1.It must be pointedout thatit is oneof ourbasic Statepolicies tocontrolpopulation growthwhile raisingthe qualityof thepopulation.
2.It ishas beenestimated thatthe world,s populationcould reach6billionby theend of the century.
3.It must be keptin mindthat there is nosecret ofsuccess buthard work.
4.It canbe seenfrom the fact thatthereisno difficultyin theworld wecanovercome.
5.As isknownman isthe productof labour.
6.It isa commonsaying thatmanwho hasa settledpurpose willsurelysucceed.
7.It isclear,thatthe enemyhas nodesire forpeace.
8.It is hard toimagine howEdisonmanaged towork twentyhours eachday.
9.It,shardto saywhetherthe planis practicable.[ipraektikabl]可行的
10.There isno doubtthatyou willbe helpedby othersif you have anydifficulties.
11.It.seems certainthatthey havemade aseries ofexperiments.
12.1^.£s saidthatbats havebeen usingradar formillions ofyears.
13.To.tell thetruth,many mistakeswe madecould havebeen avoided.
14.As.we know,it wasnot untilrecenty thatthe problemwas solved.
15.It.mustbeadmittedthat youhavent donewhat youpromised todo.
16.In myopinion,this computeris differentfrom thatone yousaw.
17.It is^certain thatwehave along wayto go.
18.All thisshows thatnothing canprevent usfrom reachingour aims.
19.As.far as we know,it tookhim morethan ayear towrite thebook.
20.It.has beenproved thateverysubstance,no matterwhat itis,is madeup ofatoms.
21.It.has beendecided thatweare goingto builda railwaywhose basemustbe completedwithin thisyear.
22.It isobvious evidentthatthe successoftheinnovation dependson ourconcertedefforts.
23.To befrank,whether youlike itor not,youhaveno otherchoice.
24.It isnatural thatonemay havetrouble expressingcomplicated ideasinsimple English.
25.What ismore important,the agreementthey havenegotiated isbeing carriedout.
26.We willbe successtulas longaswepersevere.
27.Frankly speaking,what youcall thetruth maynot applyto thingshappeninghere.
28.It.is^true.thatwe mustredouble ourefforts;otherwise wecannot catchupwith thedeveloped countries.
29.X takeit forgranted thatthey will supportthis idea.(认为理所当然)=I regardit asnatural thattheywillagree tothis idea.
30.In acertain sense,a successfulscientist isa personwho isnever satisfiedwithwhat hehas achieved.
31.When itcomes toTV,some peoplebelieve thatitisextremely valuable,asit providesrelaxation,entertainment andeducation.
32.There isno denyingthefactthatthe newmanagement methodhas greatlyincreasedthe production.
33.X mightsay thatsuccessis wonby threethings:first,effort;second,moreeffort;third,still moreeffort.
34.Upon hearingthe unexpectednews,he wasso surprisedthat hecouldnt utteraword.
35.As.the sayinggoes,nothing intheworldis dificult forone whosets hismindto it.
36.Our goalmustbe attained.Our goalcan unquestionablybeattained.
37.Noting canpreventus fromrealizingthe fourmodernizations.
38.Now inChina,more andmore familiescan affordto buyhigh-grade goods,such aswashing machines,TV sets,videocorders.
39.No matterhowdifficult Englishmay be,you shoulddo yourbest tolearn it.
40.It canbe saidthatwithout knowledgeof scienceand technology,it isimpossibleto buildsocialist modernizations.。