayshappily.
1.Jim andhisfathergotosee hisgrandfather by bus.
2.Jim sfather tellshim notto puthis headoutofthewindow.3・Jim sfather takesJim scap andhides itbehindhisback.
4.Jim doesntwantto havehis capback.
5.Jim takeshisfatherscapandthrowsitoutofthewindow.
34.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FIn2008,many visitorsare comingto ChinafortheOlympic Games.Icantell themhow togetaround Beijing.I wanttotellthem itis easyto usepublic transportationhere.They cantravelbybus.And visitorscanalsotake thesubway trains.It snot difficult,because thetrainsusually comeevery5minutes allday long.I wantto studyEnglish very hard,so Icantalk tovisitors when they come to China.
11.A lotof visitorsare comingto Chinain
12.Visitors shouldnt usepublic transportationin Beijing.
13.It sdifficult totakethesubway.
14.The trainsusually comeevery fiveminutes allday long.
15.The writerwantstostudy Chinesehard totalktovisitors.
35.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FHusband:Where,s JimWife:He isin bed.Husband:What,sthematter with himWife:He feelsill.we mustcall thedoctor.Doctor:Open yourmouth,Jim.Show meyour tongue舌头・Say Ah”.Husband:What thematter withhim,doctorDoctor:He hasa badcold MW.So hemust stayin bedfor aweek.Wife:Jim willbe happy.Doctor:WhyWife:Because hedoesnt likeschool.
1.Jim isill.
2.Jim isstill inbed.
3.The doctorsaid heisnotill.
4.Jim Wantstogoto school.
4.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FTom livedinabig citywith hiswife andhis twochildren.One Saturdayafternoon Tomtookhis bluecar outoftheroom andwashed it.Just thenone of his friendscame tovisithim.The friendlooked atthe carfor aminute.Then hesaid toTom,That sa nicecar.Is it yoursvuSometimes,“Tom answered.The friendwassurprised惊奇的.uSometimes^hesaid.What doyou mean”Tom toldthefriend slowly.When theresaparty inthe city,my daughter,Rose,uses it.Whenthere wasa basketball game,itismy son,Jims.After Iwash it,anditlooks veryniceandclean,my wifedrives ittogoshopping.When itneeds washing,itismine.
1.Tom,scarwas black.
2.Tom himselfwashed the car oneSaturdayafternoon.
3.When there wasabasketballgame,Rose usedthecar.
4.There werefour peoplein Tom,s family.
5.Tom sfriend oftenhelps himwash hiscar.
5.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FMr.Green wasa teacherinabigcityinthenorth ofEngland.He usuallywent toFranceor Germany德国for a few weeksin hissummer holidays,and hespoke Frenchand German德语quite well.But one year Mr.Green saidto one ofhis friends,mgoingto havea holidayin Japan.But I don,t speakJapanese,so I11gotoevening classand haveJapanese lessonsfora monthbefore Igo.”He studiedveryhardfor amonth,and thenhis holidaysbegan and he went to Japan.When hecamebackafew weeks later,hisfriendsaidtohim,“Did youhave any troublewith yourJapanese whenyou werein Japan“No,I didnthaveanytroublewith it,“answered MrGreen.But theJapanese did!”
1.Mr.Green wasa Frenchmanandhespoke Frenchvery well.
2.Mr.Green hadJapanese lessonsbecause hewanted tovisit Japan.
3.Mr.Green stayedin Japanforafewweeks.
4.The Japaneseunderstood MrGreen verywell inJapan.
5.Mr.Green spokeJapanese verywell.
6.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FWhat afine day!The sun is shiningand everythinglooks bright.Can youfeel theheatwhen youstand inthe sunThe sungives theheat fromvery faraway.It shard to beliele.that the sunisabout onehundred andfifty millionkilometres away.The sunlooks smallbecauseitisso farfrom us.but it s reallyvery huge.The earthwicles the sun.It takesoneyearforthe earth togo wroundthe sun.And atthesame time the earthitself isspinning转around onceevery twenty-four hours.The sungives uslight.It keepsus warm.It makesthings grow.Plants animalsand peopleneedthe sun.We can,t livewithout the sun.
