Unit4AdvertisementPart One Getting into the TopicDirections:You willhear5short dialogues.Before youlisten,try toguess whatquestion you might hear.Then listencarefully and choose the best answer to each question you hear.
1.W:So I hear yourereally happywith yournew car.I betits a lot betterthan the last oneyou gotstartedwith,the oneyou bought from CathyM:You cansay that again.Tm sureIve made a goodchoice this time.Q:What canbe inferredfrom the conversationA Cathyhelped the man find a goodcar.B The man needs more time to decidewhich carto buy.C The man isdefinitely going to buyCathys car.D The man was not satisfied with the car he boughtfromCathy.
2.W:What happenedWe weresupposed to meet hereat5oclock.Ive beenwaiting for you almost20minutes.忘,己了时M:Sorry.I wasworking all day onmy historypaper and I completelylost trackof time间.Q:What does the manmeanA Helost hiswatch.B Hethought themeeting wastomorrow.C Hishistory classdidnt enduntil20minutes later.D He was toobusy tonotice the time.
3.W:It seemslike wevebeen walkingallday.Lets gofbr aglass oficed tea.买单M:Ok.My treatthis time,since youpicked upthe tablast time.Q:What doesthe manmeanA Heprefers todrink somethingelse.B He hasnt had any teafbr a long time.C Hedlike to walk alittle further.D Hellpay for the drinksthistime.
4.M:Jane,didnt youget mymessages Ileft twoon youranswering machine.W:Oh,sorry Tom.I hadplanned to contactyou.It justslipped mymind.D Asiancountries.
5.What percentageof smokersare womenA7%.B12%.C20%,D80%.IL Directions:Listen to the passageagain anddecide whetherthe following statements aretrue Torfalse F.
1.World No Tobacco Dayis celebratedon thethirty-first ofMay each year.T
2.About onevictim every six secondsis killed by tobacco.T
3.About onebillion smokerslive inlow and middle income countries.F4・Its worthnoticing thattobacco useamong girls is increasing.T
5.Data showsthat therate ofgirl smokersis equalto therate ofboy smokers.FPassage2AdvertisingI.Directions:You willhear apassage.Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each of thefollowing questions.Advertising isone of the mostpowerful toolsof business.Advertisements arewidely distributedonTV,radio broadcasts,newspapers and the Internet.A creativeand impressiveadvertisement can makeyour productfamous all over the world.As aresult,it willbring biggersales and also a larger turnover.Thafs whythere are so many advertisements aroundus.Although wecan learnsome informationfrom advertisements,too manyadvertisements make peopleannoyed.For example,TV advertisements during the program can reduce theaudiences enjoyment.Too manyadvertisements make the newspaperstoo commercial.And thefloating advertisingwindowsslow down the speed of browsing and even infect ourcomputers withviruses.Whats worse,someadvertisements providefake orwrong information.It is a win-win situationfor companiesand the mass media,but notfor others.Some peoplethink thatour society would benefit a lot ifall advertisementswere banned.While someothers hold the view thatthe advertisingindustry playsan indispensable part in our life.It is so usefulthat wecant livewithout it.I thinkwe shouldhold anobjective viewon advertising.If wecan standardizeand superviseadvertising,it canserve oursociety in a betterway.Questions:
1.According to the passage,why are there so manyadvertisementsaround usABecause advertisementscanreduce the cost of products.B Becauseit willbring biggersales andalso alarger turnover.C Because the marketis verybig.D Becauseeconomy is in recession.
2.Which of the followingis mentioned as thedisadvantage of advertisementsA Advertisementsmakethe product moreexpensive.B Someadvertisements are not trustworthy.C Advertisementsmakepeople too dependent.D Advertisementswaste lotsof timeand money.
3.Who are the happywinners in the advertisingcampaign,according to the passageABoth companiesand themass media.B Customers.C Everyone.D Nobody.
4.What canwe doto make advertising serveus betterAStandardize andsupervise advertising.B Dontcriticize advertisingtoo much.C Keepa coolmind.D Onlybuy productsadvertised.
5.What is the speakersattitude towardsadvertisementsA Indifferent.B Positive.C Critical.D Objective.IL Directions:Listen to the passageagain andfill in the blankswith theinformation youhear.Advertising isone of the most1powerful toolsof business.Advertisements arewidely distributedonTV andradio2broadcasts,newspapers and the Internet.Although wecan learnsome informationfrom advertisements,too manyadvertisements makepeople3annoyed.For example,the TVadvertisementsduringthe4program canreducetheaudiencesenjoyment.Too manyadvertisements makethe newspaperstoo5commercial.And thefloatingadvertising6windows slowdownthespeedofbrowsingandeveninfectcomputers with7viruses.Whats worse,some advertisementsprovide8fake orwrong information.Some peoplethink thatoursocietywould9benefit a lot ifall advertisementsare bannedwhile someothersholdtheviewthat the advertisingindustry playsan10indispensablepartin our life.Tt isso usefulthat wecan9t livewithout it.Part FourTesting YourselfLDirections:You willhear along conversation.Listen carefully and choose the best answer to eachquestion youhear.W:Exercise,exercise,exercise.We hearso muchabout itthese days,yet eventhe expertscant agreeonwhat exercisesthe bestare.M:Whats youropinionW:I haveno idea either,but in this articlesome doctorsare stronglyencouraging arm exercises.M:Arm exercisesIs thatbecause ourarms are too fatW:Actually,thats notthe mainreason.They saythat arm exercises arean idealway tohelp uskeepphysically fit.M:But dontarmexercisesraise ourblood pressureW:They do,but the article suggestsa remedy.M:What isitW:By addingleg exerciseso thearms dontdo all the work.Its said that themore partsof thebody thatgetinvolved in the exercise,the better.M:And Imsure that there isa greatchance oflosing weight.W:Yes thereis.And thisis attractive tome.M:So,what exercisesdo theexperts recommendW:They mentionedquite afew.But the two mostpopular onesare cyclingwith aspecial bicyclethatrequires youto useboth your arms andlegs,and walking vigorously whileyou weararm weights.M:I willtry thelatter.I like towalka lot.Questions:
1.Which of the followingstatements aboutexercise isTRUEA Expertsbelieve exercise is dangerous.B Someexperts believearmexercises arethe best.C Noexerciseisaccepted as the bestby almostexperts tillnow.D Armexercisesarebeneficial to the blood pressure.
2.According to the conversation,what is the problemwith arm exercisesA Theydont getrid offat arms.B They can damagearm muscles.C They are onlysuitable forthose withfat arms.D Theycan raiseones bloodpressure.
3.How doesthe womanobtain theinformation about armexercisesABy talkingto anexpert.B Byreading an article.C Byattending anexercise class.D Bylistening to the radio.
4.According to the article,what is the remedyfor armexercisesA Exercisingthe entirebody.B Takingsome medicine.C Losingsome weightfirst.D Weighingin beforeeach exercisesession.
5.What exercisedoesthe man preferAWearing armweights whilewalkingvigorously.B Joggingwith armsunmoved.C Ridingbicycles with yourarms.D Walkingslowly whileswinging yourarms backand forth.II.Directions:You willhear apassage.Listen carefullyand choose the bestanswer toeach question youhear.Advertisement ShouldBe Fairand ReasonableTooCrowded inHere Goand BuyA Car!This isa newadvertisement placedon thedoors ofnearlyevery subwaytrain inBeijing.It is quite noticeableto millions of subway passengers everyday.The Beijing Youth Dailyhas carriedanarticlesaying thatmost of the subwaypassengers do not likethisad.For onething,private carsare clearlya majorcause oftraffic jamand pollution.For another,thead isquite insultingto bothsubwaypassengersand the subway system.The articlesays itis okayfor carsellers topromote theirproducts byadvertising,but placingtheslogan in the subwayand comparingcars advantageswith subwaysdisadvantages is unfair.The articlegoes onto saythat althoughthe subwayis crowded,it costsvery littleand is very safe.Many citizenschoose to take subwaybecause ofits convenienceand environmentalfriendliness.Itshould be ones ownchoice whether to takethe subwayor to drive a car.Whats more,not everyoneorevery familycan affordacar.In conclusion,the articlesays advertisementsshould befair andreasonable.The controversialad inthe subway hashurt thefeelings ofmany passengers.It surelydoes nogood to the sellingof cars.Questions:
1.What advertisementis placedon thedoors ofsubway trainsin BeijingAA trainadvertisement.B Anewspaper advertisement.C Environmentalprotection advertisement.D A car advertisement.
