1.The dayI waslooking forwardtocome atlast.
2.Present atthe meetingyesterdaybe ProfessorWhite,Professor Smithand manyother guests.
3.Mrs Flemingfed him,dry hiswet clothes,and senthim home.
4.The newtreatment means,ifapply to the NCRwill makeall thedifference fbrthe generalpublic.
5.Especially famousis thewall builtin220-206BC.Little ofthat wallremain.
6.Pahlsson andher husbandnow thinkthe ringprobably gotsweepinto apile ofkitchen rubbishandwas spreadover thegarden.
7.This problemmay leadto moreserious onesifleave unsolved.
8.Yet withour efforts,we areboundachieve greatersuccess ifwe cankeep itup.
9.Since2016,divers fromthe researchteammake over200dives intowater30meters deep.
10.Sixteen yearsearlier,Pahlsson hadremoved thediamond ringcooka meal.
11.Pahlsson andher husbandsearchthe kitchen,checking everycomer,but turnedup nothing.
12.Chances arethat theyare longingreceivered envelopeswhich containmoney.
13.One popularstory ofwhere thered envelopescame fromis abouta monstercallSui appearingonChinese NewYears Eve.
14.From thenon,people placedeight coinson ared stringandhide themunder childrenspillows.
15.A manlooking athis Smartphonewhile walkingacross arailwayhave aclose knockon Oct
16.He wassoabsorb inhis Smartphonethat hedid notsee atrain approachinguntil itbrushed pasthim,throw himto theground.
17.By thetime youhave finishedthis book,your mealgetcold.
18.One rainyaftemoonjessicasit onthe stairsof atemple inNepal.
19.Shego tothe cinemalast nightwith herboyfriend.
20.When someonebreakthe rules,the groupwill discussthe problem.
21.Oncelosein theforest,we shouldremain wherewe areand waitfbr help.
22.Ifacceptfbr thejob,youll beinformed soon.
23.When askfor hisviews abouthis teachingjob,Philip saidhe foundit veryinterestingand rewarding.
24.Idomy homeworkwhen someoneknocked atthe door.
25.Would youplease keepsilent Theweather reportbroadcast.I wantto listen.
26.Poor Mr.Perkins hadto waitpatiently untilhis carwas theonly onethatleavein theparking lot.
27.A representativewhoseehis performancebefore thoughthe couldreplace anotherstar whointendedto leave.
28.Itbea traditionsince thekings inthe eighthand ninthcenturies stoppedtrading.脸谱
29.Additionally,the kindsof facialrnake-up bethe mostparticular artin Pekingopera.
30.That was the firsttime thatInotice thefresh tasteof themeat andvegetables ofChinese food.
1.The dayI waslooking forwardtocome atlast.came
2.Present atthe meetingyesterdaybe ProfessorWhite,Professor Smithand manyother guests,were
3.Mrs Flemingfed him,dry hiswet clothes,and senthim home,dried
4.The newtreatment means,ifapply tothe NCRwill makeall thedifference fbrthe generalpublic.applied
5.Especially famousis thewall builtin220-206BC.Little ofthat wallremain.remains
6.Pahlsson andher husbandnow thinkthe ringprobably gotsweepinto apile ofkitchen rubbishandwas spreadover thegarden,swept
7.This problemmay leadto moreserious onesifleave unsolved.left
8.Yet withour efforts,we areboundachieve greatersuccess ifwe cankeep itup.to achieve
9.Since2016,divers fromthe researchteammake over200dives intowater30meters deep.havemade
10.Sixteen yearsearlier,Pahlsson hadremoved thediamond ringcooka meal,to cook
11.Pahlsson andher husbandsearchthe kitchen,checking everycorner,but turnedupnothing.searched
12.Chances arethat theyare longingreceivered envelopeswhich containmoney,to receive
13.One popularstory ofwhere thered envelopescame fromis abouta monstercallSui appearingonChinese NewYears Eve.called
14.From thenon,people placedeight coinson ared stringandhide themunder childrenspillows.hid
15.A manlooking athis Smartphonewhile walkingacross arailwayhave aclose knockon Oct
16.He wassoabsorb inhis Smartphonethat hedid notsee atrain approachinguntil itbrushed pasthim,throw himtotheground,absorbed;throwing
17.By thetime youhave finishedthis book,your mealgetcold.will get
18.One rainyafternoon,Jessicasit onthe stairsof atemple inNepaLsat
19.Shego tothe cinemalast nightwith herboyfriend.went
20.When someonebreakthe rules,the groupwill discussthe problem.breaks
21.Oncelosein theforest,we shouldremain wherewe areand waitfbr help.lost
22.Ifacceptfbr thejob,youll beinfonned soon.accepted
23.When askfbr hisviews abouthis teachingjob,Philip saidhe foundit veryinteresting andrewarding.asked
24.Idomy homeworkwhen someoneknocked atthe door.was doing
25.Would youplease keepsilent Theweather reportbroadcast.I wantto listen.is beingbroadcast
26.Poor Mr.Perkins hadto waitpatiently untilhis carwastheonly onethatleavein theparkinglot.was left
27.A representativewhoseehis performancebefore thoughthe couldreplace anotherstar whointendedto leave.had seen
28.Itbea traditionsince thekings inthe eighthand ninthcenturies stoppedtrading.has been脸谱
29.Additionally,the kindsof facialmake-up bethe mostparticular artin Pekingopera.are
30.That wasthe firsttime thatInotice thefresh tasteof themeat andvegetables ofChinese food.hadnoticed。