1.On afine dayeverything isbright becausethe sunis shining.
2.The sungives usheat andlight.
3.It sabout150,000,000kilometres from the earthtothesun.
4.In factthesunisn,tverybig becauseitstoo faraway fromus.
5.It takestheearth24hours togo aroundthesun.
6.We can,t livewithout thesun becauseall theliving thingson theearthdepend onthesun.
7.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FLong longago there wasadoctor inasmalltown.He wasgood andkind.He wasalways readytogo andhelp people.People alwayswenttohim when therewassomething wrongwithhim.Many yearslater,thedoctorbecame old.He beganto forget things.People wereafraidand didnt gotohim any more.The old doctor asked,“Why doesnoonecometosee menow”No onewanted totell himwhy,because theydidntwanttohurt thegood man.Insteadthey said,“Everybody inthe townis healthynow.The doctorwas pleasedwhen heheardthat.
1.The storywas aboutan olddoctor inasmalltown.
2.Many yearslater theolddoctorbegantoforgetthings.
3.People didnt gotoseehimanymore.
4.No onewanted totell himwhy,because theywere notfriendly tohim.
5.The doctorwas pleasedwhen heheard nobodywasill.
8.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FMiss Zhaoisanew teacher of ClassOne.She teacherEnglish.She likeswearing awhite dress.She speaksEnglish verywell.The students1ike herlessons verymuch,and sheloves her students.But shedoesn,t knowall theirnames.Li Leiisthemonitor班长.he hasallthe names onapiece ofpaper.He givesthe paperto Miss Zhao.
2.She likeswearing awhite blouse.
3.She likesherstudents.
4.She knowssome ofthe students,names.
5.The monitortells herthenamesofhisclass.
9.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FWhen youareinEngland,you mustbe verycareful inthe streetsbecausethetraffic drivesonthe left.Before youcross(横穿)a street,you mustlook tothe right(右)first andthentothe left(左),In themorning andintheevening whenpeople goto orcome fromwork,the streetsarevery busy(拥挤).Traffic isvery dangerous(危险的).When yougo bybus inEngland,youhavetobecareful,too.Always remember(永远t己住)thetrafficgoes onthe left.So you mustbecareful.Have alook firstor youmay gothewrong way.In manyEnglish cities,therearebig buseswith twofloors.You cansit onthe secondfloor.From thereyoucansee thecity verywell.It,sveryinteresting.()
1.Buses andcars driveontheleft inal1the countriesinthe world(世界).()
2.In England,beforeyoucross astreet,you mustlookto theright first.()
3.Traffic isvery dangerousinthemorningandintheevening.()
4.When yougo bybus inEngland,youwillalways gothewrong way.()
5.You canseethecity wellfrom thesecond floorofthebus.
10.阅读短文,判断正⑴误(F)Mary livedinasmall village.One earlymorning,her fathertook herot her uncle,s homein town.She had averygood timethere.Before Maryleft intheevening,herunclegave hera jar(罐子)and said,“There issomecandy(糖果)init.You mayput yourhand intoit andtake somewhenyouwanttoeatsomething.”Mary lookedatthe jar whenshe wasinthetrain.It hadalongand smal1neck颈・She puther handinto thejar andtook fivepieces.But shecould not get her hand out.She turnedher handin someways,still shecouldn,tgether handout.Finally最后shelet gofour pieces.Then shecould pullherhandoutofthejar.
1.One dayMarys fathertook herto hermothers brother,s home.
2.Mary stayedintownfor halfa day.
3.Mary couldn,t takethe fivepieces outtogether.
4.Mary didn,t takeout anycandy atall.