2.In whichnewspaper has thearticlebeen publishedaccording to the passageAChina Daily.B The21st Century.C TheBeijingYouthDaily.D ThePeoples Daily.
3.Which of the followingstatements about thesubwayis NOT mentionedA Itsmore comfortablethan car.B Itscheaper thanthe car.C Itssafer thanthe car.D Itsmore environmentallyfriendly thanthe car.
4.Whats thearticles commenton theadvertisementA It is full of falseinformation.B It isunfair.C It is reasonable.D It should have been placedon the seats of thesubway.
5.Who has been hurtby theadvertisementA Bicycleindustry.B Thecrippled.C Subwaypassengers.D Privatecar owners.Unit5Future LifePart OneGetting into the TopicDirections:You willhear5short dialogues.Before youlisten,try toguess whatquestion youmight hear.Then listencarefullyand choosethe bestanswer toeach question youhear.
1.M:Excuse me,I cantfind the book I need.Can youlook itup forme onyour computerW:I wishI could,but itsnot working.Q:What doesthe womanmeanA She cannot use the computernow.B The man is not allowedto usethe computer.C Thelibrary does not have the bookthe manneeds.D The man probably will notenjoy thebook.
2.M:I reallyenjoy the play.The studentsdid a great jobwith thescenery.It looksso authentic.I feltlike Iwasback in the19th century.W:I wishyou couldsay thesame thingabout the costumes.Q:What doesthe womanimplyA The costumes werentas goodasthescenery.B Thescenery couldhavebeenmore realistic.C Shewishes she had seenthe play.D Theactors in theplaywerent students.
3.M:Do you think Icould use your computerto typemy researchpaperW:If youdont mindwaiting acouple ofhours.Q:What doesthe womanimplyA Shelltype the mans paperfor him.B Thecomputer wontbn availablenow.C The man should be morepatient.D She doesnt wantthe man to useher computer.
4.M:I cantbelieve how much thatstudent looks like you.She couldbe yourdaughter.W:I know,people arealways assumingthat wererelated.Q:What doesthe womanimplyA Shedoesnt thinkthat shelooks likethe student.B Many of herstudents lookalike.C She isnt relatedto thestudent.D Herdaughter isntin herclass.
5.W:How didyour jobinterview goM:Dont youthink Icame acrossas well as Icould haveQ:What doesthe manmeanA Hessatisfied with his interview.B Hehad tocancel hisinterview.C He doesnt want to discuss the interviewnow.D Heshouldnt have applied fbr the job.Part TwoListening TasksTaskOne ShortConversationsDirections:You willhear tenshort conversationsbetween twospeakers.At the end of each conversation,aquestion will be askedabout whatwas said.Listen carefullyand choosethe bestanswer toeach questionyouhear.
1.W:Would youmind ifwe discusstomorrows agendabefore dinnerthis eveningM:Not atall.I certainlydont want to talk about itduring ourmeal.Q:When will they probablydiscussthe agendaA Beforedinner.B Duringdinner.C Rightafter dinner.D Thenext day.The womanasks ifits OKto discusstheagendabefore dinner,and the man agreesby saying that hedoesntmind atall.
2.M:Is yourroommate looking forward to going home for thesummerW:She iscounting the daysQ:What canbe inferredabout the womans roommateAShes spendingtime going over heraccounts.B Shewill stayhomeforonly afew days.C Shesexcited aboutgoing home.D Shescounting the number ofvacation days.The keyphrase countingthe day”means waiting for somethingsomeone wantsvery muchto】happen,which indicatesthe womansroommate isexcited aboutcoin home.
3.M:Tve beentaking fourcourses,but I think Illdrop one of themat theend ofthis term.W:That maybe for the best.Q:What doesthe womanmeanA The man hadbetter dropmore thanone.B The mans courseis the best of the four.C The man mustbe an excellent student.D The mans ideais probablya goodone.The womanbelieves if the mandrops onecourse,it maybe fbrthe best”.If anaction isfor the best,itis doneto improvea situationor producea goodresult,although itmight seemunpleasant at thetime.From this,listeners caninfer that the man9s ideais probablya goodone.
4.W:Do youknow who won thebaseball gameM:They hadto postponeit becauseof therain.It,sbeenrescheduled fbrnext week.Q:What doesthe manmeanA He isnt surewhowon the game.B Thegame wontbe played until next week.C Itstarted rainingafter thegame wasover.D Itprobablywillrain next week.“Postpone andrescheduled fornextweekaretheimportant cluesfor listenersto inferthat thegamewent beplayeduntilnextweek.
5.W:Do youknow anyonewho is driving to the conferencein Bostonnext weekendM:Peter is.I thinkhe hasroom for another person.Q:What doesthe manimply the woman shoulddoA Tryto get a ridewith Peter.B Takean airplaneto Boston.C AskPeter for the name of hishotel.D Driveher carto Boston.The mantells the woman Peterisdrivingto theconference andhe hasroom for another person,whichimplies that he advisesthe woman should tryt seta ridewith Peter.
6.M:I amjust about to go to theart exhibit.Would you like to go over there withmeW:I madeplans withSusan to go tomorrowafternoon.Q:What doesthe womanmeanA Shellaccompany the man tomorrow.B Shesgoing to see the exhibit later.C She isnt interestedin theexhibit.D Susanswork will be exhibitedtomorrow.The womandeclines the mans invitationto go to theart exhibitnow becauseshe madeplans togotomorrow afternoon,in otherwords,shes lointo see theexhibitlater.
7.W:Have youever puta computer together beforeM:No,never.But I think ifwe followthese instructionsexactly,we wont have muchtrouble.Q:What arethe speakersgoing to doA Checktheir computerfiles.B Makesome computations.C Studya computerprogram.D Assemblea computer.“Put a computertogether“means assemblea computer,which indicatesthat the speakers aregoing toassembleacomputer.
8.M:What doyouthinkShould Iwear mygreen sweateror mybrown oneW:Well,the green one is heavier.It5s prettychilly相当冷outside youknow.Q:What doesthe womanimply the man shoulddoA Takeboth sweatersalong.B Choosethe greensweater.C Takethe brownsweater.D Weara heavycoat insteadof asweater.The womansays thegreenoneisheavier.Its prettychilly outside,in otherwords,she suggests theman shouldchoosethesweaterto keepwarm.
9.W:Oh,Paul,Im soglad Irun intoyou.Could youlend mea handcarrying thesebooksM:I donthave anywheretogotill noon.So justtell mewhere you need togo.Q:What doesthe manmeanA Herecently injuredhis hand.B He can carrysome books for the woman.C Heneeds toborrow someof the womans books.D Hecant helpthe womanuntil noon.The womanasks the man forhelp.And the man offershis helpby sayingthathedoesnt need to goanywhere,and asksthe woman to tellhim theplace.In otherwords,hecannairy somebooksfor thewoman.
10.M:Please besure to put allthe labequipment backon theshelves when you arethrough withyourexperiment.W:Oh,dont worry;Im alwaysvery carefulabout that.Q:What doesthe womanmeanA Sherealizes the equipments areeasily damaged.B Shewont fbrgettoput back theequipment.C Shealways performsexperiments carefully.D Shesworried about the resultsof herexperiment.Themanreminds the woman toput theequipment backon theshelves and the womansays“dontworry;Im alwaysvery carefulabout that.It indicatesshe wontforcet toputbacktheequipment.Task TwoLong ConversationsConversation1An UnderseaCityL Directions:You willhear along conversation.Listen carefullyand choosethe bestanswer toeach of thefollowing questions.W:Prof.Hacker,as youhave said,before longthe landwill haveno moreliving space.Where willouroffspring livethenM:Ithink the constructionof the undersea worldcould providea broadspace for human living.W:You meanan underseacityM:Exactly.People livingin suchkinds ofcities wontbe afraidof earthquakes,fires,floods orotherdisasters,and thetemperature is very suitableforhuman living.W:What will be thebuilding materialfor thecitiesM:They will be madeof atransparent materiallike glass.Itshouldbe somethingstrong andsafe,based onresearchand repeatedexperiments.W:I see.What aboutdrinking waterWill inhabitantsthere get fresh water from the landM:Thats quite inconvenient.Ithinkscientists can find a way topurify bitterwater intoclean freshwater.W:So freshwater will not be a problem.But how can peopleget breathingairM:That will be easy.Scientists canalso separatethe oxygenin thewater,providing peoplewith sufficientfreshair.W:All thesesound great,but like a fantasy.M:It is,but ifwe striveto learnscientific knowledge,this fantasywill notbe fantasyin the future.Questions:
1.What arethe twospeakers talking aboutA Theyare talkingabout studentsin class.Q:What doesthe womanmeanA Sheforgot tocall the man back.B Heranswering machinewas broken.C Shedidnt get the mansmessages.D Shecouldnt rememberthe mansphone number.
