1.It wasnot until1920regular radiobroadcasts began.A.which B.when C.that D.since
2.It Mikeand Marywho helpedthe oldman severaldays ago.A.was B.are C.were D.had been
3.She saidshe wouldgo andshe go.A.didnt B.did C.really D.would
4.It was the traininghe hadas ayoung manmade himsuch a goodengineer.A.what;that B.that;what C.that;which D.which;that
5.—Were allthree peoplein thecar injuredin theaccident—No,only thetwo passengerswho gothurt.A.there wereB.it wereC.there was D.it was
6.It wasnot until1936baseball becamea regularpart ofOlympicGames.A.then B.which C.that D.when
7.in1943the harmfulsmog madeits appearancein LosAngeles.A.Only...thatB.It was...thenC.That it was...whenD.It was...that
8.It wason theNational Dayshe metwith herseparated sister.A.that B.where C.when D.which
9.the1500sthe first Europeanexplored thecoast ofCalifornia.A.It wasuntil.....thenB.It wasnot until...whenC.It isuntil.....thatD.It wasnot until.....that
10.1n thisroom thatour firstmeeting was held.A.Just whenB.When C.Where D.It was
11.It waslast nightI see the comet.A.the timeB.when C.that D.which
12.It wasonly withthe helpof thelocal guide.A.was themountain climberrescued B.that themountain climberwasrescuedC.when themountain climberwas rescuedD.then themountain climberwas rescued〃
13.The ForeignMinister said,our hopethat thetwo sideswill worktowardspeace/A.This is B.There is C.That isD.It is
14.Was thatI sawlast nightat theconcertA.it youB.not youC.you D.that yourself
15.1twas he saiddisappointed me.A.what,that B.that,that C.what,what D.that,what
16.lt waswith greatjoy hereceived thenews that his lostdaughter hadbeenfound.A.because B.which C.since D.that
17.It is any wonderthathisfriend doesntlike watchingtelevisionmuch.A.no B.such C.nearly D.hardly高中英语语法倒装句强化练习题
1.We havebeen toldthat underno circumstancesthe telephoneinthe officefor personalaffairs.A maywe useB wemay useCwe coulduse Ddid weuse
2.Only underspecial circumstancesto takemake-up tests.A arefreshmen permittedB permittedare freshmenCfreshmen are permitted Darepermittedfreshmen
3.before wedepart theday aftertomorrow,we shouldhave awonderfuldinner party.A Hadthey arrivedB Wouldthey arriveCWere theyarriving DWere theyto arrive
4.right now,she wouldget thereon Sunday.A Wouldshe leaveB Ifshe leavesCWere sheto leaveD Ifshe hadleft
5.The organizationhad brokenno rules,but hadit actedresponsibly.A neitherB soCeither Dboth
6.as it was atsuchatime,his workattracted muchattention.A Beingpublished BPublishedC PublishingD Tobe published
7.for myillness Iwould havelent hima helpinghand.A Notbeing BHad it not beenCWithout beingD Nothaving been
8.I could not persuadehim toaccept it,make himseetheimportanceof it.A ifonly Icould notB nomore thanI couldCor IcouldnotD norcould I
9.We dontneed airconditioning,.A norcan weafford itB andnor wecan afford itC neithercan affordit Dand wecan neitheraffordit
10.for yourlaziness,you couldhave finishedthe assignmentby now.A Haditnotbeen BIt werenotC Werentit DHad notit been
11.-You likesinging anddancing.A Sodo IB SoI doCl doso Ddo Iso
12.Her motherisawarm-hearted oldlady..A Somy motheris B So ismy motherCIs mymother so D mymother sois
13.The fairystory SnowWhite isvery interesting..A Soit isB Sois itCit issoDis itso
14.You didntgo foran outingat theseashore..A Neitherdo IB Neitherdid ICldidnt neitherD Didneither I
15.Marx wasborn inGermany,and Germanwas hisnative language..A Soitwaswith EngelsBSowas EngelsCSo EngelswasDWas Engelsso
16.—Look.There.—Oh,there.A comes the bus;comes itBthe buscomes;it comesCcomesthe bus;it comesDthebuscomes;comes it
17.Not untilsixteen toschool.A he was;did hego Bhewas;he wentCwashe;he didgo Dwashe;went he
18.Not untilthe nextmorning.A didMary comeback BMary camebackC cameMary backD cameback Mary
19.Hardly whenit beganto rain.A hadhe gothome Bhe had got homeChadgothome heD hehome hadgot高中英语-数词语法练习部分
1.265is.A.two hundredsand sixty-five B.two hundredand sixty-fiveC.two andsixty-five D.two hundredssixty five
2./there willbe onthe streets,taking partin thecelebration.A.Octoberl;millions people B.ln Octoberfirst;millions peopleC.On Octoberthefirst;millions ofpeople D.On Octoberone;millionpeople
3.He hasbeen herefor.A.one and a halfmonths B.one andthe halfmonthsC.one and a halfmonth D.one anda half of month
4.The redshoes cost.A.one poundanda halfofpound B.one andahalfpoundC.one poundandahalf D.one poundand halfa pound
5.This tookplace in.A.a1030/sB.1930sC.the1930s678910D.the1930s
6.The heroof thestory isan artistin his.A.thirtieth B.thirty C.thirtys D.thirties
7.After thenew techniquewas introduced,the factoryproducedC.The LessonEleven D.Lesson theEleven
11.We aregoing tolearn nextweek.A.Lesson TwelveB.Lesson TwelfthC.Twelfth LessonD.The LessonTwelfthtractorsin1988as theyear before.A.as twice many B.as manytwice C.twice asmany D.twicemanyas8This riveris thatone.A.as three times longas B.the thirdtime asC.three timesthe lengthof D.threetimeslonger9We arrivedin Londonon.A.June seventeenBJune theseventeenC.The seventeenth of JuneD.seventeenthofJune(开头学习)10We areto takeup today.A.the Eleventh Lesson B.EleventhLesson
12.were blowndown inthe storm.A.Score oftree B.Scores oftrees C.Score oftrees D.Scores oftree
13.He soldof themagazine thisafternoon.A.three dozencopy B.three dozenscopyC.three dozencopies D.three dozenscopies
14.The librarianasked himto returnthe book.A.in oneday or two B.for one or two daysC.within oneday ortwodaysD.in aday ortwo
15.We heardthat hecould swimunder thewater.A.one minuteortwoB.oneortwo minutesC.two minutesor oneD.two orone minute
16.Two diedof coldlast winter.A.hundreds oldpeopleB.hundred oldpeopleC.hundreds oldpeoples D.hundred oldpeoples
17.--“How manychairs arethere inthe roomA.Are fourB.Are fivechairs thereC.Theres oneD.Theres achair
19.He isa studentof.A.Class FirstB.the ClassOne C.CIass OneD.First Class高中英语语法练习。