(四)任务型阅读AWith thedevelopment of science and technology,communications are becoming easierand quicker一now peoplecan usetelephones,cellphones,fax machinesand theInternet.lt meansthat weseldomwrite lettersnow.But aTV show,Letters Alive,is bringingback thisold habit.Letters Aliveinvites famousactors andactresses but there areno funnyjokes ordifferentcompetitions.Instead,only oneperson walksup to a microphoneand readsa letter.The letterswere(集),written bypeople fromdifferent timesin history.For example,in oneepisode theyread aletterwritten by the famouswriter XiaoHong toher youngerbrother in
1941.The letter shows thatXiao Hongmissedher brotherso muchand hadgreat hopesfor hisfuture.“Every letteropens anotherworld forus,“said GuanZhangwen,the directorof theTV show.Itseems thatwe canexperience thereal livesand feelingsof thewriters.v Sinceits firstepisode wason,(观众)Letters Alivehas beenwidely praised.Many audiencessay that it hasprovided abreath offreshair totoday*s TV shows.,Besides Letters Alive someother culturalTV showshave alsoattracted Chineseaudiences.Theyinclude theChinese PoetryConference,a traditionalChinese poetrycompetition andReaders,a programthatinvites peopleto readpoems andarticles theylike orwrote.lt suggests that culturalvalues andtruefeelings arebecoming ourinterest.
1..The developmentofscienceandtechnologymakes communicationsbecome easiejandquickernow.()
2.LettersAliveinvites famousactors andactresses toread letters.
3..Xiao Hongslettershowsher feelingof missingher brotherand greathopcs forhejbrothersfuture accordingto thepassage.
4.Besides LettersAlive,other culturalTV showssuch asChinese PoetryConference,Readers arementionedin thepassage.
5.The popularityof theTVshowssuggeststhatculcuraLvalues andtrue feelingsarebecomingourinterest.BPeople havebeen usingthe winds energy for a long,long time.More than5,000years ago,ancient(风车)Egyptians madeboats poweredby thewind.In200B.C.,people usedwindmills inChina.(涡轮).Today,we collectthe windsenergy withwind turbinesA turbineis similartoawindmill;(叶片)it is a verytall towerwith twoor threeblades at the top.These blades are turnedbythewind.The(发电机)blades turna generatorlocated insidethe tower,which createspower.Groups of wind turbinesare knownas windfarms.Wind farmscan befound nearfarmland,innarrow mountainpasses,and evenin theocean,where thereare strongerwinds.Wind farmscreate powerfornearby homes,schools andother buildings.In placeslike theMidwest andalong coasts,winds canprovide cheappower.Another greatadvantageofwindpower isthatitis aclean formof energy.Wind turbinesdo notburn oilor coaland donotpollute theair.Wind is not alwaysan idealsource ofenergy,however.Wind speedchanges fromtime totime,depending on the timeof day,weather andlocation.Wind turbinescan bealso dangerousfor batsandbirds.These animalscannot alwaystell howfast the bladesaremoving andcrash intothem.
1.Winds energyis collectedwith turbines,which aretall windmill-like towerswith twoor threebladesatthetop anda generatorinside.
2.The windturns theblades and thebladesturn thegenerator tocreate power.“完美的
3.The word“ideal inParagraph5means inChinese.
4.Wind speeddoes notremain atthe samelevel allthe time.
5.The passagemainly talksabout howpeople makeuse ofwindsenergyfrom ancienttimes tomoderntimes.CHave youever thoughtabout howmany different things you like You may likepets,parties,presents,foods,and evensuperheroes!Our worldis fullof somany thingsto like!(琢磨)Do youever wonderwhy you like certainanimals orwhy you like to do certainthings Youmay not think about itoften,but you may learnsomething about yourself if you think twice.For example,why do youliketo playwith catsmore thandogs Why do youlike goingto partiesandplaying gamesWhydoyoulikesome sweetsbut notothersOur personalityhelps formwhat welike anddislike.Sometimes thethings welike justcome(人物)naturally tous.For example,who*s yourfavourite superheroYou probablylike thatcharacterfor reasonsthat areall your own.You maynot haveeven thoughtabout whyyoulikethat superhero...youjust do.As youlearn moreand do more,you mayfind outthat thereare moreand morethings youlike.Thatsa goodthing!Do yourfriends like the samethings that you doMaybe youand yourfriends likedifferentthings.But itsOK.What youlike ispart ofwhat makesyou you!
1.Our worldis fullof somany thingsto like.
2.Youmayleam somothingabout yourselfif youthinktwice.)
3.Our personalityhelps formwhat weike anddislike.
4.As youleam moreand domore,youmayfind outthat thereare moreand morethings youlike.