5.W:Have youstarted researchingfor yourpaper oncomputer programminglanguages of the futureM:To tellyou thetruth,Ive putit off.Q:What doesthe manmeanA He hasnt doneany workyet.B Hehas cancelledhis research.C Hewithdrew fromhis computerclass.D Hesgoing tofinish hispaper verysoon.Part TwoListening TasksTaskOne ShortConversationsDirections:You willhear tenshort conversationsbetween twospeakers.At theend of each conversation,aquestion will be askedabout whatwas said.Listen carefullyand choosethe bestanswer toeach questionyouhear.
1.M:Do youthink Icould borrowyour cartogogrocery shoppingThe supermarketsoutside the city areso much cheaper.Td alsobe happyto pickup anythingyou need.W:Well,I dontlike tolet anyoneelse drivemy car.Tell youwhat,why dontwe gotogetherQ:What doesthe womanmeanA Themanshouldbuy acar ofhis own.B Theman needntgo shoppingevery week.C Shecan pickthe manup at the grocery store.D Shewill drivethema,to thesupermarket.Themanasks forpermission toborrow the womans car.The womanrefuses,but offerstodrivetheman to the supermarketby saying“why dontwe gotogether”】E Theyaetalkingaboutfutuie living space.F Theyare talkingaboutamovie for the tonight.G Theyare talkingabout lessonsfor theclass.
2.Why willhuman beingsconstruct anundersea worldin the futureA Theliving spaceon landis extremelypolluted.B Theliving spaceon landwill disappear.C Theliving spaceon landis fullof disasters.D Thelivingspaceon landwill notbe enoughfor people.
3.Which of the followingmaterials is NOT suitablefor buildingtheunderseacitiesA Somethingtransparent.B Somethingstrong.C Somethingsafe.D Somethingbeautiful.
4.According to the man,howcanpeople livingin underseacities getdrinking waterABy purifyingsea waterinto freshwater.B Bygetting freshwater from the land.C Bydrinking seawaterdirectly.D Bycollecting rainwater.
5.How canpeople livingin underseacities getbreathing airAThrough apipe abovethesea.B Plantingtrees toproduce oxygen.C Producingoxygee fromthn seewateeD It stillremains a problem.II.Directions:Listen to the conversation again anddecide whetherthe followingstatements aretrue Torfalse F.
1.People livingin underseacities willface earthquake,fire,flood orother disasters.F
2.The temperaturein underseacities will be toolow forhumanliving.F
3.Itisquiteinconvenientfor underseainhabitants to getfreshwaterfrom theland.T
4.We willhavealarger livingspace forour offspringin the future.T
5.Themanbelieves thisfantasy couldcome truewith thehelp ofscientific knowledge.TConversation2New Optionsfor FoodService in the CafeteriaLDirections:You willhear along conversation.Listen carefullyand choosethe bestanswer toeach of thefollowing questions.M:Linda,have youread theletter onyour deskIts aboutthe newoptions forfood servicein the cafeterianext year.W:Not yet.Is thereany changeM:There sureis.Instead ofpaying onefee tocover all meals for the whole school year,we arenow abletochoose how many meals a weekwe want.We stillhave to pay for the wholeyear atthe beginning,butwe can choose to buy seven,ten,fourteen ortwenty-one mealsper week.W:Thats abig change,Tom.M:Yes.It willsave moneyfor people who dont eat three meals a day,seven daysa weekin thecafeteriabecause theywonthaveto pay for meals they donteat.W:It soundsrather complicated.M:It tookme severalhours tofigure itout.I decidedto choosethe ten-meal plan.W:Why isthatM:Well,I nevereat breakfastand Ioften goto myuncles onweekends.So theten-meal plangives melunchand dinnereach weekday.And I wont payfor mealsthat Idon*t usuallyeat.W:Hm,I guessIll haveto sitdown andfigure outmy eatingpattern soI canget the best deal.Questions:
1.Whats thebig changeof the new meal-paying methodA Students canget adiscount ifthey payfor awholeschoolyear.B Studentscanchoosehowmanymealsa week theywant.C Studentsget moneyback for mealstheydonteat.D Studentsget freemeals.
2.When arethe studentssupposed to payfor the mealsAEach timewhen theyget themeal.B Atthe beginningofeachweek.C Atthe beginningoftheyear.D Attheend oftheyear.
3.Who canbenefit from the new methodAStudentswho want to eatfour mealsa dayin thecafeteria.B Studentswho eatallmealsin thecafeteria.C Studentswho choosetwenty-one mealsa week.D Studentswho eattwo mealsa day.
4.What kind of meal plan doesthe manchooseA Theseven-meal plan.B Thetne-meal plan.C Thefourteen-meal plan.D Thetwenty-one-mealplan.
5.Where doesthe manusually havehis breakfaston SaturdayAAt hisuncles B In the school cafeteria.C Athis dormitory.D Nowhere.IL Directions:Listen tothe conversationagain anddecide whetherthe followingstatements aretrue Torfalse F.
1.The letteron the womans deskisa questionnaire from the schoolcafeteria.F
2.Students used to paythreemealsaday,seven daysaweek.T
3.The newmethod actuallyincreases thecost offood in thecafeteria.F
4.The womanthinks the newmethodremains thesame.F
5.Themanoften hasdinner in theschoolcafeteria onMonday.TTask ThreeShort PassagesPassage1Buying YourCar Pieceby PieceLDirections:You willhear apassage.Listen carefullyand choosethe bestanswer toeach ofthe followingquestions.Some peoplemake abold predictionthat byabout2020a newautomobile companywill beopeningdollar stores all over the world.They willsell alot ofbig thingsfor extremely low prices.At thesestores,you can buy yourcar pieceby pieceto meetyour uniqueneeds.Whats thepoint ofbuying a topif youdont needone Whybuy sidesto yourcar if you wanta goodview If you alwaysdrivealone,whats thepoint ofbuying fourseats Thesolution is to buyonly whatyou need:pay a dollar for eachwheel,a dollarfor theengine,a dollarfor thefloor,a dollarfor aseat,and away you go.When itlooks likerain,run backand buy a roof.When wintercomes you can buy the sides and thetop.Reliability wontbe aproblem becausewhensomething breaks down,just throwit awayand buy a newone.When youget tiredofthecolor orstyle,justreplace it.By thetime youredone,youmightonly pay$12fbrtheentire car.Questions:
1.According topeoples predictions,when willthe dollarstores beopeningA By
2012.B By
2002.C By
2020.D By
2.Which ofthe followingstatements is NOT trueofthedollar storesAA lot of thingshave lowprices.B Customerscanbuypieces ofthe cars.C Customerscan decidethenumberof carseats theyneed.D Enginesare not available in the stores.
3.According tothe prediction,in whichseason willwe usuallybuythesidesand the topASpring.B Summer.C Autumn.D Winter.
4.What willpeople dowhen somethinginacar breaksdownA Repairthe car.B Throwit awayand buy a newone.C Returnthe cartotheshop.D Sellthecar.
