The SnowQueenA long,long timeago,devils livedtogether in the sameplace.One day,the devilsmadea magic mirror.It changedbeautiful facesto uglyfaces andsmiling facesto cryingfaces.How willGod lookin thismirror”Evil wentup to the cloudsright away,but Godwas alreadyaware of the deviTs wickedplan.Such monstrouscreatures!How dareyou tryto putme to the test!”When Godbeatdazzling andbright lightdown onthe mirrorand devils,the mirrorbroke intopieces,andthe devilsbecame blindand fell down tohell.The broken pieces of the mirrorfelldownto theworld ofmortals.One ofthe pieces〃got into a boyseyes.His namewas Kai,and hewas living in a small town.0uch,it hurts!”Kai wasclose toa girlnamed Ge Ida,but hebegan tobehave veryodd asif henever knewherbefore.Even whenautumn passedinto winter,Kai wentthrough thewhole season as abad boy.One day,a white-horse carriageappeared infront of Kai.Little boywith a cold heart,,why dont wego toan Ice Castle whereit iscolder thanyour heart”A beautifulwomaninside thecarriage askedthe boy.〃〃A coldIceCastleThat willbe great.When Kaiboarded thecarriage,the womankissedhim onhis cheek.At thatmoment,Kai forgoteverything.The womanwas the Queenof Snow.The carriagesoared intothe northsky.Because Kaidid notcome back,Gelda searchedeverywhere intown,but shecould notfindhim.Time wentby,and whenwinter passedinto spring,Gelda startedonajourney to〃search for Kai.A smallboat arrivedat abig flowergarden nexttoariverside.0h,whata beautifulgarden.z/There wasasmallhut inthe middle ofthegarden,and therelived an old ladywho〃〃could usemagic.Old lady,Have youseen KaiYes,I have.I willtell youwhere he〃is,so letsgo insidemy house.The old lady gaveher deliciousfood andasked Geldato livewith her.Gelda wasenchantedby hermagic and lived with the oldlady.Time wentby,and wintercame backagain.Gelda suddenlywas remindedofKaiwhen shewas exposedtothecold wind.〃I haveto search forKai,why amI here”Gelda escapedwhile theold magicianladywent out.Gelda meta crow,while walkingnorth.The Crowsaid somethingto Geldaafterit listened to her.Maybe youare searchingfor aboy whois nowthe Princeof aCastlein aforest.Gelda couldwalk intothe castlewith thehelp ofthe crow.〃Gelda shoutedwhen shestepped intothePrinces room.Kai,wake up!I camehere〃〃to findyou.“Who isso loudat midnight”The princewoke up,but hewas notKai.〃I amsorry,Prince.I thoughtyou weremy friend,Kai.The Princelistenedtowhat Geldasaid,and lether sleepin acomfortable bed.Thenext day,he gavea greatcarriage to Gelda and said,“With thiscarriage,you willfind〃the boynamed Kaieasily.Ge]da thankedhim forhis kindnessand leftfor thenorth again.While travelingnorth,her carriagewas takenaway bybandits,but shesaved herlifewiththehelp ofthe daughterof abandit.And sheheard froma pigeonthat Kaihadflown toLap landin acarriage ofthe Queen of snow.She tooka reindeerfrom thedaughterof abandit,and arrivedat Lapland.,There wasa houseinthemiddleofa field.GeIdawarmed herselfup inanoldlady〃s house.The oldlady knewabout Kai.Kai islivinginthe Castleof Snow,but youcannot〃step inthe castlebecause thereis afrightening icemonster infront ofthe gate.〃〃01dlady,I haveto saveKai.The oldlady gavea yellowgolden crosstoGeIda〃andsaid,“When youare indanger,pray toGod sincerely.Then hewill saveyou.Geldarode the reindeer andwent tothe Castleof Snow.The icemonster triedto attackGelda,but sheprayed toGod holdingher crossinher hand.Then,angels appeared,and madethe monstermotionless.Gelda foundKai playingwithacoldpiece ofice.〃〃Kai,its me,Gelda.I camehere tosearchforyou.But Kaijust fingeredtheice piecewith anunemotional face.When Geldahugged himand cried,her tearsran downtoKais face.Then,the colorin hisface startedto comeback.“Gelda,why arewe insuch aplace likethis”Kai lookedaround there.Now you,〃are yourself,but youcannot escapefrom here.z TheQueenof Snow said.Let mego home.At thatmoment Kaished tears,and thebrokenpieceofthemagicmirrorcame outof hiseyes.〃Ah,1cannot winthe warmheart andtears ofhumans.Okay.Now youcan goback home,andlivea happylife.z AstheQueenofSnowflourished herice stick,the castledisappeared.Gelda toldKai allthe storiesabout whathad happenedto her.Kai wasgrateful toGelda.They gotback homesafely withthereindeerand livedhappily everafter.。