1.I hadas muchfiin sailingthe seasas Inow doworkwithstudents.
2.But today,all thosematerialsthrow awayby peoplehave beenshaped intoa colourfulglass beach.
3.Many yearsago,truckloads ofglasspour intoUssuri Bay.
4.People usuallydrive fromthe portcity ofVladivostok,about3minutes away,take photosof thebreathtakingnatural beautythere.
5.Photos ofthe beautifulglass sandof Steklyashkabeachbecome popularonline sincean articleinThe SiberianTimes showedthis wonderto thewhole world.旅店.
6.We weretryingget backto ourhostel
7.It turnedout thateveryone wasjust goingthe waythey thoughtthey weresupposedto go,and fewpeople hadconsideredtake theside road.
8.By thetime wehad arrivedat ourhostel weweresunburn,tired andexcited bytaking the“road lesstraveled”.
9.My Americanfriend kindlyinvited meto herhome tocelebrate thisyearsThanksgivingDay.Iexperience myfirst everThanksgiving.
10.look at their happyfaces,I thoughtit wasreally aholiday forfamilies,just likethe Mid-AutumnFestival inChina.
11.Then,the foodpassaround thetable andwe allate fartoo much.
12.She issixteen,whobeseventeen nextyear.
13.Theymake rapidprogress inthe past few years.
14.Bobcall to tell hismother thathe couldnt enter the house.
15.Lucy hadfinished writingher essayby10:00this morning.After that,shelisten tomusic forawhile.
16.So farwebe ableto finda goodway tosolve thisproblem.
17.I reallycan*t understandyoutreather likethat.
18.He gotwell-prepared forthe jobinterview,fbr he couldnt risklosethe goodopportunity.
19.I cant stand just refusesstoptalking while she works.
20.If youthink thattreating awoman wellmeans alwaysget herpermission fbrthings,think again.
21.It isdifficult toimagine hisacceptthe decisionwithout anyconsideration.
22.Over theyears thetopics whichwere controversialatthetimediscuss anddebated.
23.Heinviteto accompanyCaptain RobertFitzRoy whowas employedby theBritish governmenton avoyageaboard aship calledthe Beagle.
24.My bestfriend Kaiyais likeme.Sheremind meof myself.In the pastj beneverconfident becauseof my appearance.
25.It wasin March.Surrounded bya groupof girlswhopoint atme andlaughed atme,I couldnthelpcrying.
26.I thenknew it was ourEnglish teacher,Miss Li.She said,Yoube perfectthe wayyou are.
27.You shouldnever changeor hateacceptyoufor who yoube.
28.Ove thepast fewmonths,Ilearn thatno oneis perfectand thatwe allhave flaws.
29.Now,seeing Kaiyacry,I decide totell her the same thing Miss Litellme.,
30.To returnto theproblem ofwater pollutionId likeyou tolook ata studyconductin Australia in
1.I hadas muchfun sailingthe seasas Inow doworkwithstudents.working
2.But today,all thosematerialsthrow awayby peoplehave beenshaped intoa colourfulglassbeach.thrown
3.Many yearsago,truckloads ofglasspour intoUssuri Bay.were poured
4.People usuallydrive fromthe portcity ofVladivostok,about3minutes away,take photosof thebreathtakingnatural beautythere.to take
5.Photos ofthe beautifulglass sandof Steklyashkabeachbecome popularonline sincean articleinThe SiberianTimes showedthis wonderto thewhole world.have become旅店.
6.We weretryingget backto ourhostel toget
7.It turnedout thateveryone wasjust goingthe waythey thoughtthey weresupposedto go,and fewpeople hadconsideredtake theside road.else;taking
8.By thetime wehad arrivedat ourhostel weweresunburn,tired andexcited bytaking theroad lesstraveled^.sunbumed/sunburnt
9.My Americanfriend kindlyinvited meto herhome tocelebrate thisyearsThanksgivingDay.Iexperience myfirst everThanksgiving.experienced
10.look attheir happyfaces,I thoughtitwasreally aholiday forfamilies,just likethe Mid-AutumnFestival inChina.Looking
11.Then,the foodpassaround thetable andwe allate fartoo much.was passed
12.She issixteen,whobeseventeen nextyear,will be
13.Theymake rapidprogress inthepastfew years.have made
14.Bobcall totell hismother thathecouldn*tenterthehouse.called
15.Lucy hadfinished writingher essayby10:00this morning.After that,shelisten tomusic forawhile.listened
16.So farwebe ableto finda goodway tosolve thisproblem.have been
17.I reallycan*t understandyoutreather likethat.treating
18.He gotwell-prepared forthe jobinterview,for hecouldnt risklosethe goodopportunity.losing
19.I can*tstandjustrefusesstoptalkingwhilesheworks.working;to stop
20.If youthink thattreating awoman wellmeans alwaysget herpermission forthings,thinkagain.getting
21.It isdifficult toimagine hisacceptthe decisionwithout anyconsideration,accepting
23.Heinviteto accompanyCaptain RobertFitzRoy whowas employedby theBritish governmenton avoyageaboard aship calledthe Beagle.was invited
24.My bestfriend Kaiyais likeme.Sheremind meof myself.In thepastjbenever confidentbecauseofmyappearance.reminds;was
25.It wasin March.Surrounded bya groupof girlswhopoint atme andlaughed atme,I couldnthelpcrying,pointed
26.I thenknew itwas ourEnglish teacher,Miss Li.She said,Yoube perfectthe wayyou are.are
27.You shouldnever changeor hateyourself.Peopleacceptyou forwhoyoube.will accept;are
28.Ove thepastfewmonths,Ilearn thatno oneis perfectand thatwe allhave flaws.havelearnedlearnt
29.Now,seeing Kaiyacry,!decidetotellherthesamethingMissLitellme.told
30.To returnto theproblem ofwater pollution,Id likeyou tolook ata studyconductinAustraliain