5.According tothe predictions,howmuchwill anentire carbeA$
000.IL Directions:Listen tothe passageagain andfill in the blankswith theinformation youhear.By about12020a newautomobile companywill be2opening dollarstoresall over the world.They willsell alot ofbig thingsfor3extremelylowprices.At thesestores,you canbuy yourcar pieceby pieceto meetyour unique4needs.Whats thepoint ofbuyinga topifyoudont needone Whybuy sidesto yourcar ifyou wanta good5view If you alwaysdrive6alone,whats thepoint ofbuying fourseats The7solution isto buyonly whatyouneed:pay adollarforeachwheel,a dollarfortheengine,a dollarforthefloor,adollarfor aseat,and awayyou go.When itlookslikerain,run backand buy a8roof.9Reliability wontbe aproblem becausewhen somethingbreaksdown,just throwit awayand buyanew one.When youget tiredofthecolor orstyle,just10replace it.Passage2Space TourismLDirections:You willhear apassage.Listen carefullyand choosethe bestanswer toeach ofthe followingquestions.Its believedthat spacetourism will become a reality in the near future.By2020about15,000peoplewill fly into spaceevery year.By September2011,Virgin Galactic,a companyplanning toprovide spaceflightstothepaying public,has alreadybooked flightswith500people whowant tofly into space.The costis$200,000per personwitha$20,000deposit,but itis expectedto comedown sincenumerous othercompanies areactively workingoncommercial spaceflight,too.Notable passengersthat havealready submittedtheir depositinclude TomHanks and Brad Pitt.They will be senttothe space ina six-passenger two-pilot craft,Spaceship Two.Test launches are plannedtotake place from the Mojave Spaceport.Virgin Galacticexpects thatinitial passenger flights will take place there,as well.Will Whitehorn,president ofVirgin Galactic,stated recentlythat the company wouldnot putadefinite timeline on when the commercial flights would begin,but hesaid thatall wason trackwith itsdevelopmentplans and that ifall goesto plan,the initialflight shouldhappen withintwo years.By February,2012,Spaceship Twohad completed15test flightswhile attachedto WhiteKnight Two,the carrieraircraft,thelastof whichtook placein September,
1.According tothe passage,about howmany peoplewill fly intospaceevery yearby2020A1,
2.What is the company,Virgin Galactic,planning to doA Toprovide spaceflightstothepaying public.B Tofinancially supportthose whowant toflyintospace.C Toreturn thedeposit tothose whohave bookedflight.D Toattract morepassengers.
3.How muchhas eachpassenger alreadypaid forthespacetourismA$
4.Whats thename ofthe spaceshipforthecommercial spaceflightASpaceship One.B SpaceshipTwo.C SpaceshipThree.D SpaceshipFour.
5.When didthe15th testflight take placeA February,
2012.B September,
2011.C Twoyears ago.D Ithas nottaken placeyet.IL Directions:Listen tothe passageagain andfill in the blankswith theinformation youhear.Its believedthat spacetourism willbecome a1reality inthe nearfuture.By September2011,VirginGalactic has already2booked flightswith500people whowanttoflyintospace.Thecostis$200,000per person,but itis expectedto comedown sincenumerous othercompanies areactively workingon3commercial spaceflight,too.4Notable passengersthat havealready submittedtheir5deposit includeTomHanksandBradPitt.They willbe senttothespace ina six-passenger two-pilot6craft.Test7launchesareplannedtotakeplacefrom theMojaveSpaceport.Virgin Galacticexpects that8initialpassengerflightswilltakeplacethere,as well.Will Whitehorn,9president ofVirgin Galactic,stated recentlythat the company wouldnot putadefinite10timelineonwhenthecommercialflightswould begin,but hesaid thatall wason trackwith itsdevelopmentplans.Part FourTesting YourselfLDirections:You willhear along conversation.Listen carefullyand choosethe bestanswer toeachquestion youhear.M:Hello!Lisa.This isJack.W:Hi Jack.Whaf thematterM:Im callingto sharea wonderful book withyou.Itisabout lifeinthefuture.W:Good,what doesit sayM:It saysourlifewillbedramatically improveddue to advancement intechnology.Our livingwill bemoreconvenient andsafer.W:Everybody saysso.M:It says the transportationsystem willbe moreintelligent.Networks willbe setup sothat wecanfindthemost convenient path to our destination.W:That9snota surprise.We cando thatnow with the GlobalPositioning System.M:It saysvehicles willbe ableto communicatewhile driving.It willbe atraffic-accident-free worldin thefuture.W:You meanvehicles communicate with each other Thatssomething new.M:There ismore.Cleaner substitutesfor gaswillbefound.Global warmingwill no longer be aproblem.W:That willbe great!M:People willeagerly buythe newbattery-powered Cadillacwhich willrun in silence.W:Acarwithout noiseIm afraidI will not likeit.M:WhyW:Its justnot like areal car,and it has asafety problem.If someonenearby backsup,you wonthear themcoming.Questions:
1.Why didJack callLisaA Toinvite herto havea dinner.B Toinvite hertoahigh-tech museum.C Todiscuss awonderfulbookwith her.D Toask foradvice to buyacar.
2.What canthe GlobalPositioning SystemdoA AvoidTraffic accidents.B Suggestthe mostconvenientpathto ourdestination.C Helpvehicles communicatewith eachother.D Makedriving morecomfortable.
3.What doesthebooksay aboutthefuturetransportation systemAIt willcreate atraffic accident-free world.B Driverscan talkfreely whiledriving.C Driverswillbemore careful.D Driverswill drivefaster.
4.Why willglobal warmingno longer be aproblem inthefutureACleaner fuelswillbeused.B Wastegases willbe collected.C Airwillbepurified.D Therewillbenolongercars.
5.Which isthe correctdescription ofthefutureCadillacA It will notbearealcar.B It will nminsilence.C Itwill breakdown frequently.D Itdoesnotneed anyfuel.IL Directions:You willhear apassage.Listen carefullyand choosethe bestanswer toeach question youhear.Healthcare inthe FutureBy2020,with thecreation ofrobotic surgeons,there willbe fewerhealthcare errors.The robotic surgeonwill workon demand,use perfectinformation,do a perfect job,and haveaperfectrecord.A computermicrochipwillbeimplanted intoevery majorpart ofeverybodys body.The chipwill containallthedetailsneeded tocare forthat partofthebody.Operations willcost farless becausetests,labs,or anactual surgeonwill nolonger beneeded.Scan theappropriatecomputer chipbefore theoperation.There is nothing complicatedabout this.Scan itin thesamewayyou scan groceriesatthegrocerystore.Ifyouselect the right chip,the success rate oftheoperation willbe100%.Operations willbe fasterbecause the robotic surgeonwill workwith eighthands insteadof two.Itwillbeamazing.Crowds willgather toseetheshow.Itwillbe quick.Instant operationswill fitwell intoour busylifestyle.Some peopletend toignore badsymptoms.But now,a symptomwill causea buzzertogooff,so peoplewillknow whento dropeverything andgo foran operation.Maybe ona Mondaymorning,after aroughweekend,your liverwillbe in roughshape.The buzzerwill sound.Time torun offforatransplant.Questions:
1.Whose bodywill computermicrochips beimplanted intoAEverybodys body.B Roboticsurgeons body.C Onlythose whohave badsymptoms.D Onlythose whoneed anoperation.
2.Which ofthe followingis NOTthe reason why roboticoperations costlessA Testswill nolonger beneeded.B Labswill nolonger beneeded.C Scanswillnolonger beneeded.D Anactual surgeonwillnolongerbeneeded.
3.What willbe thesuccessrateoftheoperation ifyouscantherightchipA100%.B90%.C80%.D70%.
4.Why willtheroboticoperations befasterA Peoplelikeabusier lifestyleBCrowds willmonitor theoperations.C Tworobotic surgeonswill worktogether.D Theroboticsurgeonwill workwith eighthands.
5.What areyou supposedtodoifthebuzzer inyour bodysoundsA Ignoreit.B Takesome medicine.C Turnit off.D Gotothe hospital.Unit6PartOneGettingintotheTopicDirections:You willhear5short dialogues.Before youlisten,try toguess whatquestion youmight hear.Then listencarefullyand choosethe bestanswer toeachquestionyouhear.