5.Mary unclewantedtomake funof her与她开玩笑.
11.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FTom wentto schoolwhen hewas sixyears old.He likedhis firstday verymuch.His teacher,Miss Smith,wasverynice,and theother childreninhisclass werenice,too.But atthe end末尾ofthesecond day,whentheother childrenleft theclassroom,Tom stayedbehind.Miss Smithhad somework todo anddid notsee Tomatfirst起先,but thenshe lookedupand sawhim.Why didn,tyougo withthe others,Tom”She asked,“did youwantto ask mea question”“Yes,Miss Smith”,Tom said.“What didIdoin schooltoday”Tom said,Miss Smithlaughed,“What didyoudoinschool today”shesaid,“Why didyou ask me that,Tom”uBecause mymother isgoingtoaskmewhen Iget home.”
1.Tom wasastudentwhen hewas sixyears old.
2.Tom,s teacherwas nice,but someofthechildrenwere not.
3.Tom wantedtoaskMiss Smithaquestionone day.
4.Tom,sfatherwantedtoknow whathe didthatday.
5.Miss Smithwasanice teacher.
12.阅读短文,判断正⑴误(F)Long longago,amanstole偷oneofJohn,s horses.John wentwithapolice officertothe manshouse.He wantedtogetthe horse back,but theman didn,t give the horseup.He saidthatit washis horse.John putboth ofhis handsover theeyes ofthe horse and saidto theman.If thisis yourhorse,youmusttell usin whicheye heis blind.”“In theright eye!”themansaid.John tookhis handsfrom theright eyeofthe horseandshowed thepolice officerthat the horse was not blind intherighteye.Oh,I madeamistake,“said theman.He isblind intheleft eye.John showedthatthehorse wasnotblindintheleft eye.Then thepoliceofficer said,“You mustgivethehorsebackto John.
1.John lostoneofhis horses.
2.The mandidnt givethehorseup becausethehorse washis ownhorse.
3.At firstthemansaid thehorsewas blindinthelefteye.
4.The horsewasblindinbotheyes.
5.At lastthemangave thehorse toJohn.
13.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FMike wasfrom theUSA.When hegottoChina,it waswinter,theweatherwasvery cold,he hadto puton warmerclothes.Walking inthestreet,he foundthe leavesonthe trees wereaway,andthenorth-east windwas blowingstrongly,the snowslike pieceof smal1flowersfell downfromthe sky,the ground土也面was covered覆盖with whiteclothes.The peoplewerecoming andgoing busily.At thistime,many schoolswere over,children wenttothelakesor riversto skate.They enjoyedit andhadagoodtime.
1.Mike isan American.
2.It wasverycold.So hemust puton warmerclothes.
3.When hereached China,therewasnothing onthetrees.
4.At thetimetheland lookedlikeawhite man.
5.Children lovedthe winter.
14.阅读短文,判断正⑴误F“It wassunny al1morning”,said John.Why isit rainingnow”Mother said,“There arelittle drops滴of waterinthe sky天空.They,retoosmall.Theyre alwaysthere.You cantsee them.”“How dothey gettherev asked John.“The dropscome fromrivers andseas”,said Mother,“They comeup tothesky.Thenthey make clouds.”uWhat happened发生then”askedJohn.“The clouds get heavy,“said Mother.“The dropsto come down.”“And thatis rain!”said John.
1.It wasraining al1morning.
2.There isn,tanywater attimes inthesky.
3.We canseethelittle dropsof waterinthesky.
4.Little dropsof watermakeclouds.
5.The dropsof watercomedownwhenthecloudsgetheavy.
15.阅读短文,判断正⑴误FOne morningmother camefromheroffice,she lookedat Tom,scoatandsaid:“Look atyourcoat,Tom.Its toodirty.You mustclean itnow.”“Oh,mother,but Icleanitonly yesterday,“said theboy.Its dirtynow.You mustcleanitagain.answered hismother.。