5..Its OKifyouand yourfriends likcdiffeient things.DIn orderto getaway from the busylife in the bigcity,two young men decidedto spenda holiday inthe countryside.They enjoyedthe beautifulscenery andfresh airthere.One day,while takinga walktogether,they crosseda largefield.u Lookout!”one of the youngmen shouted,because abull(公牛)appeared andbegan tochase(追赶)(咆哮),them.The bulllooked likea monsterand madea terribleroar rollingits bigeyes.Theywere veryscared.They ranas fastas theycould,butthe bull keptrunning afterthem.Finally,one ofthe menclimbed upa tree.The otherjumped intoa hole,but soonhe came out ofit.And thenthe bullchased himback intothe hole.“Stay there!”his friendshouted,but soonthe mancame outagain,and again thebullchased himrightback.The samething wenton anotherthree times.At last,the manin thetree gotangry andshouted tohis friend,“How foolishyou are!I havetold youtostay in the holeforawhile!Why areyou alwayscoming out”“Its easyfor youto say,“the otherman saidmore angrily.But thereisabear in the hole!”(So yousee,sometimes thingsare notwhat theyappear tobe.We shouldalways tryto stan|jii9thers Bhoesand lookfrom there.
1.The twoyoungmenspent aholidayin the countrysideto getaway fromthe busylife inthe city.
2.The maninthe hole cameout ofit for5/five timesin total.
3.The maninthetree thoughtthe maninthehole wasfoolish.
4.The maninthehole alwayscameoutbecause therewas abear inthehole.“站在别人的立场上/换位”
5.The phrase“stand inothersshoes“means inChinese.EFor manystudents,choosing a job isthe mostimportant lifedecision theymust makeat school.Butchoosing theright jobis noteasy.So howdoyoufind onethat you will enjoyIf youfollow thesesteps,youwillhave agood chanceof findingit.First,before youdecide upona job,think aboutyour interestsand yourtalents,and thenthink aboutjobsthat fitthem.Ask yourself:What do I enjoydoing WhatdoI do wellThen thinkabout the jobs thatyouhave interestsand talents.Second,learn moreaboutyour job.You shouldgo andsee ifthe libraryhas booksdescribing(条件)different kindsof work,the typical qualifications required,andthetypical salariesfor differentjobs.Also,talk topeople alreadydoing jobsthatyoufind interesting,and tryout jobsby taking(实习)internships orpart-time jobs.Next,after youhave spenttime onsteps oneand two,consider whatkind ofpersonality youhave,what yourvalues areand whatis importantto you.Perhaps youlike workingface toface withpeople.Ifso,thejobas acomputer programmermaynot be the best choice.If youlikethesecurity ofgetting amonthlysalary,then startingyourownbusiness probablyis notfor you.Finally,remember thatyou canalways changeyour mind.Most peoplechange jobsseveral timesduringtheir workinglife,so donot puttoo muchpressure onyourself tomake theperfect decisionright(灵now.Your firstjob rightafter collegeprobably willnotbeyourjobthirty yearsfrom now.Be flexible舌变通的)7and allowyourself tochange ifyou are not satisfiedwith your chosen job.
1.This passageis mainlyabout howto choose a job・
2..If youwant tochooseajob,you shouldthinkaboutwhat youare interestedin andtalented infirst.
3.You canlearn moreabout thetypicalqualificationsand salariesof yourjob.
4.To be/Being acomputer programmerisnotthebestchoice forthe peoplewho likeworking facetoface.
5..When youarenothappy withyourchosenjob,you canbe flexibleand anowyourselfLtochange.FFewer parentscan hearthe words“What canIdoto help”from their kids.Teenagers spendmoretime onvideo games,computers andcell phones,so theyhelp lesswith housework.一Few parentsthink gamescan lettheirkidsbe awayfromthesofa muchless encouragethem todo(应用程序)chores.But somenew chore apps reallysucceed in doing so.You RuleChores isone ofthe apps.Mrs.Green saysthg appmakes herthree childrencompete toseewho candomore housework.They helptheir momdo thelaundry,walk thedog andclean thedishes.(替身角色),Each childchooses oneofthe apps avatarswhich includea pinkkitty,a robotscientist andapoliceman.Each timethey finish ajob,their avatarscan get new skills.And the more houseworktheydo,themoreapp coinsthey canget.They canuse thecoins towatch theirfavorite videosand buysomethingontheInternet.Its fun,“says oneof Mrs.Greens children.
1.According tothe firstparagraph,teenagers spendless timeindoinghousework.
2.Some newchoreappssucceed inencouraging kidstodochores.
3.The underlinedwords“theapp”inthethird paragraphrefers toYou RuleChores.
4.Each timethe childrenfinishajob,their avatarswill beable togetnewskiUs.
5..The childrenwill getmore aDDcoins ifthey domorehousework.。