1.M:I havepassed the CET-
4.1am reallyvery happy.W:Your dormitoryroommates areall very hard-working.You see,keep thecompany ofgood menandyou shallbeone of them.Q:What doesthe womanimplyA Allthe membersinthe mans dormitory work hard.B Allthe membersinthedormitoryworkhard exceptthe man.C Theman ishard-working whilehis roommatesarenot.D Theman haspassed theCET-4though he isnothard-working.
2.M:I findit verydifficult tocommunicatewithmy parentsand theyalways criticizeme.W:Possibly becauseofthedifference inyour ages.Q:Why isit difficultforthe man to get along with hisparentsA Possiblybecause hisparents dontcare abouthim.B Possiblybecause hedoesnt wanttoget alongwith them.C Possiblybecause theybelong todifferent agegroups.D Possiblybecause hisparents dontlike totalk withhim.
3.M:You lookunhappy,what makesyou depressedW:I haven51finished myCET-4test paper,and Ithink Illfail inthe examination.5M:The rulesof ourcompany arenot standard.W:I agreewithyou.Now itsdifficult fbrus todeal with the problemswe meetin ourwork.Q:What makesthe womandepressedA Thepreparation fortheCET-4makes herdepressed.B Shefeels worriedabout herCET-
4.C Shedid notpass theCET-
4.D TheCET-4isverydifficult.
4.M:Itisreally thoughtfulof Maryto sendus theseinteresting books.W:Yeah,without thesebooks,the longtrain tripwouldbevery boring.Q:What kindof personis MaryASheisveryhard-working.B Shelikes traveling.C Shethinks ofothers alot.D Shelikes reading.Q:What dothey think ofthepresent rulesATheyaregood enough.B Theyaretoostandard tofollow.C Theyare out-of-date.D Theyshouldbestandardized.
2.M:Would itbe okayif Iuse thismachineW:I dontsee any reasonwhy not.Q:What doesthe womanmeanA She has noobjection tothe mansusing the machine.B Shedoesnt believe the manneeds the machine.C Shewonders whythe man isnt allowedto usethemachine.D Shedoesnt know how tousethemachine.Themanasks forpermission tousethemachine,and the woman givesthe permissionby sayingIdont seeanyreasonwhynot”,i.e.the womanhas noobiection tothe mansusini themachine.
3.W:Ihearyou gotlost onyour way tothemeeting atthe hotel.M:I dont know howI didit.I havebeen therea milliontimes.Q:What doesthe manmeanA Heknows the route verywell.B Heoften getslost.C Hedoesnt knowwhere thehotel is.D Hethinks itsan expensivehotel.The keyinformation here“I havebeen therea milliontimes.^implies theman knowstherouteverywell.
4.M:Do youthinkthe price ofour mealswill goup nexttermW:There isno questionabout it.Q:What doesthe womanmeanA Theycan wait and see.B Theywill pay higher prices formeals next semester.C Theycan asksomeone elsethis question.D Theycan havedinner together.The keyphrase“no question”means“no doubt,which impliesthe woman is surethe priceof themealswill goup,i.e.they willpayhigherpricesformealsnextsemester.
5.W:Bill thinksyou shouldntuseyourgood knifeto fix that.M:Why shouldhe careIts not his knife.Q:What doesthemanmeanA Billdoesnt takegood careof knives.B Itsnone ofBills business.C Hewants tofind abetter tool.Part TwoListening TasksTaskOne ShortConversationsDirections:You willhear tenshort conversations,attheendofeach conversation,aquestionwill beaskedabout whatwas said.Listen carefullyand choosethe bestanswer toeachquestionyouhear.
1.M:I raninto Dellathe otherday.Do youstill rememberherW:Yeah.She wasso popularamong boyswhen wewere inthe highschool.Well,is shestill veryslimQ:Which ofthe followingstatements aboutDella isTRUEA Sheused to beinpoor health.B She was goodat dancing.C Sheused to be slim.D Shedid wellin hersubjects.The woman345s questionWell,is shestill veryslim suggests that Dellaused tobe slim.
2.M:I reallyadmire himsomuch.Just readhis story in1972when hemet Nixon.He waswonderful!W:He wasnot onlya smart diplomat.He washandsome andversatile.Q:Whom arethey probablytalking aboutANixon.B DengXiaoping.C MaoZedong.D ZhouEnlai.Themanmentions hisstoryin1972when hemet Nixonand the woman agreesbysaying“hewas asmartdiplomat”.These remarksare veryimportant cluesfor listenerstoinfer that_they aretalkingabout ZhouEnlai.3M:Mary,you aresuch a good violin player.You dogive mea surprise!W:Oh,really Mostpeoplewho meet me dont think Im a violin player,including myfriends.Q:What dowe learn from the conversationA The woman doesntlook likea violinplayer.B Most ofthe womans friendsare violinplayers.C Mostpeople sharethe mansopinion.D Theman doubtsthe womansability as a violinplayer.By saying“most peoplewhomeetmedont thinkImaviolinplayer,the womanimplies thatshedoesnt looklikeaviolinplayer.
4.M:Excuse me,I amlooking forthe textbookby Prof.Jordan forthe marketingcourse.W:I amafraid itsout ofstock.Youll haveto orderitandwait foranother threeweeks.Q:Where didthe conversationmost likelytakeplaceAAt a bookstore.B In a readingroom.C InProf.Jordans office.D Ata publishinghouse.The textbookthat theman islookingforis“out ofstock”,i.e.notavailablefor sale.This implies thatthe manis enquiringaboutthetextbook atabookstore.
5.M:What wasit likeworking withthose film starsW:It was a greatgroup and there wasnever aquarrel,and we hadagreat time.So I always gotmadwhen peoplesaidthat they werevery rudetothe staff.Q:What doesthe womanmeanA Itsunderstandable thatsuperstars dontgetalong.B Thesuperstars and thestaff got on well with eachother.C She was angrywith theother film stars.D Thefilmstarslacked thecourage tofight.The womanspraiseful remarks on the filmstars“agreatgroup,never aquarrel,wehadagoodtimeindicate thatthe superstarsandthestaffgotonwellwitheachother.
6.M:Did youwatch the7oclock programon Channel1yesterday eveningI was abouttowatch itwhensomeone cametoseeme.W:Yeah!It reportedsome majorbreakthroughs incancer research.People over40would findtheprogram worth watching.Q:What dowe learnfromthe conversation aboutthe TVprogramA Itwould helppeople of all ages.B Itwas mainlymeant forcancer patients.C Itmight appeal more toviewers over
40.D Itwas frequentlyinterrupted bycommercials.Thewomansays“people over40would findtheprogramworthwatching”,which suggeststheprogram miqhtappealmorete viewersover
7.M:I won the firstprize inthe NationalWriting Contestand Igot thiscamera asan award.W:Its awonderful camera!You cantake itwhenyoutravel.I hadno ideayou werean excellentwriter.Q:What dowe learnfromthe conversationA Themanisfond oftraveling.B Thewoman isa photographer.C Theman tookalotof picturesatthecontest.D Thewoman admiresthe manstalent iewriting.Themanshares the news“Iwon the firstprize inthe NationalWriting Contest“with the woman.The lattershows heradmiration bysaying“I hadno ideayou wereanexcellentwriter”.
8.M:How doyoulikethenewphysician whoreplaced Doctor AndersonW:He maynot seemas agreeableor asthorough asDoctorAnderson,but atleast hedoesnt keeppatients waitingforhours.Q:What canwe inferfromthe womans answerAShe dislikesDr.Anderson asmuch asthenewphysician.B Dr.Anderson usedto keephis patientswaiting.C Shedisagrees withDr.Anderson onmany occasions.D Dr.Anderson has been promotedfor histhoroughness.The womansremarkson thenewphysician“but atleast hedoesnt keeppatientswaitingfbr hoursimplythat Dr.Anderson kepthis patientswaiting.
9.M:Weve gotthree womenin ourdepartment:Lily,Tina andEllen.Do youknowthemW:Sure.Lily is outgoing andsociable.Tina isthe mosttalkative womanIve evermet.But guesswhat-Ellen is just theopposite.Q:What arethe womansremarks aboutEllenA Ellen isoutgoing.B Ellenis sociable.C Ellenis quiet.D Ellenis talkative.By sayingTina isthe mosttalkative woman.Ellenisjust theopposite”,thewomanmeans thatEllenis quiet.
