The LittleElvesLong timeago,there liveda verypoor shoemaker.Because the old man was sopoor,he hadenough leatherto makeonly one pair of shoes.Still,the veryunderstanding oldmannever complained.Tomorrow morning,lets makeonepair of shoeswith acheerful〃heart.The LittleElvesAfter the old mancleaned andprepared the leather that he wasgoing to work onthenext day,he placedit onthe worktableand wentto sleep.The nextday,it wasmorning.〃The old manwas very surprised.0h,where didthis beautifulshoes comefrom”On topof the worktable,the leatherwas gone,instead apairofshoes thathad beenmade withalot ofeffort wasthere.〃A littlelater,a customercame intothe store.I sawfrom theoutside windowthevery beautifulshoes.Please,sell the shoes tome.The customershowed sucha greatdesireto buythe shoesthathebought itfor muchmore thanthe normalprice.With thatmoney,the old man boughtenough leatherto makefour pairsofshoes.〃“Dear,Lord thankyou verymuch.The old man prayedwith agrateful heart.Tomorrow,,〃let swake upwith afresh feelingand makesome beautifulshoes.However,there wasnoneed to.When the oldmanwoke upfrom hissleep,theshoes were alreadymade.Because theshoeswere so beautiful,all fourpairs weresold ata veryexpensiveprice.This kepthappening allthe time.At night,the leatherwould becarefully prepared,placed on top of the worktableand he would goto sleep.The nextmorning,a welltailoredmade shoeswould beon topoftheworktable.The oldman quicklybecame rich.Whenever the oldmansaw hisneighbors ora poorperson,hewouldhelp themas ifit washis ownwork and lived happily.It wasa fewnightsbefore Christmas.After the oldmanfinished preparingtheleatherand beforegoing tobed,he saidto hiswife,,“Tonight,let sstay awakethrough the night.Then wecan seethe personwho ishelping〃us.The old woman,too,wasverycurious asto whowas helpingthem allthis time.Okay.〃Lets hideand see.The oldman and the oldwoman hidbehind thecloset andwatched theworkshop table.How muchtime couldhave past.Little nakedelves startedto goup theworktable oneby,one.Hurry,Let sHurry.The little elves weresinging as they startedtowork.〃〃〃“Cut andsew.Cut andsew.“Lets makewonderful shoesand giveit tothe oldman,,We arelittleelves!We arekind elvesthat helpkind people.zThe littleelves weresinging happilyas theymade beautifulshoes.With littlefingers,they skillfullypierced andsewed witha needleand bangedwith thehammer.Theold man andthe oldwomanweresoshocked thatthey couldnot believetheir eyes.The elves,without restingfor asecond,worked hardand finishedmaking theshoes.When thesun wasrising,they quicklyhid themselves.,〃“Because ofthose littleelves,we becamerich.z Wemust showthem ourgratitude.,,z Ina rush,theoldwoman foundsome leather.The elvesweren twearing anyclothes.How〃〃cold theymust be.Lets makethe elvessome pantsand shirts.“Thats agood idea.The oldman andtheoldwoman devotedlymade theclothes forthe elves.When itwasnight,theoldman andtheoldwoman placedontopoftheworktable clothes,instead oftheleather.In themiddle ofthenight,the elvescame outand discoveredtheir clothes.〃〃〃What fabulousclothes.Yes,they are.Each ofthe elvesput ontheir clothesandwere veryhappy.They disappearedastheysang.After that,theoldmanandtheoldwomancontinued towork hardandlivedeven morehappily.。