1.M:Did youattend Alices presentation last night Itwas the first timefor herto givea speechto alargeaudience.W:How couldshe beso calmin front of so many peopleQ:What dowe learnfromtheconversationA Alice didnt seemtobenervous duringher speech.B Aliceneedsmoretraining inmaking publicspeeches.C Thewoman canhardly understandAlicespresentation.D Thewoman didntthink highlyof Alicespresentation.The womansrhetorical questionhow couldshe beso calm“suggeststhatAlicedidntseemednervous duringher speech.Task TwoLong ConversationsConversation1Pop StarsI.Directions:You willhear along conversation.Listen carefullyand choosethe bestanswer toeach ofthe following questions.W:Hi,Tom.Have youlistened tothe local radio these days Jerry is goingto cometoour city.M:Jerry Thelittle mousein Tomand JerryW:You makeme angry.Jerry isthe EnglishnameofYan Chengxu.You knowclearly heis myidol.M:Fm joking.So,heis goingtohold a concert inourcityHe isjust thesame asother pop stars.I knowtheyalways holdconcerts here andthere to makemore money.W:Now,hes quitedifferent fromothers.As afamous singerand actor,he lives a very simple life,thoughhis incomeis largeenough.M:Really Thats not easyfor such a handsomeand popularyoung singer.W:Yeah,besides thelife style,heisalso enthusiasticfor charity.M:Now Iunderstand whyhe hassomanyfans in China.W:Not onlyin China.Hehaswon thelove ofpeople of all agesin differentcountries.M:I see.Have youbought theticketW:Thats whyIm calling.I reallydonotwanttomiss theopportunity tosee himso closely,but itsquitedifficult to buyaticket.M:OK,I willbuy it for you.W:Thank youvery much!Questions:
1.Who isthe idolofthe womanA Thelittle mousein Tomand Jerry.B Yan Chengxu.C Alocalradiohost.D Theman.
2.Why isthewomanso excitedABecause thereisgoingtobea concert inthe city.B Becausemany popstars will gotothecity.C BecauseJerry isgoingohold a concertinthecity.D Becauseshe hasseen heridol justnow.
3.What dopopstarsalways doaccording tothe manAHold concertshereandtheretomake money.B Make alotof girlfriendsor boyfriends.C Helpthose inneed.D Composetheir ownsongs.
4.What makesYan Chengxudifferent fromother starsAHeishandsome.B Helivesaverysimplelife thoughhis incomeis large.C Hedonates moneyto charitythough hemakes littlemoney.D Heisvery popular.
5.Why isthewomancallingA Toinvite themantogotothe concert with her.B Totell theman therewillbeaconcert.C Toask themantobuyaticket forher.D Tosell aticket totheman.IL Directions:Listen totheconversationagain anddecide whetherthe followingstatements aretrue Torfalse F.
1.JerryisoneofYan Chengxu^fans.F
2.YanChengxuhas manyfans inChina aswellasin othercountries.T
3.The ticketissoexpensive thatthewoman cannot affordit.F
4.Themanwillgototheconcertwith thewoman.F
5.Its likelythatthemancanmanage tobuyaticket.TConversation2Steve JobsI.Directions:You willhear along conversation.Listen carefullyand choosethe bestanswer toeach ofthe following questions.W:Hey,George.You lookso down!Whats wrongM:Havent youheard thesensational newsSteve Jobsdied onOctober the5th!W:Jobs Youmean the founder ofApple Inc.It cantbe true!He justresigned fromthecompanythisAugust.M:He diedofakindofcancer.W:What apity!Hewassuchagreat geniusinourtimes.M:Yes.You know,he haslong beenmy rolemodel.W:Youve toldme.Without him,we wouldnthave hadaffordable personalcomputers.M:He changedthe worldin manyfields.He broughtthe conceptof beautyinto hisinventions.Thats whytheiPod,iPad andthe iPhonearesoattractivetoyoung people.Even thechildrenshould thankhim forthefilmseries ToyStory.W:As Iknow,hewas also veryhard working.M:Yes,even afterhe hadbeen diagnosedwith thecancer,he insistedon working.On March3rd heappearedintheApples new product releaseconference.But now...W:Come on,George.Dont feelso sad.Maybe,the bestway tocommemorate himistolive happilywithall the products he had invented.M:Thanks,Lisa.I willfollow youradvice.Questions:
1.When didJobs passawayA
0、October theB OnOctober the15th.5th.C OnAugust the5th.D OnAugust the15th.
2.What diseasecaused JobsdeathA Heartattack.B Cancer.C Stroke.D Highbloodpressure.A iPod.B iPad.C iPhone.D iTV.
3.Which ofthe followingproducts isNOT Jobs5invention
4.What didJobs doon March3rdA Hewent toaconcert.B Heattended theApples newproduct releaseconference.C Hewent tothehospital.D Heresigned fromthecompany.
5.What isthe bestwaytocommemorate Jobsaccording tothewomanAUse theproducts he had inventedhappily.B Buymore productshehadinvented.C Improvetheproductshehadinvented.D Inventmore Appleproducts.II.Directions:Listen totheconversationagain anddecide whetherthe followingstatements aretrue Torfalse F.
1.Jobs isthefounderof Microsoft.F
2.Jobs has been the mans rolemodel foralongtime.T
3.Without Jobswe wouldnthave hadportable computers.F
4.Children shouldthank Jobsforthefilm TheIncredibles.F
5.Even afterhehadbeen diagnosedwiththedisease,Jobs insistedon working.TTask ThreeShort PassagesPassage1An InfluentialWomanI.Directions:You willhear apassage.Listen carefullyand choosethe bestanswer toeach ofthefollowing questions.Katharine Grahamgraduated fromthe Universityof Chicagoin1938,and gota jobasa news reporterinSan Francisco.Katharines fatherusedtobeasuccessful investment banker.In1933he bought a failingnewspaper-The WashingtonPost.Then Katharinereturned toWashington andedited lettersin herfathersnewspaper.She marriedPhilip Grahamwho took over hisfather-in-laws positionshortly aftertheirmarriage.But foryears her husband sufferedfrom mentalillness andhe killedhimself in
1963.After herhusbands death,Katharine operatedthe newspaper.In the1970s,the newspaperbecamefamous around the world.And Katharinewasalsorecognized asan importantleader innewspaperpublishing.Shewasthe firstwoman tohead amajor Americanpublishing company-the WashingtonPostCompany.Inafew years,she successfullyexpanded thecompany toinclude newspaper,magazine,broadcast andcable companies.She diedof headinjuries aftera fallwhen shewas
84.More than3,000people attendedher funeralincludingmany governmentand businessleaders.Her friendssaid she wouldberemembered asa womanwhohad animportant influenceon eventsintheUnited Statesandthe world.After herdeath,theemployees ofThe WashingtonPost wrote,“The worldwithout Katharinewill notbe thesame atall.”Questions:
1.What didKatharines fatherdo beforeheboughta newspaperAA bossofapost office.B Anewspaper publisher.C Aninvestmentbanker.D Ateacher.
2.When didKatharines husbandbegin tomanage the newspaperA Soonafter Katharines father died.B Soonafter Katharinesgraduation.C Soonafter Katharinesfather boughtthe newspaper.D Soonafter hismarriage.
3.In whichcity didKatharine workasa news reporterAWashington.B Chicago.C SanFrancisco.D NewYork.
4.Why didKatharines husbandkill himselfAHe sufferedfrom mentalillness.B Hebecame bankrupt.C Katharinetookoverhis position.D Katharinedivorced him.
5.How oldwas Katharinewhen shediedA
84.IL Directions:Listen tothe passageagain andrearrange the followingstatementsaccording tothechronological order.
1.Katharine becamean editorin herfathers newspaper.
2.Katharine graduatedfromthe university.
3.She tookovertheposition ofherhusband.
4.Katharinesfatherboughtafailing newspaper.
5.Katharine becamea newsreporter.The correctorder:425]3Passage2The MyHero ProjectLDirections:You willhear apassage.Listen carefullyand choosethe bestanswer toeach ofthefollowing questions.The MY HERO Projectwas foundedin1995asaresponse tothe lackof positiverole modelsin themediafor children.Since then,this not-for-profit websitehas provideda platformfor peopleof allages tocreate,share anddiscover heroesthrough art,audio,short films,and stories.Now MY HEROS resourcesare usedby approximately10million participantsfrom over190countries eachyear.We havecreated avast globalcommunity thatpromotes peace,tolerance,conservation,and gratitude.Even educatorsuse The MY HERO Project inschools,libraries,after-schoolworkshops,and communities.To supportclass andpartner projects,MY HEROdistributes DVDS,booksand lessonplans.The MY HERO Project hasbeen developing over these years withthe following5goals.
1.Educate andinspire byhighlighting heroesaround theworld;
2.Encourage young people toidentify anddevelop positiverole models;
3.Build participants9communication andtechnology skills;
4.Facilitate bothindependent andcollaborative project-based learning;
5.Engage peoplein community activism andthe production of positive media.Ifyoushare ourgoals,we hopeyou511help supportMYHERO’S development.Donations fromindividuals,foundations,and organizationskeep thiseducational projectcommercial-free andaccessibleto all.Questions:
1.When wasTheMYHEROProjectfoundedA In
1995.B In
1959.C In
1919.D In
2.Who arethe targetvisitors ofthe MYHERO websiteAChildren.B Parents.C Peopleofallages.D Heroes.
3.How manyparticipants useMYHEROeachyearnowA About1,000,
000.B About1,900,
000.C About10,000,
000.D About19,000,
4.Which ofthe followingisNOTmentioned tobe distributedby MYHEROA DVDs.B Books.C Lessonplans.D Educators.
5.How didMYHEROget moneyto keepitself runningAAdvertisements.B Donations.C Salesof resources.D Registrationfees.II.Directions:Listen tothe passageagain andfill inthe blankswiththeinformation youhear.The MYHEROProjecthasbeendevelopingovertheseyearswiththefollowing5goals.
1.1Educate and2inspire byhighlighting heroesaroundtheworld;
2.Encourage youngpeopleto3identify and4develop positiverole models;
3.Build participants95communication and6technology skills;
4.7Facilitate both8independent andcollaborative project-based learning;
5.Engage peoplein9communityactivismandthe10productionofpositivemedia.Part FourTesting YourselfI.Directions:You willhear along conversation.Listen carefullyand choosethe bestanswer toeachquestionyouhear.M:I willmake a speech inthe classroomtomorrow morning.W:Really You know Ihate to stand infrontofsomanypeople,andIalways feelvery embarrassedandforget what to say.I evendontknowhow tostand properly.M:Sometimes Imay getnervous too.But when I startto speak,I willbecome relaxedand talkfluently.W:Yes,that issomething Ishould learnfrom you,that is,self-confidence.Well,how doyou usuallyprepareyour speechM:ril disappointyou,Im afraid.I dontwrite everyword ofmy speech,just anoutline.W:An outlineAre youkidding Are you sureyoucanmake a speech wellonly dependingonaroughdraft ofmain ideasM:Absolutely.Youknowevery timewhenImakeaspeech,Ialwaystalkaboutthe mostfamiliar topicsinmy life,such asmy study,my workexperience,or somethinglike that.W:Thats agood idea.M:Mostofall,making aspeech inthe classroomisjustawayfor usto practiceour spokenEnglish,andI dontneed toworry aboutmaking mistakes.W:Youre great.You willsucceed intomorrows publicspeech.Questions:
1.What willthemando tomorrowmorningA Haveaspeechrehearsal inthe classroom.B Helpthewomanwith herspeech afterclass.C Giveaspeech intheclassroom.D Preparefortheclassroom speech.
2.Which isNOTmentionedasthewomans possiblebehavior whengiving aspeechA Feelembarrassed.B Forgetwhat tosay.C Notknowhowtostandproperly.D Closeher eyes.
3.What didthewomanwanttolearnfromthe manAConfidence.B Carefulness.C Diligence.D Passion.D Hewants Billto fixthe knife.The rhetoricalquestion“why shouldhe care“andthefact Itsnothisknife^are importantclues forlistenersto inferthemanthinks hecan decidewhattouse tofixthatand itsnone ofBills business.
6.M:Paul sayshedoesntlike television.W:Yes,but heseems to spend alotof time watching it,doesnt heQ:What doesthewomanthinkofPaulA Hespends toomuch money.B Hebought anexpensive watch.C Hedoes liketelevision.D Heshould watchmore television.The factPaul seemstospendalotoftimewatchingitshows Pauldoes liketelevision.
7.M:Can yourecommend somethingthata school boy of seven or eightwill reallylike W:I suggestthis toy train,sir.Its anexcellent brand,verypopularallovertheworldthese days.Q:What isthemandoingA Shoppingwithhisson.B Buyinga gift fora child.C Promotinga newproduct.D Bargainingwith asalesgirl.The keyword“recommend”and phrases“aschoolboyofsevenoreight“,“I suggestthistoytrain“areimportant cluesto inferthatthemanisbuyingagiftforachild.
8.M:My washing machine ismore thanfifteen yearsold andithasworked justfine untillastnight.W:Youll neverbe abletogetparts fbrit,even from Japan.So itmight betime toinvest ina morerecent model.Q:What doesthewomansuggest theman doAMakeaprofitable investment.B Getparts forthemachinefromJapan.C Buyanew washing machine.D Havethe oldwashing machinefixed.“So itmight betimetoinvest ina morerecentmodel.impliesthatthewomansuggeststheman buyanewwashingmachine.
9.W:Why areyou goinghome thisweekendM:I needmy dadshelp tofill outthis loanapplication.Q:What willthemansfather probablydoA Helphim complete a form.
4.Which ofthefollowingisthepotential topicinthemans speechAHis futurelife.B Somethingfresh tohim.C Hispersonal experiencein learningEnglish.D Somethinghard toexplain.
5.According totheman,what benefitcan heget frommaking aspeechinthe classroomAHecanreceive thecompliments fromteachers andclassmates.B Hecanmakesome mistakeswithout beingcriticized.C Hecan show his confidenceinthisway.D Hecan practicehis spokenEnglish withoutworrying aboutmistakes.IL Directions:You willhear apassage.Listen carefullyand choosethebestanswer toeachquestionyouhear.Chinese agriculturalscientist Yuan Longping,78,wontheLifetime AchievementAward forhisoutstanding contributionsin developinghybrid rice.Named theFather ofHybrid Rice,”Yuan Longpinghas spentover50years inagricultural research.Hehasmadearemarkable contributionin solvingthe problemof feedingthe largepopulation ofChina.Yuan Longpingsinterest inagriculture beganwhen hewas stillin primaryschool.Despite hisparentswishes thathewouldstudy scienceor medicine,Yuan Longpingchose tostudy agricultureat university.After graduation,Yuan workedasa teacher inan agricultural school inAnjiang,Hunan province,wherehe startedhis researchon hybrid rice.In1974,Yuans groupdeveloped thefirst high-yielding hybridrice.This riceyielded20percent moreperunit thanother riceplants,putting Chinainthelead inworldwide riceproduction.Thanks toYuans persistence,now asmuch as50percent ofChinas totalrice fieldsgrow hishybridrice,yielding60percent ofthe riceproduction inChina.However,Yuan Longpingisnotsatisfiedwithhiscurrent achievement.In fact,hehastwo wishesforthenearfuture,One isto develop the Phase-Ill SuperRice,andtheother isto spread the hybridrice allovertheworld.nQuestions:
1.What isYuan Longpingknown asAThe Father of Rice.B TheFather ofResearch.C TheFather ofAgriculture..D TheFatherofAchievement.
2.When didYuan Longpingshowhisinterest inagricultureA Inthe primaryschool.BIntheuniversity.C Aftergraduation fromuniversity.D Afterhe becameateacher.
3.When wasthefirsthigh-yielding hybridrice developedAIn
1974.C In
1978.D In
4.How manyrice fieldsinChinanow growYuanLongping^hybrid riceA20%.B50%.C60%.D70%.
5.Besides thewish todevelopthePhase-III SuperRice,what elsedoes YuanLongping wishtodoATo havemore timeteaching agriculture.B Tobuild anagriculturalschool.C Tospread thehybridriceallovertheworld.D Tospend moretime withhis family.B Advisehim abouthis classes.C Lendhim somemoney.D Visitthemansapartment.Themansays“Ineedmy dadshelp tofill outthis loanapplication.This impliesthatthemans fatherwillhelp himcompleteaform.
10.W:My watchstopped again.And Ijust gotanewbattery.M:Why dontyou takeit toSmiths JewelryTheycan check itforyou.And theircharge isprettyreasonable.Q:What doesthemanmeanA Heknows whatis wrongwiththewatch.B Thewoman doesntneedtobuy anotherbattery.C Thewoman shouldgetanew watch.D Thewoman shouldhave thewatch repaired.The womanswatch doesntwork andthemansays“Why dontyou takeit toSmiths JewelryTheycancheckitforyou.This issuggesting thewoman shouldhavethewatch repaired.Task TwoLong ConversationsConversation1A TelephoneCall ofRenting anApartment
1.Directions:You willhear along conversation.Listen carefullyandchoosethebestanswertoeach ofthefollowing questions.W:HelloM:Hello,Im callingaboutthe apartments thatwere advertisedinthenewspaper thismorning.Are theystillavailableW:There weretwo,a three-bedroom anda two-bedroom.But thelarger onehasbeenrented out.M:Oh,thats OK.I wasonly interestedinthe two-bedroom.Can youtell mewhat itslikeW:Well itisquitespacious andit providesenough sunlightmost oftheday.It alsohas a kitchen withadining table,some chairs,alargerefrigerator anda dishwasher.M:Sounds good.The adssaid therent was525dollars amonth.Does thatinclude heatand electricityW:No,tenants haveto paytheir ownutilities.M:I see.What aboutparkingW:Thatsnoproblem atall.Each tenant has aparticular parkingspace,andthatspace istheirs aslong astheystay inthe apartment.M:Great!Considering howrent isthesedays,this seemsalmost toogood tobe true.W:Listen,why dontyou comeover tomorrow and havea lookril bethere allmorning.M:Fine.See youtomorrow,Ms....W:Green.Jane Green.M:See youtomorrow then,Ms.Green.Questions:
1.How didthemangettheinformation ofthe apartmentsAHis classmatetold him.B Hisfriend toldhim.C Heread theadvertisement iethenewspaper.D Hereadtheadvertisement online.
2.Which apartmentistheman interestedinA Thesingle-room apartment.B Thetwo-bndroom apartment.C Thethree-bedroom apartment.D Hehasnt decidedyet.
3.What doesthewomansay aboutthe two-bedroom apartmentAIts ratherexpensive.B Itstoo smallfortheman.C Ithas plentyof sunlight.DIthas awashingmachine.
4.What doesthewomansay aboutparkingA Eachtenant isgiven aspecified parkingspace.B Itsdifficult tofindaparking place.C Thetenanthastopayto park.D Thetenant canuse anyspace inthe parkingarea.
5.What isthemansreaction tothewomansintroduction ofthe apartmentAHedoesntbelievethewoman.B Hedoubts hecan affordit.C Hedoesnt thinkits suitablefbr him.D Hessatisfied.II.Directions:Listen totheconversationagain anddecide whetherthefollowingstatements aretrue Torfalse F.
1.Someone hasmoved intothetwo-bedroom apartment.F
2.The apartmentthemanis interestedin has akitchen.T
3.The adssaid therent was525dollars amonth,including utilities.F
4.Rent ishigh thesedays.T
5.Themanwill comeover andlook attheapartmenttomorrow.TConversation2A Debateon AdvertisingI.Directions:You willhear along conversation.Listen carefullyandchoosethebestanswertoeach ofthefollowing questions.W:Dad.Were goingto havea debateon advertisingtomorrowandI amontheaffirmative side.M:Thafs interesting.I wouldliketohear whatyoungpeoplethink aboutadvertising.W:Well,we wouldntknow whattobuyif therewerent advertisements.M:Yes,thats trueup toa point.Advertisements provideinformation thatwe need.If someonehas anewproduct,naturally hewants totell usabout it.W:Yes,and advertisementstell uswhich product isthebest.M:Do theyEveryone saysthat hisproductisthebest,or atleast triesto giveus thatimpression.However,some advertisementsmislead us,dont theyW:But itswe who can decidewhethertobelieve themor not.The moneyisinour pocket.M:Areyousayingthatadvertisements arenteffective Idontthinkthat intelligent businessmen wouldspendmillionsofdollars in advertising ifnobody believedadvertisements.W:Perhaps youare right,but afterall,we getsome information.M:Yes,but dontforget thatthey are often fullof misleading information andsometimes harmful.W:Do youmean wecant buythings thatare advertisedM:Yes wecan,but withthecost of advertising added tothepriceoftheproduct,we havetopay more.Questions:
1.When willthere bea debateAThis afternoon.B Tomorrow.C Nextweek.D Nextmonth.
2.Whafs therelationship betweenthetwospeakersA Studentand teacher.B Intervieweeand Interviewer.C Debaterand coach.D Daughterand father.
3.What rolewillthewoman playinthedebateA Debaterontheaffirmative side.B Debateronthenegative side.C Audience.D Judge.
4.Why dointelligentbusinessmenspend plentyof moneyinadvertising,according tothe manAThey wantthe customerstobuythebestproducts.B Theybelieve theirproducts arethebest.C Theybelieve advertisementsare effective.D Theirproducts arenot goodenough.
5.Which ofthefollowingisNOTmentionedasoneofthe disadvantagesintheconversationA Theyinterrupt TVprograms frequently.B Theyareoftenfullofmisleadinginformation.C Theyraise thecostoftheproduct.D Theyare sometimesharmful.IL Directions:Listen totheconversationagain andcheck«thespeakerofeachstatement inthe table.Statements Thewoman Theman
1.We wouldntknow whattobuyif thereqwerentadvertisements.
2.If someonehasanewproduct,qnaturally hewants totell usabout it.
3.Advertisements tellcustomers whichproductisthebest.
4.Its customerswhocandecide whetherqtobelieve themor not.
5.With thecostofadvertisingaddedtothe priceoftheproduct,customershave topaymore.Task ThreeShort PassagesPassage1World No Tobacco DayI.Directions:You willhear apassage.Listen carefullyandchoosethebestanswertoeach ofthefollowing questions.World NoTobacco Dayis celebratedeach thirty-first ofMay.The celebrationis meantto bringattentiontothegrowing useof tobaccoand itsdeadly effects.This year,special attentionis beinggiven totheharmful effectsof tobaccomarketing onwomen andgirls.The WorldHealth Organizationsays tobaccokills nearlyfive anda half million peoplea year-aboutone victimeverysixseconds.Tobacco usebecomes atop causeof deathworldwide.There areabout onebillionsmokers intheworld.More thaneighty percentof themlive inlow andmiddle incomecountries.The W.H.O.saysthetobacco industryhas increasinglydirected itsmarketing campaignsat womenandgirls.Women currentlyrepresent abouttwenty percentof smokers.Its worthnoticing thattobaccouse amonggirlsisincreasing.Data showthat aboutseven percentof younggirls nowsmoke.Thatcompares withtwelve percentof boys.In somecountries,however,the ratesare almostequal.Events areplanned ina numberof countrieson World NoTobacco Day.Manyofthe eventsare aimedatpersuading people,especially theyoung,not tostart smoking.Others aimto educatepeople aboutthemany healthbenefits ofquitting.Questions:
1.Why isWorldNoTobaccoDaycelebratedA Tobring attentiontothegrowing youngpeoples smoking.B Tobring attentiontothegrowing womenssmoking.C Tobring attentiontothegrowing useof tobaccoand itsdeadly effects.D Tobring attentiontothegrowing smokingin publicplaces.
2.To whomis specialattention givenon WorldNoTobaccoDay thisyearA Towomen andgirls.B Tosecond-hand smokers.C Toold smokers.D Tonon-smokers.
3.How manypeople arekilledbytobacco eachyear accordingtotheW.H.O.A Fivemillion people.B Fiveandahalfmillion people.C Fiftythousand people.D Fiftymillionpeople.
4.Where domost smokerscome fromARich countries.B Lowandmiddleincomecountries.C Europeancountries.。